Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 35

That day Han didn’t go straight home. Instead drove towards a skyscraper located near the business district in City C. It was one hundred stories high and high class men and women could be seen walking in and out of it.

Han was not in the best of moods because he couldn’t talk to Rin Woo before leaving the office of AeroDynamicity. He asked the secretary of the vice president to find her for him but the woman awkwardly told him that Rin Woo was in the toilet and couldn’t talk to him. Han fumed! That girl just decided to avoid him! How can she be acting all high and mighty!?

‘And she’s even flat too!’

Han parked his car in front of the building and a man came to take the key to park it. He walked into the building and met the receptionist at the desk.

“Good morning. How may we help you today?”

The receptionist was a beautiful woman with red hair ties into a bun and red eyes that Han found mesmerizing. He had to force himself not to look into her eyes. They were absolutely beautiful.

“I have a meeting here with my real estate agent. Miss Jang? She is to show me my new condo”

The woman’s eyes widened and Han noticed how she suddenly became more fluid in her movement, somehow making herself sultrier without even trying.

“Your name please?”

“Han Luo”

The woman typed something into the computer, called someone and then smiled at him.

“She will be here right away. In the mean time is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all, Mr. Han Luo?”

Han swallowed as the woman stared directly into his eyes. What a vixen this one was! She didn’t even give him time to think, she was already on the offensive!

“Mr. Han Luo!”

A voice from behind him broke the spell and Han turned around to see his real estate agent standing there. The receptionist pouted in anger and the real estate agent rose a brow in confusion.

“Ah, Miss Jang. Thank you for coming so quickly”

Miss Jang smiled at Han and led him away from the succubus receptionist. She was a rather tall woman with an outstanding chest size of 40D. Han could almost say she had an even prettier smile than Rin Woo, but that would be a lie.

“I hope you don’t mind but the room you wanted before is no longer available. The owner of the building had to use it for his son”

Han frowned and Miss Jang thought he would cause a commotion. She was used to rich people lashing out when they don’t get what they want. But Han just waved it away like it was nothing.

“Is there any other room available? I need to move as soon as possible”

Miss Jang blinked in surprise before she brightened up and immediately led Han towards the elevator.

What an interesting young master!

“Yes! We have one right at the top of the building! It is a little more expensive than the former one but I am sure you will not regret it”

The elevators stopped at the very top floor and they walked towards a beautiful door. Miss Jang opened the door with a key card and they entered.

It was a wide condo with glass walls on two sides overlooking the city. Natural sunlight streamed in and lightened up the place making it even more beautiful. Han smiled. It was perfect.

“How much is it?”

Miss Jang nervously replied.

“Five hundred thousand a year. We know it’s a little higher than the previous one but the -”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take it”

Han cut her off and walked up to the window of the condo. He looked down and saw the stream of people walking around City C. The view was amazing.

Miss Jang beamed once she heard him say he would take it. She had been trying to sell this place for a very long time but people weren’t willing to pay the money for it. She was glad she waited for him!

Han turned back around and gave her a number.

“This is my banker. Call him to finalize all the details. I can move in immediately right?”

“Of course! There is no problem. Everything you need is already here so you can move in anytime you wish. We will send room service up for anything more you want”

Han smiled as she turned to leave the room. He turned back to look around his new condo. This was just the beginning for him. He still had a long way to go before he stood at the top of this world. There was nothing that would stop that from happening.

The next day, Han decided to visit Rina at her workplace. The bar was full of people talking in loud voices and drunken slurs, but once Han entered they all suddenly kept quiet and turned to him. Han looked around the place to try locating Rina. He was completely oblivious of the stares coming his way. Once he saw his sister he beamed and rose his hand to wave.

Rina looked at the strange man waving at her for a moment and wondered why he was acting so friendly. Did he know her from anywhere? It was only after she took a closer look that she finally recognized who it was.


Rina couldn’t believe her eyes. Where did her brother get this expensive clothing! Did he steal from somebody!?

Han walked up to Rina and hugged her and Rina blushed as she took his hand and led him to the back of the bar.

“Han. Did you get into a gang? Please don’t tell me you stole from a big man! That will just be trouble for us!”

Han chuckled at his sister. She just never changed! Han didn’t plan to tell her about the money and the company. He planned to just take care of her and make her live a happy life in the shadows away from the problems that came with being in the upper part of society.

He took her hand while saying.

“I want you to come with me. We are going shopping”

Rina eyed her brother strangely. Why would he suddenly say something like that? Didn’t he see that she was working? She had to get back to her job or her boss will fire her.

“Han I have to get back to work. I still don’t have the money for next month’s rent!”

Han smiled and took her hand. She resisted slightly but eventually followed after him as he dragged her out of the room. He walked up to the stunned owner of the bar and dropped her apron on it. She would never be needing it again. He then walked out.

“Han! What was that!? You want me to lose my job!? Go back now and apologize to the owner! He may still let me work here!”

Han dragged Rina close to him and looked her in the eyes. She blushed under his gaze and looked away. He was far too handsome to look at!

“You will never have to work another day of your life Rina. Because your brother is not the same person he once was”

Han pressed a car key and Rina’s eyes widened when his Lamborghini turned on and the door opened. She was right! Her brother stole from a big man!!!!

How could he do something like that!? Did he have a death wish!

Han laughed at the disbelief on Rina’s face as he made her seat down inside the car.

“You will enjoy yourself today! Just let your brother take care of you! In fact, you can call your friend Ping to join us!”

Rina was still glaring at Han in suspicion but after a while, she finally relented and started calling her friend. Han smiled because his sister trusted him so much.

“Tell her to meet us in the Diamond Mall!! Let’s go!”

The car turned on and they zoomed away.

Five minutes later the three of them were standing inside the Diamond Mall and Han smiled as he led them inside.

Rina looked around like she did not belong here. This place smelt expensive! What was her brother thinking!

“Hello, we will like to do some shopping. These two girls, give them everything they want in this shop and don’t miss a single thing”

Rina’s eyes bulged and even Ping looked like she was having a heart attack! The woman Han was talking to was the sales clerk in one of the boutiques in Diamond Mall. this was the most expensive mall in CityC! The receptionist smiled and then dragged the two ladies away.

The next few moments were filled with Rina and Ping hesitantly taking clothes they liked and trying them on? At first, they did not look like they were comfortable but Han noticed them relaxing after a while. They both picked out a lot of clothes and came back with five bags each. Han paid for the clothes, dropped the bags with the receptionist and then took them to another store.

This store was for jewelry and Han did the same thing. Anything they wanted should be brought out and given to them. The two girls started giggling and trying on many of the jewelry. They asked Han for his opinion and he slowly found himself being dragged into their shopping as well.

And that was how the day went. Shoes. Bags. Makeup. Everything these two girls wanted Han bought without even thinking twice about it.

After they were done in the store Han took them in his car again and drove to their next destination. This time it was a restaurant near the upper part of City C.

The Colosseum.

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