Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 344

“I can make it go away…”

The Balance suddenly said this with a smile while pulling Han up to face her. She was still floating and she easily brought Han with her as they both floated toward the bed. Once they landed on the bed, Han felt an immense amount of relief fill him! It was like he was in another dimension entirely! Like everything out there didn’t matter! He was so relaxed and he felt like sinking into the bed forever and just sleeping for billions of years!

This was the spell that Balance cast over the bed. The bed was a different dimension that existed outside of the normal dimension. It put whoever was lying on it into a state of bliss and calm! You will immediately feel like resting! Once you lie on the bed, you will immediately become sleepy and it will be impossible for you to worry about anything happening out in the real world! It was something that Balance created for herself so that she can rest for as long as she wants! She was tired of the real world and so she created this dimension and she decided to stay there forever!

Balance leaned forward and sealed Han’s lips with her own. She deepened the kiss and ran her hand up to Han’s hair as she moaned into his mouth before pulling back. For the first time in his life, Han felt breathless. Balance was extremely beautiful, and as she gave him a coy smile as she looked down at him, Han felt a strange feeling of contentment pass through him!

“I know it hurts. But this isn’t the only time something like this will happen. If you continue this fight then you will only find yourself back here over and over again. No matter the effort you put in, this wasteland will always be the final resting place of those you love. You will only keep getting stronger and they will keep getting further and further away from you. Your strength will ensure you will not die, but they will not be able to keep up. If they follow you, they will all die…

“But you can choose to let it go. My power is the law of equivalent exchange. I bring balance. The world requires balance, but you are ruining that balance. Your presence will always tip the scales in your favor and the balance will be destroyed. But if you join me, you can be saved from all of this. All you need to do is become one of us…”

The people that Balance is talking about are the beings that exist outside the plane of the real world. They served directly under the creator himself and none of the other Celestials knew about them. These beings are the top three in the temple that was put there by the Creator himself! They were the three supernatural beings responsible for keeping all the universes moving!

The watcher ensured that life continues as it should. He looks out for any irregularities in the vast expanse of reality and he mixes and changes realties to keep the universe safe.

Balance ensures equality. Good and bad. Creation and destruction. Enjoyment and suffering. She watched over all the polar opposites and makes sure they are equal at all times.If Balance didn’t do her job well then all the worlds could collapse in on themselves and end at once!

The last person in the temple was responsible for handling problems that the watcher and Balance couldn’t handle themselves.

Han knew about the supernatural beings from the watcher, but he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Is Balance proposing to him? Han could tell that she was very serious! She really wanted him to stay here with her? The Balance continued.

“Leave the Celestials and other races to play their stupid games. Just stay with me instead. I can give you all the love you want. You don’t even have to feel any guilt about leaving the mortals behind. If you stay with me, I can use my authority to erase all knowledge of your existence from that world. I have to keep the balance and so this is necessary. Their memories of you can be taken away easily. You don’t have to worry about them, they can all go on and live their own lives and you can finally rest. They don’t have to suffer and fight such fruitless battles. In a fight like this, they will be only victims. They will all just die if they become a part of this. So just rest with me.”

The Balance was looking at Han with compassion! Her eyes held so much love and care, and Han could see that she was serious about this! She truly wanted him to stay with her!

Balance was also tired of being alone! It has been so long since she met someone that could stay with her and Han was perfect! He was just like her! She needed a companion and Han needed freedom, so she begged Han to choose her as she leaned up and was about to kiss him again.

In the beginning, Han was feeling sadness because of what he was seeing around him, but now he only felt anger one he heard what Balance said. How dare she say such bullshit!? Does she know how hard he worked? Those damn Celestials took everything from all of them and Balance thinks that he will just forgive them and stay with her? It’s she mad, or is she just high on drugs?

Han has never cared about things like destiny and fate! A few years ago didn’t he believe that it was his destiny to be a loser for the rest of his life!?

The Balance was surprised when Han suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back with a sneer and she looked up at Han with a hurt gaze! Balance didn’t see any reason for Han to refuse her! Why is he pushing her away!?

“Sorry, but I have to decline. I can forgive a lot of things, but I’ll never forgive you for trying to make my effort useless. If this future is waiting for me then it’s my job to change it. I’ll never stay here and hide like you,”

The Balance squeezed her hands tighter! What sort of nonsense is he saying!? Can’t he see what sort of outcome is waiting for him!? He doesn’t need to go through this if he is with her!

“You don’t have to do this! The balance of the world will be broken if you continue!Just stay with me and let me erase everything about you from the world! Everything will become perfect again and your family can live a long happy life!”

Han narrowed his eyes further in annoyance. He knows that she was right. Balance was just trying her best to do her job. She was trying to remove him from the equation because she knows he will fight and kill a lot of Celestials. If he did this then the balance will be broken. She wanted to prevent something like this from ever happening. She believes that if Han agrees, then his family will forget him and they will be happy!

But Han was selfish! He was a greedy bastard that refuses to bow to nonsense like destiny! So what if destiny says they’ll die?! I’ll become strong enough to change that as well. I decided to become the strongest in the world and if I can’t change something this small then I don’t have the right to say that.

“I know you’re right and I know you’re scared for me, but I can never be like you. I can’t hide from the unknown. That is the reason why you’re hiding here, isn’t it? You think you’ll always have a future where you also end up alone. You don’t want me to end up in the same place you ended up,”

The Balance looked away from Han and squeezed her hand around her bedsheet. Han released a tired breath as he knew he was right. But he wasn’t like her! She might’ve given up, but I’m not going to!

“I’m sorry that you went through that and I’m grateful that you’re trying to save me from the same fate. But I can’t run from this. If this is the fate waiting for me then I’ll destroy it with my own hands and make something new. I’m not going to stop. I’ll mold the world into whatever the fuck I want. I’ll always go back to my family, no matter what,”

Han felt his resolve strengthen as he said this. He won’t stop. It doesn’t matter what destiny says. Fuck destiny!

Balance was in awe as she stared at Han. She has never seen someone that was so stupid.

He was willing to continue, even though he knew that it will only end up with him being alone? He knows that nothing is waiting at the end and he still wants to go? It was completely egotistical to think that you can change destiny! Destiny is not something you can just rewrite! It was so stupid!

But then why was her chest so… tight? Why is her heart beating so fast?

His declaration was completely stupid, but it was also amazing.

Balance cursed in her head and a huge blush appeared on her face. This isn’t fair. What sort of man is this?

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