Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 327

There was a meeting taking place between the ruler of the angels and his cabinet. They were all grandmasters but it was obvious that the ruler was stronger than all of them! He was an unbelievably handsome man with long blonde hair that flowed down to his back. His eyes were a pure blue and he had two angel wings folded behind him. He sat at the head chair and everyone there looked at him as he addressed them! His voice was melodious and calm as he spoke.

“We all know the recent development regarding the creator. It seems that he refuses to allow anyone to look into a certain chosen. I got some news that this might be because the chosen has the system that once belonged to the binary king himself,”

Shocked expressions rang across the entire table once they all heard this! They didn’t think that the Binary King’s system would ever choose anyone! It had been thousands of years since the binaries died and they heard that the king of Binaries was unwilling to bond with any of the chosen! Isn’t this something big!? Maybe the king is trying to do something through this Han Luo!? If the King refused to choose anyone that means he has been waiting for Han Luo to be born. What is so special about this man that the king would wait thousands of years just for him!?

The ruler of the angels was known as Raphael and he was looking around and watched everyone closely. He knew that this would be big news. Everyone here knew exactly how bad this is for them. If the king is trying to do something through Han Luo then they need to find out what it is! They cannot allow someone this dangerous to just walk around the temple without supervision! They need to be able to see him so that they will know how to prepare for him.Â

“Sir Raphael! There are some people here to see you!”

Another angel suddenly ran inside and shouted this to Raphael and Raphael looked up in shock. Who would dare to interrupt their meeting! Does the person want to die!? But his expression suddenly changed to an annoyed one the moment he saw the people that were entering. They were three people that were literally gliding on the floor! Their entire body was covered with a long purple cloak that also covered their head with a hood and none of their faces could be seen!

These were a race of celestials that were known as the seers. Their power was based on mythology and no one fully understood how they could do what they could do. Even the seers themselves only knew that they could see some distance into the ever-changing future! They didn’t know why and they don’t know what gave them this power! They had no faces and if anyone ever looked under their hoods they would only see darkness under there!

The seers came into the angel’s council meeting room and the head seer in front ‘looked’ at Raphael calmy. Raphael didn’t like the seers. In truth, none of the celestials liked the seers. The seers were able to see the future so it was impossible for any celestial to ever get an upper hand on them. The seers will be able to know if you ever try to attack them and they will plan against you and counterattack before you even get a chance!Â

It was too much power for any one race to have! Why would you have the power to see the future all to yourself!? That was unfair! But the other celestials couldn’t do anything about it!

After they aided the celestial plane in taking down the Binaries, The seers became closer to the creator and they were now untouchable. They had the creator’s protection, so no other race could even think of attacking them anymore.

All the seers were also ranked according to how far into the future they could see. They were ranked from:


Amateur Seer.

Internal Seer.

Grand Seer.

Over Seer.

The overseer is the ruler of all the seers and they were able to see years into the future at any time! There was only one seer that was an overseer and she was an older druid that didn’t leave her home a lot. She was millions of years old and so she didn’t bother trying to interact with the world anymore. She had already seen everything.Â

People usually think that just because the Overseers could see years into the future, they would never be surprised by anything! People think that the seers already knew everything about the future and they would never be in a situation without knowing exactly what would happen! But the truth is that their power was not absolute! Even a seer would not be able to see every possible future from every possible reality in the infinite spectrum of chance. The future is not set in stone and the vision a seer sees now can easily change in the future. This is why the Overseer didn’t always tell people the visions of what she sees. She knows that sometimes her visions can be wrong so she doesn’t want to always alarm people for no reason!Â

But these seers were here for a very important reason today! Raphael knew that they had to be here for something important if they were disturbing his meeting like that! They would never dare to come out to the angel’s home without a good reason! The seers and the angels were the most hostile of the celestials towards each other. The Angels despised the seers and the seers saw the angels as flying mosquitoes that just wouldn’t go away!

The seer leading the other two stopped once he got to the table and then spoke to Raphael.

“You don’t look like you’re happy to see me. Don’t tell me you’re still angry about what happened fifty years ago?”

The seer had no face, but Raphael could easily tell that the seer was smiling! It infuriated Raphael but he did give a fuck right now! He just wanted the seer to say what they wanted and get out of here! They were poisoning the clean atmosphere with their horrible presence!

The incident that happened fifty years ago was something that led to Raphael being humiliated by the Overseer. The old woman stopped Raphael from making two of his planets fight to the death because she said that she sees potential in the future of one of the two planets. The fact that she stopped him wasn’t the thing that made him feel insulted, but it was the fact that her actions made this into a big deal, and the creator was made aware of it as well. The creator intervened and Reaphal was ordered not to go ahead with his plan!Â

Me! The leader of the angels!! I was ordered around like I was her lackey! He is the leader of the angels and that old hag was trying to tell him what to do!! If the creator didn’t already say that he should spare the planets then he would have destroyed them himself just to spite her!

It just so happened that one of the two planets he was trying to make fight was earth. But Raphael didn’t know about things like that. To him, the earth was just another planet he could destroy anytime he wanted.

“Just say what you want to say. This has to be something regarding this Han Luo. Has your old hag – I mean, has your Overseer said anything regarding the future?”

The seer didn’t even care about the insult that his leader just got. After all, they were all older than a million years at least. Being called old wasn’t really an insult where they are concerned! The seer just nodded to Raphael before he spoke.

“Han Luo is not an entity that we can ignore. The overseer has looked far into the future and she is worried.”

Raphael chuckled

“Why? Does he kill us all or something?”

Raphael smiled once he said this as he thought it was a good joke. The other angels in the room also laughed, but they all started to quiet down when they noticed that the seers weren’t laughing. Hold on. You’re kidding!

“He really kills us!? Don’t play around with me! This isn’t a joke!”

Raphael slammed his first on the table angrily as he shouted!

The head seer there just shook his head. He knew that Raphael’s anger was justified but he shouldn’t just jump to conclusions like that. The future that the overseer saw wasn’t set in stone.

“The overseer says that she sees a possibility of a war between us and this Han Luo. He might be just a man, but he has the system of the king of binaries. We all know what we did to that race. We all know what ‘You’ did to that race, especially. So I came to warn you. Stay clear of Han Luo for now. His power is not to be joked with.”

The Angels all knew what the seer was talking about. Raphael was the spearhead of the attack against the binaries. The Angels were one of the strongest races in the temple and the binaries were the only ones that could challenge them before. But once the binaries were weakened by Paladin, the Angels were led by Raphael to attack mercilessly! If they were truthful, they knew that it was because of the angels that the binaries truly lost.

Once the seer says this they began to float backward till they left the room. The Angels in the room were all shocked by what he said! They didn’t ever think that Han Luo would be a serious issue, but their mindset was no longer the same! They now knew that Han could eventually become a problem!

Raphael covered his mouth with his palm as he hummed. He has to find a way to get rid of Han Luo!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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