Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 273

All the soldiers under Troy began to drop their heads down one after the other as they became suppressed by Han and they surrendered! Han couldn’t stop himself from breathing out a sigh of relief. He really didn’t want to have to kill all of them! They would make good Cannon fodder – I mean soldiers! Don’t just say everything I’m thinking you stupid author! They’ll make good soldiers!

(A/N: Shut up Han, I’m narrating here!!)

Like I was saying, Han thought they would make good Cannon fodder against the Celestials, and killing them won’t really be a good idea right now.

Han began to float down to the mountain Quinthreath was standing on and he stopped in front of Quinthreath and Ai. Quinthreath bowed to Han as his King and Ai just managed to stop herself from bowing before she did it! I almost bowed automatically!

Han just looked so powerful at that moment that she couldn’t control herself! The person that he just fought was the same one that injured her and just look how easily he defeated him! No, this wasn’t a defeat! It was a complete annihilation! Han completely erased Troy from existence!! Someone like this isn’t even on my level! So this is the Han Luo that everyone has been talking about!? He is really a monster!!

Han didn’t bother telling them that he hated when people acted like this. He was still not used to the entire royalty treatment and he is still trying to not cringe every time it happens, but he would eventually learn to live with it! Han just spoke to Quinthreath.

“I’m tired. Is there anywhere here to rest?”

Han wasn’t really tired physically, but he was tired mentally. He has been on the upper floors for only three months now but he has already faced off against extremely strong people four times. He was so tired! I mean I haven’t even had a chance to eat good food in ages! I can’t even feel anything in my stomach, it’s so empty!! Ah, I miss my girls. Rina would never allow me to go this long without resting.

Quinthreath quickly looked toward Ai and she was even faster as she commanded a soldier to immediately show Han to one of their best tents! She hoped he didn’t mind the tent! The castle is too far away from here and all the other good places to rest were destroyed in that fight. I feel bad that I have to start repairing all the houses that they broke, but it is better than my people all dying to Troy.

The soldier that was taking Han to the tent was a young man that didn’t look anything above twenty although he has been in the temple for five hundred years already! But Han could easily tell that the man was nervous as fuck! His back was straighter than a rod and his steps were unsure! As if a single mistake will make Han kill him! He quickly showed Han to the tent that Ai had just been using and Han thanked him as he entered.

The man’s eyes widened! He thanked me!? The man that can erase this entire floor from existence just thanked me!? Ah, I think I need to seat down, I don’t understand anything about this temple anymore!

People in the temple were always used to the kings never looking at the lesser people, talking less of thanking them. Even the good kings like Quintheath and Ai would never bother looking at the lesser soldiers. They didn’t do it because they were pompous or anything. Well, okay, maybe that is one of the reasons. But it isn’t all! The kings were old and they have seen a lot, they just didn’t think there was any point in trying to be friendly with the people below them anymore. After you live as long as them while focusing on only one goal you stop bothering about such trivial things! How lesser people see them doesn’t matter anymore!!

If Han lived for as long as them then he would also care very little about things like being polite to those outside his family. Even now that he was this young it was obvious that he only cared about his family and everyone else was almost like background actors to him!

Han entered the tent and took off his coat as he sat down on the mat laid out there. It seems they were really in the middle of a war. There was a map of the entire region on the table where Han could see many war strategies drawn out. They were trying to fight back to the best of their abilities! For some reason, this made Han respect them a little more!

Unknown to Han, the news of his complete destruction of Troy the eighth king already spread like wildfire! Everyone and their best friend were talking about it! If not because of the way he fought but because of how quickly he became so powerful! People were wondering what kind of trick he was using to level up so quickly.

“Did you not hear? He killed King Freya as well and even had a hand in killing many of Quinthreaths people!”

“I wonder how he got so strong! Is that man a monster!? Why would he just start killing kings like that!? Didn’t they have an agreement!?”

“No, it seems Freya attacked him first and he retaliated! It’s not his fault! And you better shut your mouth about that unless his army hears you! He owns three territories now!”

“Wait three!? That’s right he also took Troy’s territory! Is that man trying to take over the temple!? What kind of rise in power is this!?”

“I said shut up! He’ll hear you!!”

This was the sort of conversation a lot of people were having and they couldn’t stop themselves from feeling fear whenever they spoke the name of Han. He was a newcomer that was destroying all the kings and they began to wonder who would be next!

The news of the defeat of Troy is so big that it even got to the Celestials! Yggrain was the one that got the news first and it was when he called on one of the people that he wanted to use and kill Han that he got it. The man was the current number seven in the temple! He used to be number six but Han’s recent increase in power pushed him down in the ranking and the man was no longer at number six!

You see, this man’s name was Ratte but those who were very close to him knew him as ‘Rat’ and it wasn’t just because he looked like a freaking rat with his mousy face and short stature. Ratte was number seven in the temple but in truth, Ratte was a coward! The only reason why he agreed to help Troy and Freya was that he thought this was a free ticket into the Celestial plane and he wouldn’t have to fight at all. He didn’t think it would even come to this in the first place! Who knew that Han would grow this strong this fast!? Nobody ever told him anything like this!! He didn’t join this group to fight someone that can erase people from existence!

Ratte joined Troy and Freya in trying to kill Han because he saw it as the safest way to enter the Celestial plane without a problem. If they just killed Han then they won’t have to fight anyone anymore! They can simply go into the Celestial plane! Ratte knew that some people entered the celestial plane like this. Unlike what the rest of the temple believes, nobody has ever won this temple before! Do they even know the kind of monsters that are living on the top floors! Even the third strongest monster on floor ninety-eight is unbelievably strong already that he can destroy entire galaxies without trying! If I told you what the strongest one is you would shit your pants!

No, no, no. I don’t want to fight something like that! It would take another hundred thousand years before I become strong enough to fight it and by then it would have become stronger as well! I don’t have time for that! I don’t even like fighting now!!

Ratte has been riding off the glory of his guild members for years. When he was on the lower floors he used to be a member of Alcatraz. That is why he was able to get so strong by killing people and taking their system EXP! But when he came to these higher floors three thousand years ago he realized just how out of his depth he was! Everyone was strong! Everyone was so strong he couldn’t even see himself touching them in a fight! But there was one saving grace. Ratte chose the Journeyman class. With this class, Ratte was able to start his rise to power slowly. He would appear on a floor and kill people before anyone sees him and then escape again. Slowly, slowly, he climbed the ladder and became one of the seven kings before anyone even knew what he did!

This method of rising in the ranks was frowned upon by everyone in the temple but Ratte didn’t care! He was a coward that didn’t want to be beaten up in a fight! He would rather ambush people and kill them rather than be beaten up!

So when Ratte heard from one of his soldiers that both Freya and Troy were dead he almost had a heart attack! Dead!? What the fuck do you mean they are dead!? I can understand Freya since she is weaker than Han, but what about Troy!? His defenses should keep him alive for days in a fight!? What the fuck happened!?

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