Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 298

Han was the first person to walk through the portal and once his feet touched the floor, a deep crack traveled across the ground from where his feet touched. Han narrowed his eyes. Dammit. Was he still too strong for this floor? Han knew that his power was already too high for this floor because the lower floors were made of weaker stuff than the upper floors. The floor would not be able to withstand the magnitude of power Han possessed. That was the reason why Han already used the [Ring of Invisibility] to reduce his power. But even with the ring, he is still too strong!

He floated a bit off the ground and decided that he wouldn’t step on the floor so that he doesn’t destroy the home of his guild members. Once he was through the portal, Gregory and the rest of the army also came through. Every single one of them was a white star and these were the ones that are making the guards fall in fear! The guards couldn’t feel Han’s power, but they can feel the power of all the soldiers! How is it possible for anyone to have this much power! The guards all knew that only one of those soldiers would be enough to erase their entire guilds from existence!!

Han looked towards Gregory and Gregory spoke up to the soldiers behind them.

“Half of you spread out and block every single part of this floor. The rest of you, come with me. We’re going to the lower floors,”

Han allowed Gregory to take over the instructions for the army as he floated toward one of the guards that is still on the floor. The man immediately recognized Han and he knows he is supposed to stand up so he could bow to the leader of their guild, but he couldn’t even feel his legs!

“L-Leader. Welcome,”

Han nodded to the man before asking him where Paravell was. The leader of the red rose redemption guild is the strongest person on these lower floors and if I want to get important information then he is the one that I will need to meet. The man pointed in a certain direction and Han narrowed his eyes when he realized that this was the direction to the house of the leader of the white rose guild. Why would Paravell be in the home of the leader of the white rose guild?

Han took off with one of his soldiers and arrived at the destination in no time at all. He could see that there were a lot of people around the tall tower where the leader of white rose usually stays and Han wondered if there was some sort of meeting going on.

“Look, it’s the leader!! He’s back!”

“Oh, it’s the leader! Did he also hear about what happened!? Is that why he is back!?”

“What a great leader! He came back to pay his respects! But I can’t even feel his power at all, did he do something to hide his power!!”

Things like these were floating about a omg the crowd at the bottom of the tower and Han narrowed his eyes. What the hell do they mean by that? What happened? Han floated to the tower and he saw Paravell putting a candlelight on the table beside an Urn. Han immediately understood. Who the fuck killed his subordinate?

“Paravell. Explain this,”

Paravell jolted in shock when he heard Han’s voice! He didn’t even feel his power at all! He immediately bowed but Han waved it away and repeated himself. He wanted to know what the hell happened here.

Paravell seemed a bit lost on how exactly to explain what happened but he just decided that he would say it like they found out.

“The leader of the white rose was killed along with some of his guild members. We don’t know who did it and when we went to the place where we found their bodies we couldn’t even feel any power there at all. His body was found in the cave of our god. He would always go to clean it out, for some reason. He was killed too quickly, I don’t think he was able to fight back,”

Once Han heard that they couldn’t feel any power from the person that killed the leader of white rose Han immediately knew that it was Ratte! Han only spared a glance for the urn resting on the table before he turned and walked out of the room! He didn’t have time to pay respects so he would come back some other time.

Han blasted through the air, and he quickly arrived at Dyana’s cave. Han went inside and looked around. He could feel that this place was saturated with Dyana’s aura. No wonder I could never find Ratte. He was hiding in plain sight and I was too blind to look properly.

Han saw some blood on the floor and he knew that that is probably where the leader of white rose died. Han immediately activated his [Almighty Overseer] and [Enhanced Senses] and the images in the cave cleared to an otherworldly clarity!

Han could see the footsteps of even the ants that moved through this cave now, so it was easy for him to see exactly what happened here. He traced the fight backward till he was standing at the exact place where Ratte killed the first person. Han looked down and he saw that there was a fluctuation here. Ratte used this shadow to move somewhere after killing everyone.

Yes. This is exactly what Han has been looking for all this while! Han has not been able to catch Ratte because he never even had a slight lead before. But now that Han has a clear idea of what Rate did last he can trace that bastard no matter where in the world he goes.

[Shadow Hunter] has been activated

A great black shadow bulged out from behind Han before falling into tthe spot where Ratte escaped through. Han just sent out two hundred shadow Hunters to follow Ratte’s trail. He narrowed his eyes as he waited patiently for them to give him some feedback. They should be able to track Ratte from his shadow. I’m sure of it.

The soldier that was following Han before finally arrived to see his leader staring at a dark spot in the cave with a lot of intensity. Did the leader find something in that spot? Maybe I should tell the second in command that the leader found something!?

Then all of a sudden, the soldier saw Han’s eyes sharpen before he took a step forward and disappeared into the shadow! Shit! Now, what am I supposed to do!? I’m not even a nightwalker! The second in command told me to look after the king when he is absent!

The soldier decided that it would be best to just go back and tell Gregory that the king found a lead and disappeared into the shadow. Maybe Gregory can follow Han faster.

Han left so quickly because he got a message from his shadow that they found something on a floor far below this one. Han used his shadow to pass through the portal as he made his way to the eleventh floor!


On the eleventh floor, Ratte was sleeping inside a room while chewing on a stick of barley. He has been hiding here for three days since he killed those annoying people on floor fifty and he is sure that this is his favorite floor! He managed to reduce his power with a mage artifact that he stole a long time ago and after he used a bandage to cover his black star, the people here all thought he was just a normal person that came to this peaceful floor to rest. Ha! They would go crazy if they knew that a king was resting in one of their rooms!

A woman was sleeping beside Ratte and he sighed peacefully as he enjoyed the feeling of calmness after sex. This is how life is supposed to be. It is so peaceful here. Maybe I should just give up on all this king nonsense and finally settle down here. This floor is peaceful enough that no one will ever suspect me and I can keep hiding from that Han Luo here. It is perfect! Yes, this is what he will do. Ratte always knew that he wasn’t really cut out for the entire political madness that comes with being a king after all!


Ratte suddenly jerked up from the bed as he felt an immense earthquake shake the entire floor that he was in! What the hell was that!? Hold on. I know this power! This is a power that only a king can have!

As a fellow king, Ratte was capable of sensing Han’s power and the moment Han appeared here, Ratte immediately knew that he was the one!

Shit! Shit! How the hell did he find me!?

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