Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 325

“We need more water! Rina, get more bowls!! Kim, you need to hold her down and stop her from moving!! Yuuma, how does that x-ray look!?”

Dyana was barking out orders to all the girls inside the room as they all tried their best to help Rin! Han sat on a chair outside and he had his head in his hand as he waited impatiently for what would happen! He waited for a long time, and by the time it was evening, the entire hall was filled with people!

All the chosen on this floor already heard about what was happening. It was big news that the king of kings would be having a child! So all the kings came here to wait for the first child of their king! Even Esteroth was sitting calmly for once as he leaned against his large sword! Han would kill him if he made any noise here!Â

Esse and Cersai were sitting with Gregory and Yue while waiting as well and everyone was just tensed!

Han could feel his chest getting tighter as he waited! He could hear everything happening inside with his super hearing and he didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing! He could hear the screams that Rin was letting out as well and the orders that Dyana was barking out at the same time! This is worse than any battlefield he had ever been on before!

“Han! Han, I know you can hear me out there! I don’t want to do this again! If you ever do this to me again, I’ll kill you!”

Han couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face as Rin shouted at him. He was about to say something but she suddenly screamed while pushing! She was just trying to distract herself from the pain and she decided that talking to him was the best way to do that! Han spoke back to her softly.

“Rin, do you remember the first time we met? When you tried to sell me an air conditioner contract? I didn’t even think we would ever fall in love back then.”

Rin chuckled as she told him she hated him too. She thought he was only a young master that was spending his family’s money without any sense of responsibility. Han smiled at what she said

“I knew you didn’t like me and you were completely different from what I wanted in a partner. But right now, I can’t even imagine my life without you… I fucking love you.”

Han stopped here as he heard Rin let out a particularly painful cry! Dyana shouted that Rin only needed to give one more push! She was almost there! Rin shouted back that Dyana has been saying that for the past five minutes!! How many more last pushes does she need to give!?

Han let out a tense breath as he heard Dyana shout again. It was like an army general telling their soldier to keep fighting even when he was tired! Han ould only use this comparison to describe it.

“Come on, Rin!! Just one more!!”

Dyana shouted for Rin to give that final push and Rin finally held tight to Rina’s hand and let out a scream as she finally pushed!! The cry of a baby resounded across the room and Han’s face lit up like a Christmas tree!!! He stood up immediately and he could see the faces of everyone there were just as happy as his own!

Han couldn’t even wait anymore! He immediately entered the room to meet them! He walked toward Dyana who was smiling down at a bundled child. She smiled at Han when she saw him before talking to the baby in a cute voice.

“Hey baby, say hello to Daddy.”

Dyana handed Han the tiny thing and Han has never been more careful holding anything in his entire life. He had broken planets and destroyed monsters with these hands, but right now, he felt like he was holding a marshmallow. It was so light. He looked into the bundle of clothes and he couldn’t believe the amount of joy that filled him when he saw the tiny creature! His child.

“It’s a boy.”

Han let out a choked laugh as he heard Rina say this! Rina has never seen that sort of look on her brother’s face before. Han looked like he was seeing heaven right in front of him. Like he was holding the only thing that mattered in the world. Rina couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of Rin. Rina wanted to give Han something like that as well.

Han remembered that Rin said it would be a boy. So she was right! He looked towards Rin and saw her smiling at him tiredly! He grinned at her as he turned around.

Rin was shocked to see a single tear falling down his right eye! Throughout the time that she has known Han, she has never seen him cry before. He was too happy to even say anything, but Rin knew that he was thanking her. She smiled back as she fell in love with him all over again at that moment! He would make an amazing father.

“I told you so,”

Rin said this to Han and Han chuckled at her childishness. Rin smiled again as she stretched her hand out to take her baby. She collected the tiny creature and she looked down at him. He had a head of black hair and his skin and face were beautiful. Han put his finger in the baby’s hand and he was surprised when the baby squeezed down on his finger and he actually felt pain! The baby was strong enough to cause him pain!? Han knew that his son would be very strong!


Rin suddenly said this and Han looked at her in surprise. What did she say? Rin smiled at Han before looking down at their baby again. She originally wanted to name her son after his father, but she knew that it would just end up with him being called junior. Han was the only one of his kind and no one will be able to live up to the legacy that Han has created. She wanted her son to create his own path, so she decided to call him Arthur instead. The first son of the king. Arthur Luo.

“Can we name him Arthur? I know it’s not a traditional name, but it just feels right,”

Han looked at the baby and he saw how the baby released a low gurgle and snuggled against Rin when he heard that name. Han smiled as he caressed the child’s head. Yeah, it was a great name. My son, Arthur Luo.

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