Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 324

Yuuma was immensely angry as she spoke about the Celestials. Yuuma and Dyana managed to give a lot of information so the kings and Han will be able to use the information to attack the celestials properly! They now had information on all the races and even some of their weaknesses. There were some races that Yuuma said didn’t have any weaknesses, or at least Yuuma didn’t know any of their weaknesses. But Han was sure that he would find a way! Nothing is invulnerable! He would make a weakness if he cant find one!


As all the kings were finishing the meeting, Han kept his eye on Aria and Esteroth. Han could tell that Aria still didn’t like her father that much but she managed to have a calm conversation with him without doing anything rash! She asked her father for permission to bring all of her elf warriors to floor ninety since Han destroyed their floor and Esteroth agreed easily.Â

Aria was surprised by this. Aria didn’t think that her father would even agree at all! She didn’t know that Han already ordered Esteroth to agree to the request since Han knew Aria would eventually ask. Han was feeling a little guilty for destroying her floor and it will be good for the elves to stay here where it is safe!

Gory, on the other hand, did not like her father at all! She wasn’t even able to stay calm at all when she was near him! Gory was a complete menace and she refused to even be in the same room as Esteroth! Esteroth didn’t even look like this made him sad or even angry! The first time he met Gory, he was completely confused about who the hell she was. Who are you? That was the first thing he asked her and Gory almost released a skill right there! She was so angry at him!

Esteroth didn’t even remember that Gory was his daughter till Aria reminded him! Esteroth had so many children with so many women that it was a miracle if he could remember the names of half of them!! It wasn’t his fault! He was five thousand years old! What do you expect!? Even when you have a perfect memory, there are still some old memories that would get buried in the new ones! It happens!

Esteroth didn’t really care at all if any of his children hated him! He didn’t even know how many children he had! Esteroth has had many concubines and he also slept with way too many women for him to remember all of them! He had slept with so many women that sex was no longer even interesting to him! He would live like a eunuch if only he could fight strong people every day! Han thought the guy was just a Dick but he isn’t the kind of guy that judges another person like that! If Esteroth wanted to live that kind of life then it was his choice!

Yuuma had already made the bar at the mansion into her own personal hideout! Ever since Paladin came here she has been in a certain bad mood! Yuuma didn’t let anyone near her! Not even Dyana! The only person she allowed to come close was Han, and that was mainly because he was the only one that could mix her drinks for her! Yuuma knew that her people were already dead, but seeing them as androids really made her angry! Yuuma just needed some time alone to let eh anger cool down.Â

Han walked into the bar as he saw her trying to drown herself in drinks! There was a man standing behind the counter and sweating as Yuuma ordered him to mix her another drink! Yuuma had already drunk too much and the man didn’t think it was a good idea to give her any more drinks! The man was only a low-ranking black star and he didn’t know what sort of punishment Esteroth would give him if he refused to give drinks to the guests.

Once Han entered the man breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Han was the only one that could save him in this situation. Han waved the man away and the man scrambled to leave at once. Han looked down at Yuuma and saw that she had a whole bottle in front of her and she was emptying it like it was water!

“You’ll have alcohol poisoning if you go any faster,”

Yuuma turned around in shock to see Han! Han sat down beside her fluidly and Yuuma felt a little weird. When last did Han sit beside her at the bar? He was always the one mixing the drinks, so he didn’t even have time to sit down and talk beside her! Once Han sat down, the two of them were just quiet for a long time. Yuuma kept on turning the glass of alcohol in her hand and Han just allowed her to stay quiet for as long as she wanted. Han would be there when she is ready to talk.

“Paladin used my people to make his android army, they attacked me in the castle. They looked so lifeless. I could see them and they couldn’t even recognize me. Their minds were completely gone.”

Han sighed and he grabbed the bottle of alcohol before taking a long drink! He pulled it down after some time with a surprised expression. It was actually very good!

Yuuma chuckled as she let her head fall to the side and she rest it on Han’s shoulder. Han looked down at her and he saw that her eyes were red. She has been crying. Yuuma rubbed her face against Han’s body and then brought her hand up to his chest. She was happy that he was here. She just needed someone to listen to her and he was there to help her.

Her hand trailed up to his face before she turned his face toward her own and placed a deep kiss on his lip. Han could taste the alcohol in her breath and he now knew that she has been drinking for a very long time! It was like her breath was made of alcohol! Yuuma smiled against his mouth before she separated again. Yuuma could tell that the alcohol was too much and so she pulled back faster than she actually wanted to.

Han smiled back at her.

“We’ll get him, don’t worry. I’ll let you kill him yourself if you want, but just wait for me to finish this temple. You’ll have your chance to destroy him yourself,”

Yuuma’s eyes hardened as she thought about killing that bastard Paladin, but she sighed and grinned before kissing Han again! She didn’t know if she would have the chance to fight Paladin. Paladin isn’t the sort of person that she can fight on equal terms. He is too strong. But she would make sure that he suffered if they ever crossed paths! She might not be able to kill him but she will make his life a living hell!

“Han!! Han, where are you!?”

The two of them suddenly separated as a loud voice shouted out from Han’s shadow hunter! Dyana!? Han immediately recognized the voice! It was Dyana! Was something wrong!? Did someone attack the temple again!?

Han immediately thought that there was an attack and he was about to stand up, but what Dyana said made him stop in shock!

“Rin is going into labor!! Yuuma, get up here right now! We need you!”

Han felt his breath leave his lungs and his entire body shivered once he heard this! Labor!? But, it’s still early! There should be about two weeks before she went into labor! He made sure that he kept the calendar so he would know if she was going into labor! How can she be going into labor already!? Is it premature!? No! This is bad! Premature pregnancies are usually bad, aren’t they? What should I do!?

“Han!? Breathe!!!”

Yuuma suddenly grabbed Han by the face and he snapped out from his shock as he stared at her! She made him look in her eyes till he was breathing calmly again and she nodded at him. He didn’t need to worry. Rin would be fine! Pregnancies come early all the time and it is not any danger to her or the baby! And even if there is a problem, all the girls are there to help her!

“Rin will be fine and so will the baby. Just wait outside okay,”

Yuuma said this to Han before she kissed him deeply. She then started to run towards the upper floors of the mansion where Rina’s room was and Han followed after her immediately! He arrived at the room door to see Gregory and Yue standing outside as well! Gregory was carrying Yue on his shoulder and they both had worried expressions on their faces as they waited!

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