Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 299

Shit! Shit! How the hell did he find me! Does Han have some sort of sensor!? There is no way he should have found me so easily! I have to get out of here! Ratte rushed to put on his trousers! He has to move fast! He wore his clothes and threw a gold coin on the bed so that the prostitute wouldn’t feel like he just ran away. What? He still has his pride as a king even though he is a coward! He would never leave her like that! She was amazing after all.

Ratte immediately ran out of the room and saw that the entire floor outside was still shaking! He could feel a great amount of power heading his way and Ratte didn’t wait for it to get to him because he knew that it was Han! Ratte just fell into the shadow and ran! But once Ratte fell into the shadow he felt like something was watching him.

Ratte scowled as he increased his speed and shot towards another floor! Maybe I’m just seeing things! There is no way that man can track me in the shadow! He is a mage and there is nothing he can do inside the shadow!

Ratte had no idea who he was dealing with! He didn’t know that because of his [Devour] ability, Han was basically the bane of every single class in this temple! He had at least one skill from every class!

Once Ratte reached the portal on this floor, he immediately noticed that there were soldiers from the upper floors there! How did they come here!? Did Han bring his soldiers down to the lower floors!?

Ratte felt Han’s power getting closer to the portal and he suddenly realized that Han was still tracking him! He couldn’t use the portals anymore so he immediately jumped out of the shadow as he activated his major skill as a journeyman!

Once the guards at the portal saw him they immediately tried to charge for him, but Ratte was too fast and he quickly disappeared from the floor! As a journeyman. Ratte could disappear from any floor and appear on any other floor in this temple. His class allows him to escape as many times as he wants!

Ratte appeared on floor sixty one and he looked about as he saw many adventurers looking towards him. This floor was one of his territories but it was mainly occupied by adventurers. All the adventurers stopped to stare at the king as he appeared. They were all shocked that a king was walking among them but Ratte didn’t have time to waste! He quickly started to move away from there but he was shocked when he suddenly felt a presence right behind him. No. That’s impossible! Ratte turned around and he saw Han flying towards him at great speeds! What the fuck!? How did he find me so fast!?

Ratte didn’t know that Han only needed one chance to put a tracker on him. Once Han knew that Ratte was on floor eleven, he flooded that entire floor with his Shadow Hunters and that was why Ratte thought he saw something watching him in the shadow. Now that Ratte had Han’s shadow hunters in his shadow then there is nowhere in this entire temple that he can run where Han can’t catch him!

The shadow hunters were more than just soldiers for Han, they were also tracking devices that could tell him where anyone was once he tagged them!

Ratte quickly disappeared from this floor and he appeared on floor fifteen. This is the floor that the cyclops and Dragonborn took as their home and Ratte quickly tried to hide in a Dragonborn village. There is no way Han would come here. Not only is this floor too far away for Han to sense me, but I’m sure that he won’t want to harm the people here by fighting me. Ratte was banking on the hope that Han would care too much about lives to come here with his high power!

But did Han care about something like that!? No! Han appeared in the sky of floor fifteen like an evil god and the people all stopped and stared ad they felt the tremors that were passing through their land as Han’s power threatened to destroy the entire floor!

Ratte could only look up in shock as he stared at Han. How does this man keep finding me!? Ratte wanted to run away again but Han blasted forward and grabbed him by the neck before he could do anything! Han and Ratte flew through the air and Ratte quickly put his hand up and activated the highest offensive skill he had! It was a lightening based skill that could release 10,000,000 volts of lightning at once!

[Raikiri] had been activated!

The lightning slammed into Han at point-blank range and Ratte almost smiled as he thought this would be enough for Han to release him from his grip. He would be able to quickly escape to another floor! But instead of Han’s grip becoming loose, it tightened till Ratte couldn’t even feel any air going into his throat.

[Armament of Lightning] has been activated!

Han scowled. What an idiot. Using a lightning-based attack when I already have a lightening based defense. Does he not have any brains!? Han pulled his other fist back and as Ratte stared at it he saw death in Han;s eyes!

“W-Wait!! Don’t you know I’m a king!? How can you attack a king!? You will definitely be penalized by the other kings if they find out – Hold on, stop! Wa – ARGHHHH!!!!”


The punch that Han released created a great vortex in the air as it sent Ratte crashing into the ground at a speed strong enough to break the sound barrier! Han flew down and slammed his feet into Ratte’s chest before reaching down and grabbing the bleeding man again!

That punch that Han released was with almost fifty percent of his full power! None of the defenses that Ratte had even stood a chance against it! Ratte was already bleeding from his mouth and nose and he now knew that Han wasn’t playing around with him at all! He really wants me dead! He tried to talk but Han didn’t give him a chance to even say a word as he released another punch!


Han didn’t give a fuck about the treaty signed by the kings right now. Even if the kings want to penalize me, who the hell will do it!? Almost all the kings are already under me so there is nothing they can do!

The second punch that Han released felt like a nuclear bomb went off right in front of Ratte’s face! His entire body flew through the air like a missile and slammed into a mountain on the horizon! The mountain rumbled for a moment before it began to crumble to the ground as it was completely destroyed by the force!

Ratte slowly pulled himself out from the rubble of the mountain that fell on him. This could turn out very badly for him if he doesn’t do something! Han didn’t even care about the treaty the kings signed! Han is really trying to kill me! This is exactly why I was running away in the first place! I can tell that Han isn’t even using this full power and look how helpless I am against him! He is going to kill me!

“Ratte! Get up! Get the fuck up right now!!”

Han’s voice shook the entire floor to the core as he shouted and Ratte felt himself shiver unconsciously. He started to stand up before he even knew what he was doing as he saw Han floating towards him slowly. Han’s eyes were narrowed in anger and his fist was squeezed so tightly that it was bleeding. No, wait. That’s not Han’s blood, it’s mine. Fuck. How much blood did I lose?

Han dropped in front of Ratte and grabbed him by the shirt. Ratte flinched once Han touched him and Han felt disgusted by it. This is a king? This coward? How can I share the same title as someone that doesn’t even know how to fight for what he believes in!

“Why did you run away, Ratte? Do you think I have so much time on my hand that you can lead me around the temple in this stupid chase!? Did you think killing my subordinate would be enough to throw me off your trail!? Did you really think that I wouldn’t find you!?”

Ratte couldn’t say anything back to Han. As far as Ratte was concerned, Han didn’t know anything about Yggrain and so Ratte couldn’t say anything about it. The main reason why Ratte ran away was because of Yggrain. Ratte was scared of Han, but Ratte was also terrified of both Yggrain and that fourth king that Yggrain wanted to recruit! Ratte didn’t want to do it! He already knew that the fourth king would never accept the offer from Yggrain but he also knew that Yggrain wouldn’t take no for an answer!

So just like that, Ratte was stuck between three immovable forces. Han, Yggrain, and the fourth king! How in the world was he not going to run away then!?

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