Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 328

In the temple. Han was already enjoying the last days with his family before he would go through the portal for the upper floors. Han didn’t know what sort of test the portal had that he would need to pass, so he didn’t want to go there until he was sure that he had enough power to surpass everything the portal could throw at him. And that was why he spent so long on floor ninety. Well, there was also the fact that he was spending all the time with his son and wives. He was always accompanied by at least one of them all the time and he enjoyed himself to the fullest! They were all really clingy throughout that time because this is the first time Han has been around for so long!

But he now knew that it was time for him to go. Han told the girls that he would be leaving again to go to the upper floors and they were all hesitant to allow him to go. None of them could go with him this time and they didn’t even know if any of the other kings would be able to go to the upper floors, either. If things went how Esteroth predicted, then Han will be going up there alone! They didn’t want him to go alone! He needs someone to watch his back. Even Gregory will not be able to go with him if he doesn’t pass the test.

Han understood their worry, but he had to go. He already started this so he knew he had to finish it. And if he doesn’t go, then they will just be waiting for another Celestial to come and attack them again. Han wanted to get up there so he can open the pathway between the temple and the Celestial plane once and for all! Han is not going to let those Celestial hurt his family so he is not going to give them any time to prepare! He is going up there so he can bring the fight to them! Han told the girls a final goodbye on the night before he would go, and even if Dyana wouldn’t stop crying, Han was sure they understood why he had to go.

Yana seemed very conflicted that night and Han kept on wondering what the matter was. She looked like she wanted to tell Han something important but she didn’t have the courage to do it. After a bit of prodding, Yana finally confessed that she might be pregnant. Everyone was shocked when they heard this! All the girls were present when Yana said this and Dyana immediately rushed to ask her how! They always used protection so how the hell is she pregnant!

Yana then reminded Han about that time that they had sex when he was frustrated about Ratte. Han chuckled as he remembers how they destroyed the room that day! The servants could never look at him without blushing after that day!

Yana has been feeling weird since then but she never knew it was pregnancy till just last week when she puked in the bathroom

The gestation period for Dragonborn was a year, so Yana told Han that the baby isn’t going to be here for at least ten more months and he doesn’t have to change his plans for anything! Han was still shocked by all of this. He always suspected that Yana was pregnant after that day. She was no longer as active as she used to be and her mood was usually all over the place. He didn’t know if he should be happy or worried. They just had Arthur and he hasn’t even gotten to one year yet? How can they have two little babies in this short time! Lily will surely lose her mind!

Yana started to look very worried as Han was still not saying anything and she thought that he was not happy with her! She shouldn’t have told him yet! She has been waiting for the right time but with everything that has been happening, she didn’t know if she would get another chance like this. Yana was seated at Han’s feet and she was resting her elbows on one of his laps as she looked up at him, but when hehe didn’t say anything, Yana started to look to the ground. Han finally took her chin and made her look at him again. This woman really needs to have more confidence. I’ve always told her to look me in the eye when we’re together.

Han could sense exactly what she was thinking as he spoke.

“I love you and I’m happy. Don’t think that I’m not. I’m just worried that Lily will go crazy from having to take care of two children,”

Han chuckled and he looked to the side, Lily was biting her nail while muttering things about babies! Lily couldn’t believe she has to be around two of them at the same time! What the fuck is wrong with you, Yana! Use some damn protection next time!! Dyana immediately went up and jumped on Yana happily! She was probably the only one that wasn’t even a little worried about all of this! She knew that they were capable of taking care of two kids and she just loved children! With the number of wives that Han had, she was even surprised that there weren’t already more children!

“We’re going to have another baby!!!!”

Yana couldn’t help but laugh. She looked around and saw that all the other women were just as happy! Rin was sitting behind Han and hugging his back with her chin on his shoulder while smiling at her! Rina was sitting beside Han and Kim was on his other side and the both of them looked happy that another baby would be coming. Even Yuuma, who was sprawled on the bed because she drank too much gave her a thumbs up with a smile. She really loved this family.

The next morning, Arthur giggled as Han carried him up and Arthur used his small hands to grab Han’s face with childish glee! This is his daddy! Arthur was always like this when he was around Han! He always recognized his father and he would start playing with Han! He loved Han so much!Â

Han took a deep breath as he hugged his son! He knew that it would be time to leave his son someday, but he didn’t think that he would leave so soon. Han Kissed Arthur on the forehead and then he dropped him back into the crib. He told Rin and the other girls to take care of Arthur. Han didn’t know how long he would be gone, but he knew he would be back before his son grows up. He would never miss out on the important parts of his son’s life! He asked them to look after Arthur for all of them and they all promised that they would before he kissed them goodbye.

The last person he kissed was Yana and she blushed and nodded as Han told her he loved her. He told her to look after the unborn baby and she nodded as well.

Han and the kings all flew off from floor ninety and went towards the portal at the western part of the floor. The portal had a few guards standing around it! They were put there by Esteroth a long time ago to prevent anyone from going near the portal. He has seen people die from trying to break through the portal and it was not a pretty sight at all! They just imploded after screaming and Esteroth didn’t want that to happen again so he put guards there to prevent people from getting close.

The guards there were not surprised to see Esteroth and Han! They knew that the kings would be coming to try and pass the portal today so they only moved out of the way and allowed them through! Once Han got close to the portal, there was a deep hum that traveled across the space before the entire portal turned blue. Esteroth felt his eyes widen in shock! He has been trying to get this portal to open for centuries! How come this portal opened immediately after Han came near it! It is like the portal already knows who he is!!

Esteroth wondered if he would also be able to move through since the portal was now open. Esteroth put his hand out and touched the portal, but his hand only stopped a few centimeters before he could enter the portal. No matter what he did, he couldn’t go any further than this. It was obvious that the portal was rejecting him from entering at all! But once Han put his hand out and touched the portal, it immediately hummed again, and his hand passed through! Han closed his eyes in annoyance and sighed! He couldn’t believe that he was the only one that can pass through the portal!. How come he can pass through but Esteroth can’t!? What sort of test is this?

“Just go. I don’t think that the portal will allow anyone else to go through and there will be a lot of problems if we try to force our way inside. Make sure you come back alive, I don’t want to explain to your family that their husband and father is dead, that will be uncomfortable. I’ll look after the army while you are gone,”

Esteroth said this to Han with a hard look and Han nodded to him. He knew that Esteroth would lead the army well. Esteroth has only been interested in fighting all his life, but he also cared about his subjects. While Han is gone, Esteroth will be the leader here and he will protect all the soldiers under him. Han turned to Gregory who was standing at the side with a hard face. Gregory also tried to pass the portal but it didn’t even let him get close at all! He could only walk within a meter of the platform before he was stopped by an invisible force! It completely rejected him!

Han smiled at the frowning boy and ruffled his hair again! Gregory only frowned deeper and Han laughed as he dragged Gregory in for a hug! Gregory stiffened, but after some time he finally relaxed and hugged Han back with intensity! It was the first time that he was allowing anyone to get this close to him since he killed his family and Gregory knew that Han was the only person he fully trusted in this world! Han was like his father now and Gregory really hated the fact that he cannot go with him! Gregory grit his teeth and spoke to Han.

“You better come back. If you don’t come back then I don’t care what this portal says! I’ll tear it apart and come there myself. I swear I’ll do it,”

Han laughed again and he pulled Gregory back by the shoulders. He knew that Gregory wouldn’t be able to destroy the platform no matter how hard he tried. Even Esteroth can’t destroy this platform. But he was still happy that his son was willing to go that far!

“Don’t worry. I’ll come back. Look after your brother, okay? Don’t let Yue corrupt his little mind. You’re the older one so he’ll be looking up to you,”

Gregory nodded with a strong resolve! He would look after his brother even if it cost him his life! Nothing will happen to Arthur while he was alive! Han then turned to all of the kings and spoke to them together.

“I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, make sure that you’re training and getting ready for a fight. Strengthen the army and prepare them! The next time you see me, I’ll be coming here with the enemy behind me! So my army better he ready for war,”

All the kings nodded to Han and then Han turned and entered the portal to meet the first of the top three.

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