Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 310

In front of the army of elves was a woman that Han will admit was extraordinarily beautiful. She had an aura of royalty around her and her outfit was a pure white gown that showed off her shoulders. Her skin was also flawless and her eyes were a deep shade of green She was a first-class beauty even among all the beautiful people that Han has already seen!

The field was tense and everyone was waiting for someone to say or do something, but after some time, the queen smiled at Han and he found himself relaxing a little. She doesn’t seem hostile, but I still have to keep my guard up just in case. I know she has strong mental abilities so she might be making me drop my guard so she can attack me.

The queen nodded to the space in front of her and Han figured she wanted to talk to him. Han told his army to stand back and he moved with Gregory toward the kneeling elf. Han stood over the female king and she looked up at him. Han felt his breath hitch. He was wrong when he said she was just a first-class beauty! She was far more beautiful than that!! How can a mortal being be this beautiful!? It is impossible!

“King Han. I have been expecting you. I didn’t think that you would come so soon but I suppose it is good that I’m ready. Won’t you sit?”

Han blinked slowly before he finally sat down crosslegged in front of her. He looked at the other darker elf that was standing beside her and Han blinked in surprise when the elf smiled at him with a toothy grin. Han could immediately tell that this dark elf was the right hand of the queen. The queen looked back at her right hand with a blank stare and the dark elf quickly composed herself. But once the queen looked away, the dark elf winked at him when he looked at her. Han blinked in surprise. What the hell?

“Please, ignore her. She is just an annoyance that won’t go away no matter what I say. Now, let’s talk about what’s important. I know why you are here and I also know what you have done to the other kings to get to this point. I cannot let you do the same thing to me and that is why I had to resort to these measures. You broke the treaty and I cannot trust someone that breaks the agreement of kings because of a little anger,”

The elf woman spoke up again and dragged Han’s attention to herself. Han could see the dark-skinned elf deflate when the king said bad things about her. It seems the two of them were very friendly with each other. The king was speaking in a clear and calm time but Han could tell that there was a lot of emotion hidden behind her words! It is like she really holds that treaty in high regard!

Han decided to talk to her since she decided to be civil.

“I don’t really care about the treaty. I wasn’t there when it was signed a thousand years ago. Why should I be bothered with it if I was never involved in making it? The only thing I came here for is you. The contract of submission will be beneficial to all of us if you sign it,”

The woman furrowed her brow a little once Han said this but she relaxed so quickly that Han almost missed it! She had very good control of her emotions!

The queen’s name was Aria and she had the title ‘the fairy king’. She is an elf that was born in this temple and has always lived here.

Aria breathed out a calming breath before she then spoke to Han.

“Right from the moment you came into the upper floors and fought Quinthreath, I already disliked you. Everything you did after that fight only lead to me disliking you more. Your solution for everything is violence. Your tendencies are irritable and barbaric. To tell the truth I refuse to believe that you are what this world requires to survive. Why should your ignorance about the treaty be any reason for you to break it? There is no way that you did not hear about the treaty from any of the other kings that you subjugated. I don’t want to be ruled by someone who only sees those weaker than them as stepping stones on their way to their end goal. What sort of future will my people have under you? Will you just use them as toys and then dispose of them like garbage when you are finished?”

That entire statement hit Han hard in the heart and he clicked his tongue in distaste. He never thought like that. Even when he was back on earth, he never bothered to use his power to mistreat others or use his power to trample over the weak. Why would she think something like that? The only reason I’m acting like this in the temple is that the temple is a dangerous place! In here, power is the only thing that matters! It is, kill or be killed! What choice do I have!? Should I allow all my enemies to live so that they can stab me in the back later!?

Arial was someone that has never been to any other place. She has always lived inside the temple just like Yana. Her entire life has been filled with the violence that the upper floors always showcase and she is tired of it. That is why Arial never lets any adventurer into her floor! She just hates violence! She has been living around violence all her life and she now has a distaste for it!

Han understood what she was trying to do but he thought it was bullshit! War is a constant in this world and also in every single world out there! Without it, nothing will ever be accomplished! Conflict breeds innovation and innovation breeds excellence!! It is something that every world in the entire universe believes in! You have no right to fool yourself into thinking otherwise!

“So what now? If I make a move your army will charge and if you make a move my army will charge. Is this what you want? You just want the two of us to hold each other at gunpoint and no one will ever get anything done?”

Aria had no idea what a ‘gun’ was but she still shook her head since she understood the basic meaning behind his words. That isn’t her plan at all. She wanted Han to come here so that they can have this talk, but she doesn’t want his army here. Aria said this to Han and Gregory tightened his grip on his scythe from behind Han. Gregory has been listening to everything being said and he already hated Aria! What is it with the stronger kings and running away!? Ratte ran away because he is a coward and this one is trying to run away from violence because she has some self-righteous attitude!

Do they live for so long that they lose their back-bone completely!?

Once Gregory tensed the dark elf beside Aria immediately tensed as well as her hand tightened around her spear! Han immediately put his hand out and told Gregory to stand down. Gregory was about to protest but Han only gave him a stare and the boy hesitantly calmed himself. Han knew that Gregory didn’t care at all about the elves and if Han gave the order then Gregory will charge in there like an angel of death! But Han didn’t want to fight Aria. For some reason, he knew that he could convince her just like he convinced Ai, the nightwalker king that Troy attacked! If he can get her to join him without fighting her then it will be best. She will make a good addition to his army.

When Gregory calmed down the dark elf beside Aria also calmed down and smirked at Han again. She seemed so calm that it was almost unnerving! Han didn’t like the way she kept on looking at him. Like she was constantly holding herself back from attacking him! She knew she would not be able to fight him and Han was sure he could kill her without even trying, but that didn’t seem like it bothered her at all! She just wanted to attack him for the fun of it!

“Gory, stop it. I’m trying to be serious here!”

The king suddenly turned around and glared at the dark elf while shouting this and the girl looked away with a sheepish expression. She mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘It’s so funny when you’re trying to act all serious like this, sis,’ and the queen blushed angrily!

The only reason Han could hear it was because he had super hearing and he rose his brow in surprise. So the two elves were sisters? He didn’t expect that! And he didn’t expect Aria to look so cute when she blushed! The tip of her ears was red and she kept on trying to make herself look serious again, but it just wasn’t working! Han couldn’t stop himself from smiling at how childish she looked!

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