Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 33

The sound of sonic booms and the crack of walls breaking resounded through the small house. One side of it was already destroyed and the roof has a large hole in it.

Inside, Han was losing.

He couldn’t believe it at first when he started noticing the zombie’s strength increasing. He used up the last 6 free points to add 5 to stamina and 1 to agility. But even still, he was losing.

“Why!? What am I losing to this piece of shit!!!?”

The zombie’s attacks kept on getting faster and faster and Han continued receiving more and more blows from it. Han knew this could be a serious problem! He didn’t have any more free points to use! Han was getting desperate.

He dodged around the zombie’s slash and kicked it in the head. His blow made a deep gash to form across its cheek but the zombie didn’t even care about it. It grabbed Han by the leg and threw him into the wall on the other side of the house.

Han slammed into the wall and a deep hole formed there before he fell to his feet. He gasped for air and made sure his mask was not falling off. If this monster kills him here then would he not be a coward!? After everything he said he would do! How can he die from a simple zombie fused with the cells of that idiot Jin Tam!!?

Han’s blood boiled at the thought!

[System conditions met. Activating passive skill [Berserker]]


Han suddenly felt uncontrollable power surge through him, and at the same time he began to lose his mind! His thought became clouded and his eyes became bloodshot!

[Berserker – Recieve +100% boost to all attributes and lose -99% intelligence]


The roar of a true monster echoed through the house and the zombie realized it was no more fighting the same man. Han didn’t give it any rest and immediately attacked! His movements were like a wild animal on a rampage! He clawed and punched and kicked and tore! He did not give the zombie even a second to rest!

This was the true jungle justice!

Han grabbed a stone from the side and broke the zombies head into two before he climbed it and continued beating it until its head was nothing but a smear on the ground. The zombie raised its hand up o try getting Han off, but it was already done for. Once it was dead Han’s eyes immediately turned back to their normal black and he fell forward.

[You have killed one Carnivorous Zombie. You have leveled up twice to level 17. You have gained +10 free points. You have gained +5 strength. You have gained +5 stamina. You have gained +5 agility]

[Departure time:01:10:05]

Han opened his eyes a few minutes later and cringed as a headache attacked him. He definitely did not want to do that again!

He managed to drag himself to the wall and propped himself up. This house was not going to last any longer, even the walls were about to collapse. He didn’t have any need to go anywhere so Han decided he would wait out the time here. He began thinking of what he would do once he got back this time.

The first thing was that he would definitely not be signing that contract! He knew contracts were evil and this was his proof! He also needed to find a way to stop AeroDynamicity from going through with their plan. They were going to release the virus inside their home appliances and start the apocalypse. If he managed to get them to back down then he could prevent the appliances from getting to the public at all. Han needed to find a way into AeroDynamicity.

‘I know it is not a good move but I will have to use Rin Woo again. She will probably hate me for it, but I don’t think she would prefer to change into how she was in this future’

[Departure time – 00:25:03]

[Departur time – 00:10:30]

‘I wonder if Ping and Miss Kim are alright. Well, I guess I’ll see them later’

[Departure time – 00:00:30]

Han closed his eyes and then disappeared.

When Han opened his eyes again he was inside the void. He looked down at himself and he felt a vein pop in his brain. This woman is a pervert!!

This time he was only wearing his tight boxers and nothing else. Was this a new kink for her!?

“Fufufu~ How handsome~!”

Han looked up at her and he immediately felt his nose explode with blood! She was wearing a cat-girl outfit!!!

“I did not know if you would like it but I am glad I made you excited. Do you want to play with me master? Nya?”

Han had to turn his head away from her to prevent himself from doing anything rash! He knew she was joking! This was just a game to get him to react!

His little guy did not think it was a joke!!

‘Get back down right now!!!!’

The sultry woman laughed again and Han glared at her. He immediately thought of a shirt and trousers and they appeared on him.

“There are some things I want to ask you. Is there time,”

The woman looked at her wrist and sighed.

“I wish there was Nya~”

Han felt his eyebrow twitch again before he suddenly felt a pull in his navel and disappeared.

The woman smiled as her dress transformed into the usual gown. She missed him already.

Han woke up with a gasp. He was back in his original time again. He stood up from the bed but when he saw that the sky was still dark he fell back into bed as he began thinking. Tomorrow would be the start of his infiltration into AeroDynamicity. He couldn’t just think that not signing the contract would be enough. Han wanted complete control over the company or he would completely destroy it. He couldn’t leave any paths for the virus to come into his city.

And so the next day his mission began with his visit to the bank once more. Rin Woo was waiting for him when he came and she smiled as he entered the office. Han couldn’t even look at her smile! It was too pure! This girl would hate him once he was finished here today!

They sat down and Rin Woo spoke up.

“Did you look at the contract properly? I hope that everything there is to your liking. If you want we can go straight to signing the contract and I can leave”

Han brought the file out from his coat and dropped it on the table. He already started this so he was going to finish it.

“I can’t sign this contract”

Rin Woo was shocked!

“W-Why!? Is there a problem with it? I don’t know if there is a problem but I will surely change anything you don’t like!”

Han shook his head.

“I don’t like the contract basis. The fifth clause and the last article were leaning too much towards the contractor side. I want to talk to someone higher in the company!”

Rin Woo immediately frowned. This man was looking down on her. Was she not enough to complete the contract? She was more than willing to change anything he needed but those two articles needed the signature of the vice president to be changed. Was this man playing a trick on her?

Han saw Rin frown and he felt terrible inside. She was no longer the one he needed to face in this battle. The future showed just how much she was affected by the virus spreading from the appliances she commissioned. He would not allow her to feel that way again.

“I don’t know if I did anything bad to you. I can change anything you want but those two articles are very critical in the contract. You read it before and you said there was nothing wrong!”

Han nodded.

“I changed my mind. Are you trying to talk back to me?”

Han looked down at Rin Woo with a sneer and Rin Woo growled in anger. She thought he was different from the other young masters but she had been wrong! This man was worse than all of them!

“I… I will have to get back to you about the meeting. Please wait for a moment”

Han nodded and Rin Woo walked out of the office to call her boss. The person that picked up was the secretary to the vice president and she was able to get a meeting once they knew what it was about.

Rin Woo came back in and immediately picked up the contract. Han noticed she no longer smiled at him.

“The meeting has been scheduled for the day after tomorrow by 8am. Please be available”

Rin Woo bowed and then left the office without even waiting for Han to respond. Once she was gone Han groaned into his hands.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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