Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 34

Three days after Han met with Rin Woo and set up the meeting with the vice president, he found himself standing in front of his mirror in a sleek black suit that showed off his physique perfectly. He sighed as he turned his head to look around. He knew that if anybody found out a multimillionaire was living in a place like this they would have a heart attack. He needed to finalize his move very soon.

Han was now the proud owner of a 98 million dollar net worth. A sudden boost in the industry yesterday took his investments from the fifty’s straight into the ninety’s and he gladly transferred seventy million into his business HR Investments. He was going to use that to begin his company and go from there.

Han walked out of his house to find a group of people standing around and looking at something.

“That car is very sleek!”

“Do you think a young master came to visit someone?”

“It has to belong to that Miss Kim. I saw her here just the other day”

Han walked out of his house and pressed a button on the car key. The door opened upwards and everybody turned to him in shock! This was the car he decided to use to go to the meeting. A Lamborghini. He was going to move soon and begin his company so he needed to get used to a life like this.

Han entered the car, much to the shock of everyone standing around. They were wondering if they all didn’t live in the same neighborhood! Did this man steal from someone!?

But none of them had the guts to speak their thoughts out loud and Han just drove away in style.

He arrived at the AeroDynamicity building and was immediately greeted by a beautiful woman wearing an office suit. A valet collected his key and drove his car away to be parked and he was led into the building.

“The vice president is in room 55 on the top floor. He has been waiting for you for a long time now and he is very eager to show you more about our company”

Han nodded his head to the woman. Her voice was very pleasing and it was obvious she wás trying to gain face with him, but he wasn’t very interested in her at all. He wondered what Rin Woo was doing. Why did she not come to pick him up? Was she still angry?

“Where is Rin Woo? Do you know her?”

The woman was suddenly cut off when Han asked this. She smiled as she answered.

“On, Rin Woo! She is the new sales marketer we got six months ago! She is very good at her job and already rose in the ranks! But as of late she has been in a very bad mood so I don’t think it good to talk to her”

Han winced as the elevator door opened. He was going to see if he could talk to her later. That girl had a fiery temper from what he saw in the future and he needed to calm her down before it got out of hand.

He was led to an office and the woman knocked and opened it to allow him into the room. It was a wide room with a glass panel overviewing the city behind the vice president’s seat. The vice president was a handsome man with black hair and a kind smile. He extended his hand towards Han.

“Oh, it’s a pleasure to finally meet the new owner of the western estate. I hope you were treated properly as you came here”

Han smiled. He already like this man. He couldn’t sense a single bit of malice or annoyance from him even if this was a sudden and impromptu meeting. Truly a good businessman.

“No, I enjoyed the trip. Your secretary is very beautiful”

The man laughed and they both sat down. Han looked towards the plaque sitting in the table that read “Gou Young – Vice President”. He turned back to the man as he began to speak.

“So I got a call from my favorite sales executive that you wanted to see me for something important. I don’t usually accept meeting all of a sudden but it seemed like yours was very important”

Han relaxed back in the chair. He did not feel the usual nervousness that people felt when in a business meeting. He had been through hell just three days ago. This was a walk in the park.

“Yes, there were some articles in the document I thought looked very shady. I do not mean to insult you but I thought it would be best to talk about it before going ahead”

The vice president nodded before standing and walking over to his bar at the side. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured one for himself. He turned and motioned for Han and Han nodded. He poured another one for Han as well before coming back to the seat and dropping it in front of him.

Han drank the chilled whisky and sighed.

“I never do business without being on friendly terms and you seem like the kind of person I wouldn’t mind being friends with. You are a cautious man and I don’t think there is anything wrong with what you are doing”

The vice president took a drink as well when he was finished talking. Han nodded his head. He was happy that there was no hard feeling. That would have made this harder than it needed to be.

“So I read in the articles that there are three parties involved in this contract. You, the owner of the estate and one other person. How come nobody ever stated the name of this person”

The vice president smiled. What a smart man this Han Luo was! There wasn’t a single estate owner who even glanced twice at that article. They all became greedy once they saw they would be getting free appliances and didn’t even think why a small company like thiers would suddenly be giving out free appliances.

“I’m sorry but that is not something I can answer. The only person who knows them is the president himself. He is hardly around”

Han narrowed his eyes. What sort of president didn’t stay at his own company? Especially a company that was still growing.

“And when can I meet this president? I must know who I am doing business with”

The vice president smiled.

“To think that the new owner of HR investments would be such a cautious man. You are truly going to make waves in this industry aren’t you?”

Immediately the man said this Han’s eyes widened. How did this man know about his company? He hadn’t even made it public yet!

Gou Young smiled at Han’s shock. If he was going to play games of power here then he needed to bring everything to the table. This Han Luo became one of the biggest players in the game overnight. There was no way he would not use it.

“You’re not the only one who likes to know everything about your business partners. And when one man suddenly amasses enough wealth to drown a city in money, it is obvious that we would notice. Don’t underestimate the big wigs of City C. We know our own”

Han sighed and couldn’t help but smile. So he got exposed before he even know it. He thought that it was the banker that exposed him but he was glad it wasn’t. He could still trust the man.

Gou Young saw Han relax and knew his power play did not work. Usually, whenever a secret you did not want to be exposed comes out like this you become nervous and start threatening people, but this Han was definitely not usual.

“I would still like to meet the president. I think it is important we discuss this third party we will both be doing business with”

The vice president sighed and brought out a piece of paper from his side. He wrote an address down and gave it to Han along with an invitation.

“There is a masquerade gala happening in two days to celebrate the president’s new company. This is the address as well as an invitation, all the big wigs from City C will be present. If you want to talk to the president then this is the best place to do it”

Han took the paper and invitation and then stood and shook hands with Gou Young. It was the first time he ever had a meeting with someone from the upper part of the city and he was glad it went so well. As he was heading out Gou Young suddenly said something more to him.

“I would suggest you come in style. The president’s father respect men who have style”

Han smiled as he exited the office.. He had more than enough style.

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