Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 38

Mr. Huo Ren finally moved from his place hiding in the shadows of the stairway and greeted the crowd loudly. They all thought he was some kind of phantom who could show up at any time, but they didn’t know he was just very good at hiding in dark places!

“Ladies and gentlemen. I thank you all for gracing the party today with your presence. It is not every day we get to meet like this and I want you all to enjoy yourselves to the fullest!”

The crowd cheered and clapped happily. Most of them were just clapping because they had no intention to piss off Hou Ran. The man could destroy your generation’s wealth for the next one hundred years with a flick of his dick. He was that powerful.

Hou Ren nodded sagely, completely aware of how scared these rats were of him and enjoy every moment of it. He rose his drink in the air and thrust his other hand behind him as a man began walking forward.

“A toast to my son, Fen Ren! It is his genius that gave birth to this company so it is only right that he receives all the praise! To Fen Ren!”

“To Fen Ren!”

“To Fen Ren,” Han muttered as he drank his wine. So this was the famous president of AeroDynamicity. Han couldn’t help but be slightly underwhelmed. The man was obviously a puppet. Perfect hair and perfect teeth. Unblemished hands nad untarnished eyes. This so-called president hasn’t seen a single bit of hardship in his entire life. He was not the one in control of this company and Han knew it.

“I thank you all for coming to celebrate with me. This is a party so please enjoy yourself!”

The crowd cheered for him once more before they all started talking among themselves. Han saw Rin Woo looking around the room and knew she was searching for him. He was about to go talk to her when the sound of clinking glass resounded across the room.

Everyone turned towards the stairs again to see Mr. Hou Ren smiling from ear to ear. His son was standing behind him with a confused frown on his face.

“Today is a momentous day for more than just the celebration of the new company it is also my honor to announce the engagement of my son Fou REn to the daughter of the prestigious family..”

A woman walked up the stage and stood beside Fen Ren. She had on a phoenix mask and when she took it off, Han gasped in shock.

“Miss Kim Park!!”

The cheers around the room did nothing to quiet the beating of Han’s heart. It pounded in his ears and made everything into a sea of blurry sounds. Why was Miss Kim getting married? She never told him anything about getting married… Why didn’t she tell him anything about this before? Han felt anger surge through him before he forced himself to calm down. This wasn’t his Miss Kim. There was no reason for her to tell him what she would be doing. He couldn’t project her future self into this one just because he thought they would be the same person.

“Their wedding is not only going to bring our two families together. It will produce the strongest merger between families ever seen in City C! May their love last long!”

“May their love last long!” the crowd shouted.

Han caught Miss Kim’s eye from the crowd and rose his glass up to her. Her eyes widened before she looked away from him. He hoped she recognized him.

“As a wedding present for my son, I am going to give you all the chance to formally go into business with not just his company, but with me as well!”

Fen Ren looked towards his father i shock and walked up to him.

“Father,” he whispered, “What is the meaning of this!?”

“Stand back there and smile like the spoiled brat you are. Don’t make trouble for me.”

Fen Ren grit his teeth and stepped back from his father’s glare. Hou Ren gave the crowd another loud smile.

“We will be auctioning off a grand thirty percent of the stock of AeroDynamicity; the child company under Ren Corp and whoever buys it will get future rights to a contract with me. The auction begins at 5 million dollars!!”

“6 million!”

“7 million!”

Han eyed the crowd as everyone suddenly started dragging out cell phones and making calls like people possessed. He could understand the sort of pressure this would put on people. To be in direct business with Ren Corp would take anyone straight to the top of the societal ladder. No one would want to mess with you if your money was also Hou Ren’s money.

He turned his eyes towards Miss Kim and saw her looking directly at him. Hmm? Could she recognize him from this distance? Even with his mask? He tilted his head at her and he saw her frown before looking away.

Now, this wouldn’t do.

“8 million!” Someone shouted.

“10 million!!” someone else shouted from the crowd

Everyone gasped and even more phone calls went out. Han rose his hand up and spoke in a soft tone.

“30 million,”

Everyone shut up immediately and turned to him. He smiled at them all even though he knew they couldn’t see it. They had to learn who he was. He didn’t come here to play around with children.

Boisterous laughter echoed from the stairs as Mr. Hou Ren couldn’t control himself. This Han Luo was the best! The very best! To throw away thirty percent of your net worth in one night? This was the height of hubris!

“Can anyone go above what he proposed!?”

Silence filled the hall. Most of the people here were from the higher part of society, but they definitely didn’t have that much money to throw around on just thirty percent of a child company’s stocks. Han was different thought, he would make twice that before the week was over.

This was Han’s win.

“Then let the party continue in earnest for we have found our new business partner! A toast to Mr. Han Luo!!”

“To Han Luo!!”

The crowd cheered and Han raised his glass in cheers as well. He wasn’t surprised that Huo Ren knew his name. He probably knew exactly how much was in his account along with what primary school he went to and how many cockroaches were in his house yesterday. Huo Ren had more connections in this city than any other living person on the face of the earth. If he wanted to know how long your dick was all it took was one phone call!

Han caught Miss Kim’s eye again and this time she didn’t frown at him. She put her phoenix mask back on with a smile and made her way down from the stairs and into the crowd hell-bent on congratulating the newly engaged couple.

Han breathed out to calm the sudden spike of anger he felt. He dropped his glass and trudged his way through the crowd of people. He managed to make his way to Miss Kim without difficulty because people just kept on parting for him like the red sea. It paid to be the richest man in the room after all. Well… the second richest. The third? Eh, it didn’t matter. He was richer than them all and that was that!

Han stretched a hand out to her.

“Would this one bother you for a dance?”

Miss Kim was hesitant to take it and Han saw her glance towards Huo Ren. The man nodded and Han gritted his teeth. Was this how much control they had over her?

Miss Kim finally took Han’s hand and Han dragged her into his embrace. Miss Kim gasped before finally relaxing against Han.

“If I didn’t know any better I would think you were trying to sweep me off my feet.”

Miss Kim eyed Han with the ghost of a smile on her face This night went exactly as it had been written for the past twenty years as she watched her life play before her like a movie. But the one thing that upset the plan was this man. Han was a variable that Huo Ren did not take into account twenty years ago when he arranged for this marriage. She wanted to talk to him like she usually did. She did not need him meddling in her business.

“This is bullshit”

Miss Kim was shocked at the first thing Han said. His voice chilled her to the very bone. She looked up at him but he wasn’t even looking at her. His gaze was fixed above her head, towards where Huo Ren was sitting. What was this man thinking?

“I don’t care what they did to you before and I don’t even care who he is. I’m going to get you out of this”

Han twirled Miss Kim around and sent her into a perfect dip. She found her footing and her leg went to the exact space Han left open for her. This dance, was it not too easy?

“It doesn’t matter what you think, Han. There is nothing to get me out of. I love Fen and I’m going to marry him. There’s nothing you can do about it,”.

“Why? Because I’m just a laborer?”

Han finally looked down at her and she froze at the glare in his eyes. Even through the blank mask, she could still see the anger in his eyes. But she didn’t care. He was not a part of her world. Just because he made some money did not mean he could now do as he pleased.

“Just forget about me, Han. I never told you I loved you and you are not fit for this world we live in,”

Han growled deep in his throat, but then another voice spoke up from the side.

“I think that is more than enough. Is that any way to dance with another man’s future wife?”

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