Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 338

Han has been fighting monsters on the floors for a very long time. It turned out that floors ninety-three and ninety-four were filled to the brim with monsters. The floors were very large and it took Han some time to find the portal that would take him from ninety-three to ninety-four.

Han was sitting at a campsite on floor ninety-four while roasting a weird animal that looked like a cross between a rabbit and a chicken. It had feathers and a beak, like a chicken, but it also had large ears like a rabbit and it even hopped on four legs. It was some freaky shit.

Han had no idea what the name of the animal was and he didn’t even know where it originated from, but it was one of the domestic animals he found on this floor and he decided that it was better than eating nothing.

With his cooking skills, Han was able to easily roast the chickbit.

(A/N: That’s Chick + Bit from each animal. I have no idea why Han decided to name the animal like this.)

Han was able to roast the chickbit and he set up camp for the night under the shade of some trees. Luckily for him, there was nothing like rain on this floor so he could easily sleep under the moonlight and nothing would happen. Han looked up as he watched the moons in the sky. There were two moons surrounded by hundreds of stars and it was really beautiful. It would make a very good vacation spot for the family one day. Yuuma and Rina would love this! I’m sure Yue will find a way to mess with Lily and even Kim would like it. Kim isn’t used to camping, but there’s no way she won’t like this view.

Han couldn’t help but miss his family.

He has been away for two months now and he was just about to find his way to floor ninety-five. Han has mapped out this floor already and he was sure that he would get to the portal tomorrow. Han wondered what his girls were up to and if Arthur was alright. He had to finish these tests quickly and get his family back. He was already sick and tired of the celestials and their bullshit.

“Just come out. If you’re going to hide from someone, then you shouldn’t be touching the ground at all. Did you think I wouldn’t hear you?”

Han was the one that said this as he turned to the side. He heard the bush there rustle and he wondered if the person there was not going to come out. Han already knew that there was someone there so there was no use in trying to hide again! A blue head poked out of the bushes and Han rose a brow when he saw the strange person. It was a girl with blue skin and blue hair. She had razor-sharp teeth like a tiger and her eyes looked like there was a galaxy inside of them! They were so black and shiny! She seemed very scared as she looked at Han, but Han just waved her over! She slowly came out of the bushes and Han saw that she was a teenager. She was only as tall as Rina, and her boobs were also quite impressive, although they were nothing when compared to Rina! Han would give her a seven out of ten just for looks alone! She was wearing a long white gown on her body.

She didn’t look older than nineteen. But Han didn’t know how the physiology of her planet worked so he wouldn’t assume anything she might be a toddler of ten years or even an old woman of a thousand years! Who knows!?

“H-How did you know I was there? I thought I hid perfectly”

The girl was very cautious as she spoke. She thought that her stealth skill was the best among all her people. How was Han able to still notice her. Han rose a brow in surprise. Is she really asking him that question? Han has been tracking her movement since he noticed her from five miles away! He was able to even hear her heartbeat more than thirty minutes before she came close to him! There is nothing that can sneak up on Han in this temple! Even if you tried your best and used all the skills in this freaking world Han will still be able to tell exactly where you are!

Han just waved her over. The girl was hesitant again and she stared at Han to see if he would make any hasty moves. She was already prepared to run if there was a sign of danger. But Han only went back to cooking his chickbit and she slowly went towards him and sat down on the other side of the fire.

“You hungry? I can cook another chickbit for you if you want”

The girl scrunched her face in confusion? What the hell is a chickbit?

“Are you talking about this animal? It isn’t a chickbit, it’s a Rukko,”

Han looked at her with a bored face for a moment before he clicked his tongue. He preferred his name better! Chickbit just sounds cooler! Now are you hungry or not!? I don’t have all night!

Han said this in annoyance and the girl immediately nodded! She wasn’t actually hungry but she was too scared to refuse! She watched as Han just put his hand to the side and his hand was encased in a red hue!

[Telekinetics] has been activated

The bush beside them rustled and she was shocked when she saw a chickbit suddenly fly out of the bush and towards Han’s hand! The chickbit looked so shocked as it floated towards Han! It didn’t even know what the fuck was going on! It looked at Han and then it looked at the fire and saw that there was one of its kind being roasted! Is this man going to eat me!? The chickbit suddenly began to struggle! It didn’t want to die! Han gave it a predatory grin before he twisted his hand to the side!


And that was the end of chickbit!

Thirty seconds later, there was a second chickbit roasting as well. The girl just kept silent through all this. She was waiting for Han to say something. She knew that he would be curious about why she was following him and she was waiting for him to ask. But Han didn’t ask. He finished cooking the chickbit and the girl felt her mouth water as she looked at it! It smelt amazing! She hadn’t been hungry when Han asked, but she was definitely hungry now! How is he able to make an ordinary chickbit smell this good!? He didn’t even use any spices!

Han cut out a portion for her and she immediately dived into it! The girl’s name was Kanna and she has been following Han for more than two days without any rest. Han knew this because he always knew she was following him. He just didn’t bother to give a fuck about it until now. He ate his own food and then he yawned as he fell back and lay down. Kanna looked at Han in shock! Isn’t he too relaxed!? He isn’t even going to ask me what I was following him for!?

“D-Don’t you want to know why I was following you?”

Kanna became too nervous and she finally asked Han this question. Han shrugged as he answered.

“I already know. You’re meant to report my actions back to your people. They’re waiting for me at the portal and you were looking for any weaknesses so that you will tell them. I don’t even care about that. I’m going to kill all of them anyway so why should I care,”

Kanna felt dread pool in her stomach and she suddenly didn’t feel hungry anymore. He knew! How long has he known for!? How did he even find out that they were waiting for him!? And the way he spoke about killing them. It was like he didn’t even see them as insects!

Kanna was feeling terrified by this, but she was also feeling angry! Did this man even know that he was talking about her people!? Her mother and father, and uncle and aunt!? He was telling her to her face that he would kill her family!

“Do you even know what you’re saying? You think you’re so great right!? You think that you’re some kind of god just because you have some power! It’s the same with all of you!? All of you are the same!!”

Han hummed as he looked at the two moons in the sky. He didn’t bother answering Kanna for some time and she started to become more and more annoyed! These powerful people are all the same! They think they can just do whatever they want and nothing will stop them! Do they even have a heart!? They are just using weaker people as pawns and collateral damage in their stupid games!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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