Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 343

Han was still thinking about what Balance said while Balance yawned again and stretched. The action made her breasts bounce and Han saw her nipples perk up. Did this girl have no idea of modesty? If I was still the same as the previous me then I would have definitely jumped on her by now. She is too beautiful to leave herself exposed like this!

Balance didn’t even notice Han’s gaze. She didn’t care about her nakedness since it was only her and Han in the room. Han is the only person that has come to visit her in billions of years so no one else will come here to see her.She didn’t mind at all if Han looked at her.

She spoke up once she was done stretching.

“You don’t need to answer anyway. I kind of understand the gist of things now. You’ve really done a lot of damage, haven’t you? I thought that people like you understood the meaning of Balance,”

What? Before Han could say anything, he suddenly saw the entire room change. The walls blurred and disappeared and they appeared in the middle of some kind of wormhole, like a tube that kept on spinning around them. They were moving forward towards a light in the distance as the girl spoke.

“Supernatural beings. The creator. We all understand the limits we place on ourselves ad we also understand our limitless power. This is one of the reasons why we all live as we do. We live outside of the flow of time and space. We don’t allow our influence to reach beyond our territory because it would affect the balance of the entire world. But I can clearly see, you are nothing like us. Even though you have power that can shape and change the world, you’re still influencing the real world. How stupid. Isn’t this the height of stupidity? There is no balance. Nothing is stopping you. If you think that this carelessness of yours won’t cost you more than you are gaining then you are blind. You should have separated yourself from that world a long time ago!”

Han narrowed his eyes at Balance. She was still talking in that soft voice, but there was a different kind of weight behind her words. She was speaking like someone that has lived for billions of years and has seen everything. She was speaking from experience. But even still, Han didn’t care about her experience. He answered.

“I don’t have to answer you. I chose to be a part of the world. I chose to experience my life with my family till the very end. That is what I choose. Who are you to tell me what I can or can’t do? ”

Balance felt like laughing but she just yawned again! She was still waking up and it would take a few more minutes for her to get herself back. Balance can’t believe that this is the sort of person Han is. He was very handsome and he was also quite smart, but he was also an idiot. The end? What is this fool talking about?

“What do you mean by the end? You think there is an end for you?”

The wormhole sped up and the two of them suddenly appeared in a new place. It was an apocalyptic world. There was smoke covering the sky and making the air look red and foggy. The ground was filled with bones and dead people. Every step that Han took made a disgusting Squelch sound under his feet! The air stank of blood.

Balance hummed as she nodded. Han had no idea why she was still on that bad but he didn’t have time to think about that. He was looking at something in the distance. It was a man standing on a hill of bones. He was hunched over and his face was crestfallen as he looked down at his hands that were covered with blood. Han Luo stared at Han Luo.

“There is no end for you, Han Luo. This world of yours shall pass and you shall still exist. Everything you built shall fall and you shall still exist. Everyone that lives now shall die and you shall still exist. If you continue down this road, you shall possess true immortality. The sort of immortality that transcends space and time, but nothing is waiting for you at the end. Nothing but regrets, pain, and suffering. This world of bone and blood. A place where the sky and rivers run red. This is where you shall end up if you continue down this path. Even if you were to win again all opponents, it will only end with the same result. You will be alone,”

Han was barely holding himself together as he stared at himself standing on that hill. He squeezed his hand and grit his teeth as he looked around him. What the hell is this?

Han walked forward and he felt his eyes widen as he saw a scythe stabbed into the floor in front of him. Gregory? Han moved towards the scythe quickly and he felt his heart squeeze when he saw that it was cracked down the middle. Han looked to the side and saw a pair of gloves covered in blood. Rin? No. No no. Come on. You’re joking!

Han continued to look around as he saw everything.

A broken crown of ice was lying far away. Lily. A large sword was stabbed into the ground. Yue. Kim. Rina. Where are they? There were so many dead people around. Were they also dead?

Han could no longer hold himself back as he spoke.

“You’re lying. There’s no way that this is the end. I refuse to believe it. I won’t end up in this wasteland,”

Balance pulled her legs up to her chest as she spoke this time. She truly wished that this was a lie. But it was true. She can only show people what will happen in the future. She doesn’t have the power to conjure new realities. That power only belonged to the watcher.

“I cannot lie to you, Han Luo. We are equals remember. You and I know this is real. If you go down the path you are taking, you will surely win. But there will be no victory for you. It may take a hundred years, or even a hundred million. But this is where you shall end up. On a hill of bones.”

Han closed his eyes and he felt anger fill him. He refuses to believe it! There is no way this is the end! What sort of fucked up destiny is this?

Balance finally went off her bed and floated towards Han. She gently took his head and hugged him to her chest as she noticed the distress inside him. Han’s eyes were squeezed tight and Han was still lost in his head but Balance wrapped the both of them in her tails as she spoke.

“I know it’s hard to accept. But that is the reality of the world. It is impossible to escape the reality of life no matter what we do. Destiny shall prevail and it is foolish to think otherwise,”

Han narrowed his eyes further as his mind whirled as intense rates. He was thinking furiously about all of this.

The Balance could understand what Han was going through. She didn’t ever want to hurt him like this but he had to understand as well. He was being too foolish to think that he could exist in that world without consequences. His mere presence will only bring him pain and suffering.

There is no place for beings like them in that world. They will only bring destruction to everything they touch. This is one of the reasons why Balance has been asleep for so long. Balance has lived among people before. She was still young back then after the creator created her and she assumed she could live among the mortals and enjoy life with them. But it was a wasted effort. They died. They died over and over and over again. It didn’t matter what she did to help them. Even if she gave them immortality, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if they were the strongest among the mortals. None of them could possess true immortality and so they died.

If Balance were to interfere in the world then she knows this is also what awaits her. Pain, suffering, and death. There won’t be anyone left alive to stay with her at the end. They will all die and she will live. Empires and dynasties will rise and fall and she will still live. This was the fate awaiting people like them. They are fated to live even when others die.

If Han continued down the path he was taking. He would definitely become the strongest among them, but at what cost? Will he want all that power if this is what is waiting for him?

Balance suddenly said something that shocked Han as he looked up at her.

“I can make it go away…”

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