Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 158

The three of them were put to work immediately. The gold Star with them whose name was Roland told them that they would be going up to take the test on the tenth floor in a month’s time. When they asked about the tests on the first to ninth floors, Roland explained that those tests were not really tests at all. They were just monsters that even a bronze Star could defeat easily! As long as you don’t let them overwhelm you, then getting to the tenth floor should be possible in a week.

The silver Star woman who came to grab Leona then took them all to a large open space outside and told them that she would be in charge of their training. The other silver Star with them laughed at this. He didn’t think a silver Star should be trying to act all high and mighty to think she can teach other silver Stars.

“I’m sure you’re even weaker than me. If you want to train us, then call that gold Star here. He is the one I would be more willing to fight”

This was what the Dragonborn said and Leona could almost feel the annoyance rolling off Senna. But in truth, Leona was a bit skeptical about it as well. What can this woman who was the same Star level as her do? But those doubts were dashed all at once!

Senna was strong! So strong that Leona couldn’t even land a single punch on her! Even when all three of them worked together, they couldn’t land a single hit on her! Leona was sure that Senna used at least four skills that were past level one fifty in that fight and the woman didn’t even look winded!

So this was the difference in the power. Just because Leona and Senna were both silver Stars, that didn’t mean Leona was anywhere close to Senna in terms of power. Leona only had three skills above one fifty, but Senna must have at leave six or seven of them! Leona was now sure that she made the right choice to join a strong guild. These were the sort of people that could make her strong enough to stand at the top of the Temple!

That night, after Han finished burning and disposing of the bodies of those murderers, he went to wake up all the girls and brought them to the main room downstairs. He was a bit pissed that Millie and her mother didn’t have a system at all, but he guessed it was to be expected. They were probably just people that came here with Tully, and since they couldn’t climb the tower, they began capturing the newcomers so that the people killing them would get new skills for themselves in exchange for money. It was a disgusting thing to do, but Han couldn’t deny that it was the fastest way to get strong.

After all, he was doing the same thing, wasn’t he? He just had more sense not to do it like an idiot.

But Han also wondered what that badge was for. It didn’t look like something simple. Was it for some kind of organization? If it was, then was it possible that there were more people like Tully around the Temple? Han shook his head and decided he would think more about it later.

Once the girls were gathered, Han explained what happened and what the family there used to do. The shock on their faces was not small, but it was Rina that he watched extra closely. She already made friends with the daughter and he wanted to make sure she wasn’t affected too much.

When Rina asked Han what he did to them, Han simply told her the truth. He didn’t know if she would accept it, but there was no need to lie to her about it. It was almost like Rina wanted to cry, but Miss Kim suddenly spoke up.

“It was the right thing to do, right? They were killing people without them putting up a fight, and they would have done the same thing to us if Han wasn’t there”

Rina looked towards Kim for a moment before she nodded her head and sighed. Han could see that it would take some time for her to get over it, but she would get there. He silently thanked Kim with a smile and she blushed while looking away.

But now that this was done, the next question was what they would do about this house. Han already knew what he wanted to do, but he needed to make sure the girls were on board with it first before he went and did it.

Lily was the first person to say they should stay here for a while. She explained that it would be hard for them to live here if they didn’t have a place they could always come back to.

Han smiled at this suggestion. This was exactly what he had in mind! He knew that the chances of people fighting them for this property were high, but he was more than ready to kill any number of people to ensure no one tried to do that again. They needed a place not only for them to rest, but also a place they could make money.

Kim and Rina wouldn’t be going to fight with them. They were not as strong or enhanced as the rest of them. So Han was going to make this into a restaurant/house for them to take as their base of operations.

Once Han explained this to the girls, Miss Kim quickly shot to her feet.

“I can help!”

Everyone looked towards her in surprise and she blushed while sitting back down.

“I mean… I can help with running the business”

Han chuckled and Kim’s blush deepened. He already knew that she could do it. She wasn’t the most influential woman back on earth for no reason! But it would be good if he could find out who usually came here to kill the newcomers while he was at it. He wanted to deal with all the threats so that they wouldn’t have any obstructions in their path. Well, he could deal with that without them knowing. Let the girls just deal with this restaurant on their own and he would deal with his own part.

It was a bit shocking to Han when Kim suddenly grabbed Rina and asked for her help in running the business. Rina was blinking at Miss Kim and trying to understand why she would be asking her.

“You used to work at that restaurant before, right? And you even read business administration in school. I know you’ll do a good job? You can even help me draft up a business plan that can accommodate all of us!”

Rina was a bit overwhelmed to be the center of attention like this but Han knew that Kim was trying to bring Rina out of her depressed state. He didn’t even know that Kim looked up what Rina was doing in school. Did she do this for all of her employees, or was she only this knowledgeable about his life?

If it was just him, then he should have been worried about her being a stalker.

Kim suddenly sneezed. Was someone thinking about her? She shrugged and then carried Yue up to her lap when she asked her to. Lily moved closer to Han and clung to him by draping her hand over his neck. Han saw her looking towards his neck and he deadpanned. She was probably thinking about his biting him again. This crazy woman.

“Hey, you can hear her too, right?”

Han looked back when Lily suddenly said this and he saw her pointing towards their door. He nodded to her and Lily shrugged. If Han didn’t want to do anything about it yet, then so be it.

Outside the house, the hooded woman that followed them from the house where the newcomers arrived left silently into the night.


Over the next few days, Miss Kim and Rina became quite close as they began to prepare the business properly. Han found that the inn had a lot of money stashed away in different places and even though it would be considered blood money, he didn’t care about superstition like that. They used the money to clean up the house properly and Han made sure that neither Kim nor Rina saw the room where the excess bodies were kept by Tully. The only person that stayed with him to clean it up was Yue since she was already mentally used to things like this and her tentacles were very helpful in carrying the bodies out. Han used his Telekinetics to remove every layer of blood and then Lily froze the room before he finally used his fire to perform a last clean. Before two days were even over, they had cleaned the entire place up.

Han was happy when Rin asked around a little and figured out that the rest of the first floor in the Temple didn’t know anything about the dangerous business that the family was running there before. Many people didn’t even know there was an inn there. This meant that there was only a select few people involved in this business and it wasn’t a general thing that everyone on the first floor did.. It was now up to Han to find these people and deal with them.

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