Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 337

During those two months that Han had been gone, Han’s army trained like their lives depended on it! Esteroth drove the army to the brink of death and back every day as he forced them to become stronger! Esteroth promised Han that his army would be ready to fight when he comes and he will not fail Han!

Gregory was the only person that didn’t complain at all as the training progressed! He was fighting every day and he was getting stronger! Gregory was now a black star and he was sure that in a few more months he might become as strong as the tenth king! Gregory would make sure that he doesn’t get left behind again! Next time Han is going somewhere dangerous he will be able to go with Han! No matter what happens he will fight with Han!

Gregory was currently getting his ass handed to him by Quinthreath in a fight!? Gregory used his shadow travel to dodge a wide-area attack as Quinthreath fired the skill at him! Gregory jumped out of the shadow behind Quinthreath and he tried to cut Quinthreath using his scythe, but Quinthreath’s defense skill immediately activated and Gregory was shot with a large bolt of lightning! He grit his teeth and jumped back as Quinthreath just laughed!

Quinthreath was obviously not using his full power! Gregory might be a black star, but he was nowhere close to Quinthreath’s power! Quinthreath activated another attack skill and Gregory immediately called his shadow and formed a wall as a large lance made of fire shot out of Quinthreath’s hand and slammed into the wall!

At the side of the training ground, Esse and Cersai were watching their boyfriend get beaten by Quinthreath. The two of them had been training and they were resting while watching the fight. They couldn’t believe how strong Gregory was already becoming! Even though he couldn’t win against Quinthreath, it was still very impressive that he could fight a king for this long!

“So you think we could win against Gregory if we joined forces?”

Esse said this to Cersai as she finished drinking a bottle of water. Cersai scoffed at Esse. Unless Esse was talking about the bedroom then there is no way they can beat Gregory together.

Once Cersai said this, Esse blushed as she threw the bottle of water at Cersai! She wasn’t even talking about sex at all! Cersai laughed at Esse as she caught the bottle of water. Cersai had become a white star not too long ago and she was happy that she stayed with Gregory and Esse. She knew that she would have regretted it if she allowed him to leave her.

Cersai and Esse were a bit uncomfortable around each other for the first few weeks of them being together with Gregory, but they were able to eventually get used to it. Gregory wasn’t the sort of person to show his emotions easily and it was hard for them to understand what he was thinking all the time but they still loved him anyway.

Cersai was very open with her emotions. Just like before when she told Gregory to push her down and fuck her after she realized they liked each other, she wasn’t afraid to say exactly what was on her mind. That is one of the reasons she could get along with Esse. Esse was a lot more reserved, but Esse was also the sort of person who said what was on her mind a lot.

“Hey, are you guys done fighting already?”

Esse and Cersai turned to the side and they immediately shot to their feet when they saw some of Han’s wives coming toward them. Rin, Yue, and Lily were coming back from a mission that they were asked to help out with. It has been two months since Han left to go and clear the higher floors and his girls had grown a lot since that time. Yue and Lily were now white stars. They have been going on missions with some of the black stars and the black stars were able to carry them till they became this strong. Rin also became much stronger after she started to take missions again. Arthur was now big enough that he didn’t need her to watch over him all the time since they had so many maids. Rin was wearing the gloves that Han gave her. Dyana almost cried when she saw the gloves. Dyana still remembered how Han bullied her when he took the weapon from her a long time ago!

Rin laughed when she heard about how Han got the gloves. That is the sort of thing she expected from Han! The gloves allowed her to grow very fast and after going on so many missions her strength also grew very much!

Rina and Kim didn’t like fighting as much as the other girls, they were already gold stars so they didn’t see the need to go on many missions. They stayed back in the restaurant most of the time and took care of the food and customers instead.

Esse and Cersai both greeted the three women respectfully. These were the wives of their leader and king so they had to show them respect. Yue waved at them from her place on top of Lily’s shoulder and Rin smiled at them as she spoke.

“I thought you were still training? Don’t tell me you’re distracted by Gregory again. If you have so much free time then maybe I’ll tell Esteroth to give you guys another mission,”

Esse’s eyes widened in dread while Cersai smiled happily! Esteroth was the worst person to give out missions! He always gave impossible missions that would be way out of your league! Most of the people that go on his missions would always end up half dead because the monster was too strong! But even with this handicap, Cersai still loved his missions because it was the best way to get stronger! All the people that have been going on Esteroth’s missions would come back far stronger than they left! It was a deadly way to grow stronger but it was also the fastest way!

Cersai was about it say yes, but Esse spoke up faster!

“No! No, we’re just resting! We’ll go back to training soon,”

Rin knew exactly what Esse was thinking and she just chuckled. Everyone knew just how dangerous Esteroth’s missions were so Rin wouldn’t make them suffer through something like that. Esteroth would usually send people to fight beasts that were almost twice as strong as them and then he would say that it was training! He was just like Han!

Rin still remembered that time when Han was always making them fight strong monsters so they can grow stronger. She knew he was just looking out for them but it was still very dangerous! Rin smiled sadly as those memories came to her mind. She missed him.


Rin suddenly felt something hit her shoulder and she turned to Lily. Lily was the one that bumped Rin’s shoulder and she was looking at Rin with a worried expression. Rin waved her away to tell her that she was okay. She just missed Han because this is the longest time they have been apart since they got together. And knowing that he is somewhere dangerous also makes it hard for her not to be worried. But they weren’t here for that today! Rin turned to look at Gregory and she grimaced when she saw him receive a lightning bolt to the chest from Quinthreath! Gregory flew back for more than a hundred meters before he slammed into the ground!!

Quinthreath dropped his hand as he saw that Gregory wouldn’t be getting up again. Quinthreath nodded to show Gregory that he did very well! Gregory didn’t win, but it was still impressive that he lasted this long!

“I’m impressed. You lasted thirty minutes this time. Since I’m far stronger than you, it’s a very impressive feat. I’m sure you’ll get stronger as time goes on,”

Gregory groaned as he turned around and forced himself to his feet. He held his head and tried to stop his eyes from spinning. Shit. He feels like he got hit by one of Han’s punches! Once his vision cleared again, Gregory turned to the side and he saw Yue waving at him happily. He rose a brow when he saw all the girls standing there. What are they doing here? Are they waiting for me?

Gregory quickly thanked Quinthreath for the spar and Quinthreath nodded as he turned away to leave while Gregory walked toward the girls. He gave Esse and Cersai a small smile before he turned to Rin to ask her what was going on. Rin grinned.

“You’ve gotten stronger, haven’t you? You weren’t this strong when I left two days ago,”

Gregory rubbed the back of his head as a small smile came to his face. It was like his mother was telling him how proud she was and Gregory wasn’t used to it yet. Gregory has been spending a lot of time with the family since Han left and he was no longer as awkward as before, but he wasn’t as close to them as he was with Han.

When Rin saw that he was shy she ruffled his hair with a smile. Gregory still frowned at the action but he didn’t try to stop her this time. He has gotten used to it after both she and Han did it so much. They would never stop so he just had to get used to it.

Gregory asked her what she was doing here and she finally told him that Esteroth wanted to speak to him. Esteroth told Gregory to come to meet him because he had a mission for him. Gregory didn’t even show any emotion once he heard it. He was already used to Esteroth’s missions. Gregory was the only person that Esteroth sent out on mission more than once. Everyone else stopped taking missions from Esteroth after the first time but Gregory has done a record nine missions for Esteroth and he somehow managed to come back from all of them alive. Although there was one mission where he lost his left arm. But Rina was able to fix that easily so it wasn’t much of a problem!

Rin and the other girls waved goodbye to Gregory as they watched him activate his flight skill and take off. Rin then asked Esse and Cersai if they wanted to come over to the restaurant for a meal. Cersai immediately agreed! She didn’t agree just because she wanted to eat, but because she wanted to meet Arthur! Arthur was already teething and Cersai found it cute how he would chew on anything around him! She could never get enough of him!

Lily frowned as she murmured about how Arthur chewed her bracelets all the time. The little devil stole her bracelets and wouldn’t return them no matter what! Rin chuckled and they all started to go toward the restaurant together.

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