Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 309

Ratte knew that this is the first thing Yggrain will ask him. Sometimes he hates being right! But what should he do here? Can he just tell the truth? I mean, Han will not be able to do anything to me if I tell Yggrain. Han will not even know that I told Yggrain! Han is trying to use me as a double agent but I can double-cross him right now!

And then Yggrain will kill me because I’m no more of any use.

This was the thought that passed through Ratte’s mind at that exact moment and Ratte immediately stiffened. He was right! If Yggrain realized that Ratte was compromised, then there will be no use in keeping him around. What use is a spy that was already exposed? It would just be better to get rid of the weakest link and try something else!

Is this why Han made me into a double agent? Because he knows that there is nothing I can do about it? If I try to get out of Han’s grip then Han will kill me and if I try to get out of Yggrain’s grip then Yggrain will kill me! Ah~!! I’m a dead man either way.

For the first time in his life, Ratte was realizing that he needed to choose for himself. He had to be brave for one. What should he do about this situation? Should he trust the celestials that have been using all of them? Or should he stand with Han and try to see if he can put his trust in him? Ratte squeezed his hand and finally made a brave choice!

“You already know about it, sir. Han was just trying to get my contract of submission like all the other kings. I don’t know what his plans are because he wouldn’t even tell me about them. He didn’t even give me a chance to talk,”

Ratte decided to stand with Han! He will rather trust in the mortal king of kings this time! For some reason, he knew that Han was the one he should be betting on! Yggrain looked at Ratte closely with a critical eye. He could see that Ratte was shaking a little and he was also sweating. But none of that was anything new for the coward. Ratte is someone that cannot even stand in Yggrains presence without shaking so Yggrain didn’t suspect anything. Yggrain sighed and Ratte became curious about the tired look on Yggrains face. This is too much. Is there something wrong?

Yggrain ignored Ratte and mumbled to himself.

“This could be a problem. Why is that Creator not even allowing us to go after Han? It is not making any sense anymore. Maybe I should go and talk to him again? And now even Paladin is going to the temple. What a mess,”

Once Ratte heard the name Paladin he stumbled! It was an immediate reaction born from an unconscious fear deep inside his body! Ratte knew Paladin! He knew that name and he also knew that there was only one person that can make Yggrain this stressed! No wonder Yggrain looked like he was so tired! If that head scientist came here then that means he is trying to go to the temple! Why!? What could he be looking for in the temple!?

Ratte squeezed his palms and swallowed as he finally decided that he should ask! It’s not like Yggrain will kill him for asking a question. Maybe.

“Y-Yggrain. Did you say, Paladin? As in the head scientist Paladin? The one that is praised as the most brilliant mind in the Celestial plane after the binaries?”

Yggrain looked up at Ratte in surprise. Oh that’s right, he completely forgot that Ratte also knew about Paladin! Ratte learned about the man when Paladin once came to talk to him. But why is Ratte asking about Paladin? This is the first time that Ratte is willingly asking me a question about anything? Yggrain hummed as he stared closely at Ratte.

Ratte subconsciously thought that Yggrain already found out about him being a double agent and that he would kill him right there but the Celestial just sighed.

Yggrain thought that maybe Ratte is just trying to be safe. He is a coward so he definitely wouldn’t want to run into Paladin in the temple.

“Well, Paladin decided that he is interested in Han all of a sudden. I think you should stay indoors for a while. Whenever Paladin gets interested in something people always tend to die in the thousands. The last time he was interested in something, the binary race was wiped out from existence,”

Yggrain said this and Ratte wondered what the hell is the binary race. Is it a race from the Celestial plane? Is that scientist so evil that he will even kill people from his own world!? What a mad man!! But if that mad man is interested in Han at all then there are only going to be problems in the future! He is not someone that you want to get on the bad side of!

Ratte nodded to Yggrain to show that he understands the warning. He is not going to go near Paladin at all! He is going to hide in his inner ring and stay there till all of this bullshit blows over! Nothing is going to make him leave his house.

If I don’t do anything, then Han will kill me!

Ratte had this thought all of a sudden and he could literally feel some of his hair fall out due to stress!! This stress is too much! It’s too much for a coward to be under this kind of stress!!

Yggrain finally allowed Ratte to leave and Ratte started to think about what he should be doing next. He has to warn Han about what Yggrain says! Even if it might be dangerous to tell him it will be even more dangerous if Han is caught unawares by Paladin. Okay, I think I’ll send a message through the shadow hunter before going to meet him in the castle. This shouldn’t take too long.

But Ratte was a coward and like a coward, Ratte wasted as much time as possible before steeling himself to finally go and do what he had to do. By the time Ratte finally decides to talk to Han, it would already be too late!


Han and his army arrived at the portal where they will be going to floor eighty. Gregory let out a tense breath and then nodded back when Han nodded to him. He was ready. Gregory was no longer a stranger to battle and death and this is just like any other fight for him! They just have to finish this and then they can go to confront the last of the kings.

The army behind Han was a little apprehensive. They were more than ready to go into the portal to fight for their king, but they also knew that they were going to fight the sixth king. The king that everyone says is a total mystery! No one has ever seen her outside of her territory before, It is said that the entire floor eighty is a mystical forest that is occupied only by elves. There are no other races there and only the elves are allowed to stay there. Some adventurers have been to that floor before and all of them say that it is one of the most beautiful places you can ever visit. It is so beautiful that you will not even remember what you went here to do! Those adventurers don’t even remember how they left the floor! They only knew that they fell asleep on that floor and they woke up on floor seventy-nine again!

Not knowing what they were going to fight against was a great demotivation for the army and Han knew it. Han hated to allow his army to go into a fight with that kind of mentality, but they need to do this. Han and Gregory would take care of the strongest opponents, so the army only had to deal with the other soldiers.

Before coming here, Han was able to get some information from Quinthreath about this floor. It seems that not a single person has ever died on the floor. It was a mysterious floor, but it was also like a peaceful floor. The king there was not the sort of person that enjoyed fighting and killing. She was sensible, in a way. So Han is first going to try reasoning with her. He knew that it might not work, but Han decided that he will try his best. If talking doesn’t work then fighting is all they can do.

Han started to march forward and the army followed after their king as they all passed through the portal. As Han and the rest of his army arrived on the other side of the portal, they were all shocked when they saw a large army of elves standing there. Almost a hundred thousand elves all held weapons of different types. Bows, swords, and even magic sticks that Han knew would help them to increase their magic output! A fair-skinned female elf was sitting in front of all the elves and Han knew that this was the sixth king immediately. She looked up at him with a smile.

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