Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 157

Han managed to catch the evidence from that man who left while giving Tully money earlier. That man wasn’t a newcomer at all, but Han was sure that none of the other girls would have noticed. Neither would they have caught the whiff of blood that came out of that room once the man opened the door, but his enhanced senses caught it immediately. If he wasn’t mistaken, then this man lying on the table was killed in that room by that man and then dragged here after they all went to sleep.

The “why” was what Han was still trying to wrap his head around. His first thought was that they did this for the skills. Luring unsuspecting newbies into their demise and allowing other fuckers to come kill them and take their skills in exchange for money! It was a brilliant business idea if Han ever heard one. But the smile that he saw on their faces as they looked down on that man’s dead body. That wasn’t a business smile. That was just pure pleasure. Han had never been angrier in his life! These people were ruining his image of catgirls!

“W-What is this? Are these not people? Why are there so many people!?”

Rin Woo sounded like she was going to be sick any moment now and Han could understand her disgust. The room looked like something you would see in some sort of horror movie!

“For a moment, I thought you and Rina could be friends, but it looks like you are just as dirty as the rest of us. I won’t let my sister be corrupted by your erroneous tendencies, and I will never forgive you for taking advantage of her kindness to bring us here. Just burn”

[Ultimate Pyromania] has been activated.

Han spoke in a cold tone while looking at Millie and completely ignoring the woman that was still shouting for her husband. This entire room reeked with the regret and scorn of the dead and there was no way he would let something like this exist anymore!

“Wait! W-Wait! Let me explain!”

Millie tried to move forward to talk, but Han didn’t listen to her. She was completely shocked when she noticed the amount of power that he was about to unleash! Was this man not a newcomer!? How is he so strong!? But even if he is strong, why would he kill them for something like this!? They weren’t just killing people, they were doing it for a reason! But before she could even say anything more, the flames soared across the room.


Han burned everything and everyone.

Her name was Leona. A lion feline from planet FZ-112112. Otherwise known as Terracotta. She was the lone silver Star that came into the Temple recently and she couldn’t have been more proud of that fact.

You see, Leona wasn’t always strong. In her world, where people were only judged by how much strength they possessed, Leona was one of the weakest of them. She wasn’t an orphan nor was she sick, but she was a female, and on Terracotta, females were always weaker than the males.

Males were the ultimate power in her world. They would go hunt for food and protect the pack. A strong male would have his pickings of female mates and this fact disgusted Leona. It was not her fault she was weak! She was born with these lanky arms and weak bones! How can they just say it is her destiny to act like farm produce that is meant to be picked! She would never accept it!

But there was nothing Leona could do about it. Her fate was not kind to her, and with how beautiful she was – with golden hair and a bountiful chest! – she knew that a time would come when she would have to give up her freedom and follow one of those men back to their pride.

And then, her system activated. It was like a fever dream for Leona. For a long time, she literally didn’t believe that it was real. What was this number? What do they mean I would have to save my world from threats? Was someone trying to pull my legs?

But all of Leona’s doubts were washed away once she went on her first jump. It was exhilarating! It was freeing! For the first time in her life, Leona felt like she was in charge of her own destiny! At that point, Leona swore that no one would ever take control of her! There would be no one stronger than her as long as she lived!

And so, when she got the opportunity to leave her world and move to the Temple, there was really no choice to be made. She left behind her people and decided that she wanted to forge a new path for herself. The people on her planet were so stuck in their traditional beliefs, and Leona could clearly see the scorn they held in their eyes when she tried to change anything they were already accustomed to. She tried to give the women their freedom and prevent the subjugation of the weak, but they were not happy about it! It was like these people enjoyed suffering!

So Leona left them to their stupid ways and went to the Temple. Once she got there, she could already tell that she was one of the strongest here. She had a skill that came to her system because of her lion heritage called [Scanner]. It allowed her to scan the immediate environment and test out the strength levels of everyone. Leona was terribly disappointed by them all. None of them were that strong.

But then something happened that made Leona question if her skill was working properly or not. There was a flash of power. It just came and went so quickly that she almost didn’t catch it! Once that flash left, Leona saw a man jumping down from the cliff with some women behind him. She scanned again and she didn’t feel anything too strong from the man. Maybe it was just a fluke? Or maybe the thing that caused that flash of power already left?

Leona decided to ignore it and focused on the Celestial that appeared before them. He told them a lot about this place and Leona was again irritated at the fact that power was the sole means of surviving here. But she had power now so it didn’t matter anymore. There was no way she would let anyone walk over her!

When they got their Stars and she saw that she was the only silver Star around, she couldn’t help the amount of pride she felt at that moment! This was good! This means she was already on her way to becoming the strongest here! She would start now to move even faster so no one would be able to match her ever again!

She then saw that the man from earlier had a white Star and she was a bit confused. How can he have a Star without color?

The next thing that happened almost made Leona question – for the second time – if her system was working properly or not. The Celestial in front of them released a mighty amount of bloodlust that almost made all of them fall on their behinds, but that wasn’t what was so shocking. No. It was the bloodlust she felt before the Celestial overshadowed it with his own. It was from that man, and it was terrifying. Leona also had the bloodlust ability and she had used it to a very high degree in the past, but she knew that what she had was nothing compared to what that man released!

How can someone with only a white Star have this much bloodlust?? It shouldn’t be this strong!

Leona began to watch this man and tried to see if that bloodlust was just a fluke as well. It was possible that he just trained his bloodlust to a point where it would be too strong for anybody to dare try to attack him. Like a snail that has a strong shell outside but a weak body inside. If any predator saw the shell, they would think that it was really strong, when in fact it was actually very weak.

And so Leona watched Han for a long time and tried to see if he would do anything else that would make her know his strength. But it was all for nothing. Han didn’t even show the smallest amount of strength as time went on. It was like only his bloodlust was strong and every other thing was weak.

After they were sent out of that field, people from the Trinata Guild came in to look for her. It was a bit shock that one of them was a feline as well, but she figured that they must’ve heard she was a feline and decided to send people that would be able to relate with her better. The female was a silver Star, but the man there was a gold Star. Leona could tell that they were extremely strong and this alone cemented her stance with them. She wanted to climb this Temple as quickly as possible and become one of the strongest. If she could do that then there would be nobody that would dare to challenge her again!

Leona couldn’t help but keep her eyes on Han as she left, hoping that he would do something that would make her know if he was actually strong or weak, but he didn’t do anything more than talk to the little girl that came with him, so she left disappointed.

The two people that came to take her guided her towards a house on the first floor. They told her that she was one of three people that they recruited this time. Newcomers only came once every year, so it was normal for one or two people from the main guild to come down to the first floor to take them. The actual Trinata guild was on the twenty-first floor, and the newcomers would have to fight their way up to there if they really wanted to join.

Among the new recruit there was another silver Star. This one was a man with two horns on his head. A Dragonborn. He was tall and looked at Leona with a predatory gaze that made her snarl at him. The last of them was a bronze Star and Leona wondered why he was even there to begin with.. She didn’t know why they recruited him, but she was sure that if they did then he must have a skill worth talking about.

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