Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 37

“Are you okay, Rina? Your face is red”

Ping leaned into Rina with a smug smile and Rina covered her face while turning away from the both of them. Ping laughed as she drank her own wine. She did not know where Rina’s brother got all this money but he was not the sort of person to enter something illegal. She trusted him very much

Han ordered his food and allowed the two girls to order whatever they wanted. Once they were done, he just watched Ping tease Rina while laughing at their jokes. These two girls were closer than he thought. He did not know just how close they were till he saw that future, but if Rina was willing to even give her life for Ping then he would consider Ping as part of their family as well. She would not lack anything as far as he was around.

The peaceful meal and quiet outing could not last forever though and before long they were already heading out. Han told the girls to go back to their apartment without him. He already ordered all their things to be taken back so they didn’t need to go back to the stores to get them.

Han then drove towards his old place to get some things before he would finally head over to his new apartment.

He grabbed his laptop and sighed as he racked his brain for anything else he needed. This was harder than he thought it would be. This place held quite a lot of memories for him and he did not want to let go of it yet.

Even the brown stain from when Rina puked on his floor remained there. He could still remember how her breast bounced with every heave!

Ah! Memories~!

Han decided he would just not sell the place. He would make this a small home away from the hustle and bustle of the upper society and hide here when he wanted to get away from it all. No one would think of looking for a CEO in a small apartment in the slums after all.

And with that, Han locked up and left his former life behind.

The party was a masquerade gala and so everyone was expected to come with masks. Han hired a convoy of bodyguards to escort him to the mansion where it was to be held. If the host wanted style then it was only right that he did not disappoint. His mask was a simple blank one that was all black. When he saw it at a store it reminded him of an assassin mask and he bought it immediately. Assassin’s are cool.

The mask clashed brilliantly against the full white suit he wore and when he stepped out of his Lamborghini he was sure a few people’s jaws dropped. Han was escorted inside with his full guard detail making a way for him through the crowd. He was surprised that he did not even feel the slightest but of nervousness. All these people were worth millions and probably have been here long before he even knew what money felt like! But he felt like a king!

“Who is that young master?”

“He looks rich? Is he a new CEO?”

“Don’t tell me? Is that the new Lamborghini model!? I don’t think it even came on sale yet!?”

“Ara Ara~ How handsome~”

These were s few of the things people around were saying and Han just took it all in calmly. Okay, that is a joke. Han was grinning like a lunatic behind his mask! He was almost tempted to stop and wave to the crowd! This must be how Jesus felt when entering Nazareth! Bliss!!!

But Han didn’t wave or do any of that other stuff, he was not here to please any of these people. His only reason for even arriving this grandly was staring at him from the window on the top floor of the mansion. Han let his eyes trail towards the president’s father and he gave him a small nod. The man’s eyes widened in surprise that Han even saw him. The window was at least two hundred meters away!

Han entered the large ballroom and adjusted his tie.

“Let the games begin,”

Mr. Hou Ren. One of the most influential people to ever step foot in City C. His mere presence in any sector of business brought in at least three times the investors and gave the business more than a hundred million in immediate revenue.

He owned a business franchise with a grand total net worth in the billions of dollars and had a hand in basically every transaction happening in City C at any point in time. he had seen and interacted with every sort of person under the sun at least once, but he had not seen this sort of man before. This Han Luo that suddenly rose from the slums and became one of the major players in less than two months made him curious.

“Who is Han Luo?”

A man came out from the darkness behind him, he was wearing a fancy suit and had a tablet in his hand. This was Mr. Hou Ren’s personnal assistant and bodyguard, Cipher. He is also the chief commanding officer for Ren Limited, Mr. Hou Ren’s major company and the parent company of AeroDynamicity.

“The information on him is not hidden at all, but it is still very limited. He had no major achievements before two months ago. His luck seemed to turn around after he managed to foil a false contract between REACH and the H&C advertisement company. He is currently worth just under one hundred million dollars.”

Mr. Hou Ren narrowed his eyes. This means his luck is centered on Miss Kim. This could affect his plans in the future.

“What is his relationship with Kim Park? Are they close? I hope this will not affect anything?”

Ciphers answer was cold.

“There are no problems, for now, they do not seem closer than former employee and employer, but if there will be any problems then I will take care of it personally.”

Mr. Hou Ren nodded gratefully. This was the reason he trusted Cipher with his life. Most people would seek the most talented man as their head of security and welfare, but Mr. Hou Ren picked Cipher from the streets when he was a child and made him into the perfect killing machine. If this man said there will be no problems, then there would be no problems.

“Inform me if anything changes. We need to go meet our guests,”

Cipher bowed to Mr. Hou Ren and then walked behind him as they both exited the room.`

Han looked around at all the haughty and proud people and couldn’t help but be bored out of his mind. This is not what he came here for. The president and his father had still not appeared at the party and for the past few minutes, Han had to endure the constant efforts of every other woman in the room trying to get him to dance.

He couldn’t deny that they were beautiful and quite bountiful, but if even one more snob tried to walk up to him he would probably blow his gasket! These women did not know how to talk to normal people. Each and every single one of them acted like the world belonged at their feet. Trying subtly to both compliment and insult both him and every other woman in the same sentence. It was very annoying and maybe a little impressive as well.

‘All these other unseemly ladies. They possess grace beyond their years but they are still ten years too early to ever match up to me. It will do you well not to submit to your carnal desires to follow them. Maybe a woman of my stature would be more fitting of you~’

Like who the fuck says something like that!? These women were insane!

Han was just about to rudely walk away from the woman who was currently talking to him when he spotted something from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head around sharply and his eyes widened when he saw Rin Woo looking around the room with a glass of wine in her hand. She was wearing a small mask that only covered her eyes, but the look on her face showed she felt just as uncomfortable as he did.

Han immediately excused himself from the woman before she began going on about how one of her maids disrespected her and began courting death! He made his way through the crowd of masked dancers and towards Rin Woo.

He could help but admit she was extremely beautiful in her red flowing dress. She had this boyish appeal to her, and even the flatness did not reduce the quality of it at all. Her hair was braided into a complex design on top of her head and she was currently in the process of smiling uncomfortably at a man who kept trying to talk to her.

Rin Woo tightened her grip on her cup and tried to keep her smile in place. This party was just one large dick measuring contest for these men! Each and every one of them wanted nothing more than to show up every other person in the room! Why did she even agree to come here!?

Well, she agreed to come because the vice president needed a member of the executive team here and she was the only one with the dress for the occasion, but this was not what she wanted to spend her whole night doing!

“Do you mind if I cut in?”

Han suddenly said to the man standing in front of Rin Woo. She did not recognize him because of his mask but once the man in front of her saw him he immediately moved away with a pained smile. It seemed this one was an even bigger junkyard dog. Yippie~

Han stretched his hand out to her.

“Would you care to dance?”

Rin Woo glared at him.


Han tilted his head to one side and Rin Woo just waited for the whole speech to begin. She was already used to men like this getting angry when they didn’t get what they wanted. Just like every other young master out there! They were all the same! But Han surprised her when he laughed.

“I thought you looked just as bored as I did and I meant to at least enjoy the boredom together. Won’t you give me a chance?”



He didn’t shout at her. He didn’t even seem offended by what she said! And his voice, it was so smooth and made her entire body shake. Who is this man?

Han waited patiently for Rin to take his hand. He didn’t care that other people were beginning to look at him weirdly, he would make this girl dance with him no matter what!

After a while of internal debate, Rin Woo finally dropped her cup to one side. It wouldn’t hurt to give him one dance, would it? It wasn’t like she would ever see him after today.

Once she took his hand she felt electric.

“Thank you,”

Han pulled her into him and then they swerved onto the dance floor.

Han had never danced before. Not even for a single day of his life. The only opportunity he had to dance – his college end of the year party – was the same day his former girlfriend, Tan Woo broke up with him in cold blood!

But what exactly was dancing? Was it not just an accumulation of skills? Agility paired with knowledge and critical thinking on where to move and swerve and place your leg? Was it not just another activity that required more brainpower than most.

Han took to the dance floor like a pro.

“Oh my god, look at those two! It’s like they’re floating around!”

“He’s amazing. Look how that man is taking charge of the movements”

“I think the girl is even more graceful. She doesn’t miss a single step!”

“Do you know those two?”

“That is the man that came in the Lamborghini right!?”

Han tuned out all the voices around him. He only had eyes for one person right now and she only had eyes for him. They didn’t even know when they moved from one song to the next. What was supposed to be one dance changed into a show for the entire ballroom. People gasped with every dip, they applauded with every daring twirl. They cheered as their feet moved faster and faster. It was a masterpiece to behold.

Once the dance was over, Han and Rin Woo stayed in the same position, his hand at her waist and holding her in a dip and her hand holding onto his shoulder. Han noticed that her waist was extremely thin and softer than he thought it would be. He slowly brought her up and Rin Woo trailed her hand across his chest as she simply stared into his eyes.

The applause from the crowd broke them out of their trance and the two of them quickly separated before going their separate ways.

Rin Woo had the largest blush on her face as she walked away. What in the world was that? Since when could she even dance like that? No, she knew the answer already. That man just made everything so easy! His movements were precise and he gave her clear openings to show her exactly what he wanted her to do next. It was like learning from a teacher in the middle of an exam.

It was the best experience Rin Woo ever had. And now, she wanted more.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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