Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 272

[Armament of Lightning] has been activated

[Protective Wall] has been activated

[Halo Shield] has been activated

Han activated his three highest large area protection skills and made them appear below him as they covered the army below. Quinthreath realized what Han was planning and he immediately began to cast protection skills above the army as well! Han is strong enough to destroy a planet so if he is trying to protect us from what he will do next then he knows it can kill everyone here! Even Ai wasn’t lost to what Han was planning and she grunted as she forced herself to form shadows over the entire army! She could feel her wound burning the more she used her stamina but it was the least she could do!

Once Han was done with the casting he saw that only he and Troy were left above the defenses. Han knew that he had a lot of skills that could destroy the meteorites that were coming. If he wanted to, he could erase all of them with a skill in the hundreds of thousands. But most of those skills would destroy the people below him because the attack would be stronger than all of the defenses set up so the defenses wouldn’t matter at all!

Instead. Han used something that he used against the scientist before!

[Angel of Destruction] has been activated!

Han was still not used to the feeling of wings on his back. I don’t even know how I can use it so normally since I got it. I never even had to train it. But I don’t care. It is the best destructive skill I can use here!

The people on the ground could feel the intense aura that Han was releasing and some of the white stars couldn’t even stand because of it! They just fell to their behind as they looked into the sky! The skill Han was about to unleash was at a level of 53,000. To understand this better, I think you should know that the meteorite skill that Troy used just now was only at level 25,000 and it is capable of destroying this entire floor. It is a skill called the planet killer for a reason.

But if that is the planet killer then what kind of skill did that Han just release!?

Han rose his sword into the air and for the first time in his life, Troy felt fear. He didn’t understand anything that was happening. This is another sword skill! This Han isn’t even playing fair! How can the Celestials allow a mage to hold not one, but two sword skills!? Why wasn’t I given any skill other than defensive skills!? If I had a higher attack skill then this couldn’t be happening! I am better than Han! I am the one that has done everything for those Celestials! I am their messenger and executioner right!? Then why aren’t I the one favored!? I have been here for longer than Han so why is Han the one gaining skills from outside his class!!?

Troy didn’t even hold any hope of surviving against something like that! Once he saw it he knew that this skill would kill him the moment Han releases it! He had to get out of here! If he can escape to another floor then he can survive for some time! This floor is big enough to hold all of Han’s power so he had to get out of here before Han attacked!!

Han barely pays any attention to Troy as the man began trying to fly away! Do you think you can escape!? You think this sword that killed a Celestial would lose to a mere mortal like you!? Fly all you want! Run like a slave and ask for mercy from the Celestials! Maybe in your last moments, you will finally realize that they don’t give a shit about any of us! They only used you as a pet because they only see you as a pet! And you even acted like one, you idiot!! You are the one that blinded yourself with your stupidity!

Even if Troy tried to ask for forgiveness now. Han wouldn’t accept it. Han didn’t need someone like this in his army. Anyone that can’t think for themself is nothing more than cattle!!

“Durand El!!!!!”



That was the sound of a nuclear bomb-sized explosion echoing across that floor!! Just imagine a nuclear bomb capable of destroying an entire planet and multiply that by a hundred! That is what Han’s skill felt like!!

The blast that was released from the sword created a blinding light and everyone had to look away as Han released it! Everything that wasn’t covered with the defensive skills from the three black stars was completely obliterated! Quinthreath could even feel the shield shaking and he wondered if it would break under the pressure from that skill! It is too strong! This kind of skill is too strong! If Han used something like this when he fought me then I won’t even be standing here anymore! Look at the sort of damage that explosion was doing to a shield made by three black stars!!

As the light began to die, down the people all saw that only Han was remaining up there. Han brought his sword down as he finally got the notification.

[Host has killed one Black Star. Host has gained 700,000 strength, 850,000 Stamina, 200,000 free points. Host has gained the artifact [Ultimate Defence]. Host has gained the wide-area skill [Shower From Heaven]]

[Devour] has been activated

[×10] has been activated

Han looked at the tabs as the various skills and EXP started to come in. Han wanted to check out the stats but as the exp started to enter the entire floor began to rumble suddenly!! Han held onto his chest and grit his teeth as he felt a deep pain pass through him! What in the world!? I feel like I’m going to burst!!

Unknown to Han, he has finally broken through the billion mark in terms of power. The number of people who possess power in the billions and trillions mark was not up to five in this entire temple and now Han has also broken into it! On a strange unknown floor, a giant eye turned in Han’s direction and let out a deep rumble. Whether it was a welcome or a promise of battle, no one but the eye knew! The entire floor below rumbles in unison with both Han and the power of the being!

Another being that had been asleep for close to five thousand years finally rose its head and opened its eye for the first time in that long! It could feel the power of the newcomer and it couldn’t help but be curious. How did someone like this suddenly appear! This being was the best sensor in the entire temple and it would always be able to tell when someone is about to break into the billion or trillion mark, but this newcomer just broke into it without any warning?

It was Hans [×10] ability that allowed him to level up so fast and break into the billion mark. After killing Troy and multiplying his rewards his skills immediately shot to the billion mark! But no one knew about this but Yuuma Anna Han!

The great being also let out a deep rumble in welcome as the entire floor began to shake! Right now, Han could feel that the rumble happening was in sync with the pain he was feeling in his body! He looked down and he saw that no one else could feel the pain, they only thought that the floor was shaking!

So whoever is causing this rumbling is aiming for me? What kind of beast have I drawn its attention? I can feel that it is unbelievably strong!

Only its rumble can cause me pain like this! What will happen if I were to face it one on one!?

It took a while for the rumbling to stop. The giant eye closed itself again and the great beast on the top floor lay back down as it went back to sleep. They did not need to rush things. With the way things are going that newcomer will come to them sooner or later. They just have to be patient.

Back on the gift ninth floor, Han breathed a sigh of relief as the pain stopped. Damn! What the hell was that? I have to find out more about the beings on the upper floors, they don’t seem like they’re playing around!

All the people on the ground didn’t feel the pain so they all thought the Rumble was caused by Han, even Gregory was looking at Han with wide eyes! The boy couldn’t believe the sort of difference between when Han left the former floor and now!

Han stared at the army of Troy and wondered what they would do now. If they tried something stupid like fighting for their dead commander then he would wipe them all out without mercy.

But the chosen in the temple were smarter the that! They weren’t idiots! Look at the destruction that man just released and you want is to fight him!? Are you insane!?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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