Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 300

So just like that, Ratte was stuck between three immovable forces. Han, Yggrain, and the fourth king! How in the world was he not going to run away then!? How did you expect him to face all these people that are putting pressure on him when all of them are stronger than him!? Any one of them can kill him le he is a bug!! He will rather run!Â

Han noticed that Ratte wasn’t going to say anything and his scowl deepened as he pulled back his fist.

“Grit your teeth, rat,”

Ratte quickly closed his eyes and grit his teeth tightly as he tried to prepare himself because he knew this punch was going to be stronger than all the others!



Fuck!!! Ratte’s eyes widened in pain and he immediately coughed up a lot of blood as Han’s fist dug deep into his stomach! Is this his full power!? I can feel my organs tearing apart! Ratte didn’t fly away because Han was still holding his shirt so Ratte could only stay in that same position and try to catch his breath.

Ratte has never bled in close to two hundred years and he has almost forgotten what it felt like to even feel pain. But today, Han was reintroducing him to the concept of pain! Ratte was feeling pains that he hasn’t ever felt in his life! Ratte fell to his knees once Han released him and he vomited blood! He couldn’t move! His eyes were blurry and his head felt like it would split open from the headache he was feeling!

Han bent down once he was sure Ratte was finished and grabbed him by the hair before pulling him up. He then spoke.

“Why did you run away. Ratte?”

“I-I was just scared of you-”

“Don’t bullshit me and don’t make me repeat myself again. Why’d you run away, Ratte?”

Han asked Ratte the same question and Ratte almost started to cry! He wants me to tell him about the Celestials!? This Han is a monster! Why is he torturing me like this! Just kill me already!

Han knew that Ratte was almost at his breaking point. This is exactly what Han needed. Han needed Ratte to fear him. Fear him enough to put him on the same level of danger as Yggrain. If Han is going to make Ratte into his double agent then he first needs to make Ratte fear him!

But before that, Ratte must tell Han about the Celestials by himself. Even if Han already knew about them, Han wanted to hear it coming out of Ratte’s mouth. Han knows just how much Ratte fears the Celestials. Telling Han about the Celestials will mean that Ratte fears Han just as much as the Celestials. When he no longer fears the Celestials more than me, that is the moment he will tell me.

Han pulled back his fist and Ratte’s eyes widened again as Han repeated what he said before.

“Grit you teeth, rat,”

Oh god. What kind of monster is this!?



On the first floor, everyone could feel the tremors that were traveling through the entire temple as Han dealt his punches to Ratte. Yana was already in the restaurant and all of the girls were sitting silently as they just listened to the tremors. They knew that this was Han, but they couldn’t believe it was causing this kind of destruction. Was he in another fight? It sounds like someone is trying to tear the entire temple apart!!

Rin took a small risk and she called on Gregory. She didn’t want to disturb Han right now because she thought he might be in the middle of a fight, but she hoped that Gregory would answer. Gregory responded through the shadow hunter once he heard Rin’s voice. Rin immediately told him to come to the restaurant and Gregory took a deep breath as he left the thirteenth floor and disappeared into the shadow. He knew exactly what Rin was calling him for and he didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell any of them what was happening here. It was brutal! Han was basically tearing Ratte apart! Putting him back together and then tearing him apart again!!

Gregory arrived on the first floor and told the girls that they should all stay indoors for now. Gregory didn’t think it was safe to go outside when the entire temple is shaking like this while Han was fighting. Gregory knew that Han wouldn’t want any of the girls to see him doing what he was currently doing, so he didn’t tell the girls exactly what was happening.

But Yuuma knew that Gregory wasn’t telling the truth. For some reason, when Gregory lied to the girls that Han was just fighting someone, Yuuma immediately knew that he was lying. Come on, she’s the smartest of them for a reason. How can she fall for a lie that is this obvious?

Firstly, Yuuma knew that Gregory would never leave Han in the middle of a fight. If it was a real fight, then Gregory would be up there with Han and he would be trying to help him! That means that Han is in complete control of what is happening up there. And that only lead to one conclusion. Han is torturing someone. Han is beating someone so brutally that it is enough to make the entire temple shake!

For some reason, this made Yuuma’s heart squeeze in pain. She knew that Han was going this far because of what she asked him to do. What sort of thing is Han doing just to keep his promise to her!?


Han and Ratte were still in the same position as before. Han was holding Ratte in a chokehold and his fist was pulled back as he delivered another earth-shattering punch to the man’s midsection! This time, Ratte’s ribcage shattered under Han’s hand and Ratte vomited an unhealthy amount of blood in pain! How many times have my body broken now? Ten? Twenty? Han just keeps fixing me and I lost count after ten times.

But even with this happening, Han didn’t bother to show any emotion. His face was impassive as he stared at Ratte.

Ratte had stopped thinking a long time ago. He couldn’t speak and he couldn’t even lift a single finger. He was going to die here. This Han is merciless! He didn’t even give Ratte a chance to escape even once! Ratte already resigned himself to his fate and he closed his eyes as he prepared to just die, but then something unbelievable happened.

[Renewal] has been activated.

Bones mended. Skin knit back together and even the pain in his chest reduced to nothing. Ratte suddenly felt like he could breath normally again and he took on a deep breath quickly! No, no! Not again! I’m fine again!? Just kill me, please!!

Han used his skill to return Ratte’s body back to the state it was in before. His skill worked on any injury that was inflicted less than ten minutes ago. That means that Han could heal Ratte completely no matter how many times he breaks him. Once Han saw that Ratte was completely healed he spoke.

“Alright then. Shall we continue?”

Ratte’s eyes widened as he saw Han pull back his fist and the man began to bawl his eyes out! No! Please, not again! He can’t go through something like that again!

“Just wait! Wait please! Can’t you see that I’m already broken!? I can’t even close my eyes without seeing your fist in the darkness! I’m scared of you now! What the hell do you even want from me!? Just release me, I swear I’ll answer anything you want me to answer! Please!!”

Han paused as Ratte started to cry and Han actually felt a little bit of sympathy for the rat. But Han wouldn’t let the tears fool him. He just asked the question once again. If Ratte can answer him then he will let him go.

“Why did you run away, rat?”

“The Celestial, Yggrain! He told me to do something that I couldn’t do! I didn’t have any other option but to run away! All of you just keep on flexing your power and using it to bully me! Can’t you just leave me alone!?”

Han sighed internally as he finally threw Ratte to the ground. Han’s entire hand was completely stained with blood and even his cloak and face were splattered with Ratte’s blood. Han called Ratte’s name but the man was still crying while mumbling stupid things so Han just stomped on Ratte’s leg and the man groaned as he finally looked up at Han. Han eyed him intensely as he spoke.

“Tell me about this Yggrain of a person. Just how much does he trust you? He must trust you a lot if he even sent you on a mission in the temple all alone,”

Ratte hissed in pain as Han threatened to break his leg if he didn’t answer!

“He trusts me a lot! I can say that I’m the only chosen that he trusts in the entire temple! I’ve been performing missions for him for a long time now,”

Han finally smiled as he got what he wanted. The smile was not a kind one. It was a vicious smile that made Ratte think that he just signed his death warrant!

“Good. Now listen very closely. I have something that I need you to do for me. The Celestials must never learn that we had this conversation and at the end of it you’re going to go back to your territory and act like a proper king once again. Do you understand? What I’m about to tell you must never get out of your mouth again. If you tell anyone, then I’ll kill you,”

Ratte gulped in fear. What the hell has he gotten himself into!?

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