Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 274

Ratte groaned as he thought about what happened to Troy. How did that man die with all his defenses!? He was even erased from existence!? Ah, if only I had defenses like that. Troy was wasting such a good defense by entering fights all the time. He could have just used those defense skills to kill many people since no one can hurt you back! You would be so strong!!!

But how did Han kill him!? I always envied Troy’s skill because I know that even if I’m stronger than him, I can’t kill him without losing at least an arm and a leg in the process and I sure as hell don’t feel like losing any body parts so that’s why I’ve never tried to kill him! Troy is strong!

Was it that easy for Han to just destroy him!? And then what is all this about them saying that he was erased from existence!? Ah! My heart can’t take this kind of shock!? I need someone to talk to! Yes! Yggrain! Troy told me that Yggrain is the one who gave him this mission!

And that was how we saw Yggrain and Troy having this meeting. Yggrain was standing in front of the hologram of Ratte and frowning at him. Ratte frowned back and put up a strong front but on the inside, he was sweating like crazy! This is a Celestial! He is one of the strongest races in this Temple! I’m so scared! What if he gets angry and tells me to bring Han to him! I can’t even get close to Han right now because I’m so scared. I feel like Han will hear my nervous heartbeat from a mile away.

Hehe. But I wonder how many points I would get if I killed a Celestial. It’s probably a lot.

Yggrain narrowed his eyes at Ratte once he noticed the man was staring at him weirdly and Ratte squeaked and looked away! What the hell is he thinking!? He will be the one killed by the Celestials and not the other way around! Even a sneak attack won’t work on this man!

“What happened to the rest of your team? Tell me exactly what they did and how Han destroyed them. If you miss out on anything then I’ll have your head”

Ratte nodded quickly before he ratted out the entire thing he heard from his soldier! He didn’t leave out a single detail! By the time Ratte was finished, Yggrain could feel a vein popping in his head. If he wasn’t immortal, then he was sure that vein would have probably burst by now! He was so angry!

That useless man. How dare Troy just die like that!? Is he trying to spit in my face after I gave him such an important job!? I thought he was useful, but it turns out that he is just useless! Or is it that Han Luo is just too formidable for anyone to handle alone? I can almost feel the fear that this Ratte has for Han and it is like Han has become a legend in that time already.

Yggrain sighed as he thought about what to do next. He didn’t have any other choices other than to use Ratte. There weren’t any other people in the Temple that he could control like those three and now he has lost two of them! He had to get more people on his side. The creator still hasn’t permitted me to even watch Han. I think he is still angry about what I did before when I allowed the scientist to do whatever he wanted. He will make Ratte go and make more allies so that they can handle Han once and for all!

“You are going to meet the current number four in the Temple and tell him that I would like to meet with him. That swordsman is the strongest among you kings and if it is him, I am sure that he will be able to carry out the task without a problem. I want you to bring him here before tomorrow – what is wrong with you?”

That last sentence was said because Ratte was now white as a sheet! As Yggrain was talking, Ratte just kept on getting paler and paler the more he listened! And now he just looked like a white sheet! Yggrain wanted him to do what!? Is he mad!? Does he not know what they call that man!? He is called the ‘Battle Maniac’ because of how much he loves to fight!

If I even go near him, he will slash me once with his sword and I will just disappear from existence too!! I thought these Celestials were going to protect me but is this really how to protect someone!? You are sending me to my death!?

“Sir can I be excused, I believe I need to handle something in the kingdom. I won’t fail you and I’ll make sure to bring the number four to you! Just trust in me, sir! I’ll have it here for you before you even know it!”

Yggrain was shocked once Ratte said this before he quickly switched off the hologram and ended the conversation. Yggrain has never had a chosen end the conversation like this and he was so shocked! Is this really the new number seven in the Temple? He is stronger than Troy, but for some reason, I cannot feel any of the confidence inside of him!

Oh well, I can only wait and see what happens now. If it is him then I’m sure he wouldn’t dare to fail me! What, he might run away? What? That’s impossible. I’m sure he will not do anything stupid! Why would a king run away from a mission this easy?

Ratte was running away!

You want me to do what!? Meet the number four!? Ha! I’d rather take my chances with Han! At least he’ll just erase me from existence once and for all and that will be the end! That number four will actually want me to fight him! I don’t want to fight anybody! The one thing I hate the most is getting hurt and I know that I would get hurt if I even tried to fight the number four! Why do you think I chose the Journeyman man skill!? It’s because I love running away unless the fight is in my favor!

And so on that day the number seven in the Temple packed up his bags and ran!!


On the first floor, the number of fights that had been happening on the upper floors had already started to cause people to panic. For close to one thousand years the chosen up there haven’t gotten into any fights because of the agreement between the kings. The peace even made people to start thinking there was no one up there!

But since Han went there, there hasn’t been a single week without tremors traveling across the entire Temple! It was like earthquakes were happening every time! The worst one just happened a few days ago when Han released his [Angel of Destruction] against Troy. It felt like the entire Temple was going to collapse in on itself and everyone on the bottom floors were absolutely terrified! The ground rumbled and people were even falling over as they felt the tremors from the explosion! Was it the end of the world!? Did the Temple finally want to collapse!?

But those that knew what was going on up there weren’t that shocked. Han’s girls along with the guilds under Han weren’t that surprised by the tremors anymore since they got the message that most of it is caused by their leader. It wasn’t much of a surprise anymore! But today something that would be a surprise happened!

The portal on the first floor had a lot of sellers and merchants around it who were all trying to make a living for themselves. They were used to people that would go and clear higher floors and then come back down here to rest while passing through the portal constantly.

But today the person they saw coming out of the portal made them all stop and stare in shock! She wore a long white and pink gown with a small crown on her head. Her dress flowed with the wind and her purple horn showed that she was a Dragonborn.

Yana paused as everyone in the entire market stopped what they were doing and stared at her in shock! She came to the first floor today without talking to Han because she actually wanted to meet the other wives that her husband had before her. She had been thinking about it for a while and she decided that it wasn’t right for her to be with Han without knowing the other girls too! So one of her generals came along with her and the two of them arrived at the first floor today to meet the girls.

But with how the people here were dressed, Yana felt very out of place! She was wearing a royal outfit because she wanted to make a good first impression, but she felt like she might have gone overboard! No one here was wearing anything fancy! In fact, the clothes they wore were worse than what the servants in her castle wore! Yana was always surrounded by gold and silver since she was born into royalty so seeing something like this was a shock to her. She never knew what life was like on the lower floors till today.

She felt the general arrive behind her and this time the people tensed as if they were prepared to run! Yana wasn’t a chosen and she didn’t have a Star on her hand, so unless she starts to fight no one will know that she is even strong at all, but the general was a white Star and he had a stern look on his face. The last person that the people here saw with a white star was Han and he was more dangerous than a thousand gold Stars, so they all became wary when they saw this man was on the same level!

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