Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 40

The next morning Han woke up to see a pouting Rin Woo sitting at the edge of his bed with a huge blush on her face and the blanket held up to her chest. Han first wondered what exactly she thought she was covering with that blanket – he already saw everything – before he turned his head to the clock and saw that it was already eight in the morning. How long has she been sitting there?

“What are you doing? Are you thinking of killing me in my sleep?”

Han asked this with such nonchalance that Rin Woo fumed.

“You want to pretend you didn’t **** me last night!? It was obvious you forced me! Y-You monster! I’ll report you to the police for this!”

Han sighed and rolled over in bed and Rin Woo’s blush deepened. He was ignoring her!? She hadn’t felt this amount of shame in her entire life! The only thing that made it worse was her remembering the things they did last night! She blushed harder!!

“You can go if you want to, but I’m going to make breakfast. Is there anything you want?”

Han stood up from the bed and Rin Woo couldn’t help herself from looking over his toned body. She noticed during the dance last night that he was rigid, but she didn’t know he was so… Hot!

Han eyed Rin Woo for a second before sighing and throwing a pillow on her face. Did this girl want to eat him with her eyes? She looked just like a hungry carnivore! Rin Woo grabbed the pillow and glared at Han with an even deeper blush.

It wasn’t like she was staring at him because he was hot! She was just curious! She turned her head away from him and mumbled something to the side. Han leaned in and Rin Woo blushed when she turned back to see his face in front of hers.

“What did you say?”

“Pancakes! I said I want pancakes!”

Han recoiled slightly before scowling and rubbing his ear with his hands. What an annoying girl.

Once he was gone, Rin Woo groaned and fell on top of the bed. How could she be so stupid! This was the type of man she hated the most, so why would she fall for such a stupid trick! She should’ve left once he showed his face, but she couldn’t even move. His eyes were too heavy and she shivered as she remembered the stare from last night.

Wait… Where did her clothes go?

Breakfast that morning was a silent affair. Rin accepted Han’s offer to take a bath, and he pulled out some clothes for her to wear. He wanted to drop her off at her house but Rin insisted she was fine.

the food was amazing and Rin Woo couldn’t help but enjoy it. Han finally got down to apologizing for what he did at the banker’s office the other day. He admitted he was wrong to speak to her like he did and then bribed her with even more food.

“Don’t think I’ve forgiven you because of this! You’re still a spoiled brat!”

Rin Woo looked away from Han with a scowl, but when Han pet her head with a smile she suddenly remembered what they did last night and blushed while ducking her head.

“What if I say I’m sorry?”

“T-That doesn’t matter! Just leave me alone!”

Rin Woo quickly left the house while scowling and blushing at the same time. Han couldn’t help but smile as he watched her go. She was so cute when she was flustered.

Later that day. Han arrived at the AeroDynamicity building in a crisp black suit. He greeted the receptionist and told her he had an appointment with the president. The woman was shocked because she was not used to the president being in the company at all and him receiving guests was even more shocking. She called the vice president and he scolded her and told her to let Han in immediately.

The woman apologized and then led Han towards the president’s office on the top floor.

Han entered the office and the president looked up from the paper he was reading through. Fen Ren was a relatively handsome man with blonde hair and sharp black eyes. Han easily noticed from the scowl on his face that he was not in a good mood today. Good, Han wasn’t in a good mood either.

“Close the door. Do you want to seat in the meeting also?”

The scared receptionist quickly closed the door behind Han and Han frowned. Why would he bully an innocent woman like that!? Did he not know how to treat women?

Fen Ren looked at Han’s angry face and couldn’t help but feel irritated. The only reason he was here at all was because his father forced him to have this meeting. If not for that this man would never even know where his office is! He couldn’t get eth image of that dance he had with Miss Kim yesterday and he knew there was more between them than met the eye.

Han walked up to the chair and took a seat opposite the president. It might seem disrespectful to seat without an invitation but Han didn’t care about things like that. He looked the president in the eye and waited for him to talk first. Fen Ren was internally seething but eventually gave up and spoke.

“Is there not a reason you wanted to see me? Or did you just want to irritate me throughout?”

His voice came out as a growl and Han smiled. It only irritated Fen Ren further. Was this man mocking him!?

“I have some complaints about the contract you brought to me a few days ago. There are some things I need to be clarified”

Fen Ren frowned.

“Only company personnel can access that information. There is nothing I can do for you beyond -”

“Ah, but I am company personnel aren’t I? After yesterday I became a major shareholder of your company. The highest shareholder actually. Can you not do something so little for someone who holds thirty percent of your stocks?”

It was a dirty trick. The dirtiest one Han ever learned in any of the business books he read. To bully the CEO of the company was like starting a war, but he knew he would win if things went out of hand. His company was seven times larger than AeroDynamicity, and even if he would get some heat from Huo Ren for drowning his child company, they would not want to lose face with him just because of a company that was still in infancy! This was his win!

Fen Ren grit his teeth till he felt a vein pop in his head. This man was starting to get on the last nerves! Did he want to court death!?

“What do you want to know? Do you think this is a game!?”

Fen Ren made sure his glare was not hidden. He would make this man know that he was playing a dangerous game here.

Han responded to the glare with a wide smile! This boy thought he was playing a game!? He did not know that the fate of the entire world rested on his tiny shoulders. So what if he stepped on a few people’s feet along the way? The greater good was more important!

“In these clauses, there is a mention of a third party responsible for providing the finances for your free appliance advertisement. I want to know who it is”

Fen Ren looked at the clauses Han mentioned with a raised brow before he finally shrugged.

“I have no idea. We do not deal with their parties directly. They are usually free investors who just want a part of the deal for themselves”

Han was not happy to hear this. He had his suspicions and he knew he was probably right, but unless he could convince Fen Ren that the third party was REACH, he would not want to drop them. The only way he could change his mind now was to drop money.

“Then I want to become the third party in this contract. Remove the current people and give me the deal”


“Do you think this is your playground!? You think just because you bought thirty percent of my company you can do anything you want!? Do you wish to die!?”

Fen Ren was now standing on his feet and looming over Han and Han looked up at him with a black stare. Han got to his feet and pushed Fen Ren back into his chair.

“This contract. Have you ever heard of the company REACH?”

Fen Ren looked up at Han with a little fear. How did that man just send him back like that? He did not even feel like he could resist at all! It was like a mountain pushed him!

Han waited patiently for Fen Ren to grab his senses back. It took a short while before Fen Ren nodded. Han then pointed to the contract.

“The third party you were going to give this contract to. They are REACH”

Fen Ren’s blood turned cold. REACH? The same REACH that tried to trick H&C advertisements into signing a bad contract!? They would not dare to try something like this! This man must not know who he is talking to!

“REACH would never try to touch the Ren family! Are they afraid of living!?”

Han chuckled. That was an ironic statement.

“If you do not believe me then call your people. Find out who your supporters are and see if your third party can be trusted”

Han sat back down and called Fen Ren’s secretary in to grab him a cup of coffee. He was going to take his time and make sure he got his point across to Fen Ren. The boy needed to see that he could not trust anybody blindly.

Fen Ren was hesitant at first, but he eventually decided to do as Han said. He started to call people, and as he continued calling his anxiety continued growing.

[I don’t know who put the contract. It came from an anonymous source] Person 1.

[I think you should contact the federal bureau. They will surely have what you’re looking for] Person 2.

[The third party? Did we ever look for them before? Are they important?] Person 3.

[What is it, Fen Ren? I’m busy with work for father]

The last person on the phone was Cipher and Fen Ren still felt a chill run down his spine at the cold tone. Cipher did not hate him, but Fen Ren knows Cipher did not like him either. He would not have called it he was not desperate. Han was already on his third cup of coffee and he still hasn’t found the name of the third party. It was humiliating!

“I need your help, Cipher. There is someone I need to find,”

Cipher was silent on the other side and after a while, Fen Ren thought he would refuse, but Cipher eventually agreed.

[Okay, who is it. Be quick because I am occupied]


[Ah! Please don’t kill -]


Fen Ren jumped in his seat as he heard a woman shout over the phone. Han looked at him curiously and he cleared his throat nervously. That was the sound of a gun, wasn’t it? Was Cipher on a mission for his father? How could he answer the phone while shooting people!?

[Speak Fen]

“There is a third party associated with a contract I made for the free appliance project. Can you help me find out who they are?”

[I will get back to you.]

The line went dead and Fen Ren put the phone down with a sigh. He could never talk to Cipher without being on edge. The man was more dangerous than an entire gang of shooters. But there was no one better at finding people than him.

incidentally, there was also no one better at making sure people were never found.

Fen Ren’s phone rang again after a few minutes and he picked up quickly.

[The name of the person that brought the contract to you is Tan Woo. She is a representative for REACH. If you accept this contract then I will find you, torture you, and then kill you myself. Do not sully the name of the Ren family with your stupidity]

The line went dead immediately and Fen Ren gulped. Han was right all along. The REACH company was the third party! If this contract had gone public then his family would lose face all over City C! The Park family would never forgive them for signing a contract with their enemy and the public loved Miss Kim enough to hate REACH for trying to cheat them! This would be a disaster!

Han took a sip of his tea and smiled.

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