Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 41

Han took a sip of his tea and smiled.

“Have you managed to complete your search? This is my fifth cup of coffee and I don’t know if I can take another one”

Fen Ren out the phone back down with grit teeth. How did this man know about the third party before him!? Was he not a member of the Ren family? This newcomer definitely shouldn’t know more than him!

“I… I confirmed what you said. The third party is REACH. I will be willing to give you the contract as the third party”

Fen Ren might have been embarrassed but he was not a bad businessman. He recognized when he was beaten and knew that this was the only way to save his reputation. That was why the next thing Han said shocked him to the core.

“Oh, that? I’m no longer interested in it”

Fen Ren raged. Was this man trying to play him for a fool!? What kind of person would try something like this to the Ren family!!!?

“Are you not afraid of death!? My company may be small but my family is not something you can withstand! You better not play games with me!”

Han took another sip of coffee and dropped the cup. He already promised himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure that the future never came to pass. If REACH saw AeroDynamicity as a means of spreading the virus then he has to make sure there is nothing in this company he did not know about. And, well… there was probably another reason too, but that was not as important as the company itself.

He would control it all, or he would destroy it all.

“51 percent”

Han stared into Fen Ren’s eyes with seriousness and Fen Ren raised a brow. Fifty-one percent of what?

“This company is a multi-national one that has the potential to grow beyond City C. I would say I am interested in seeing how far you can go. But I don’t think you have the ability to handle this business and take it to its fullest potential.”

Han stood up and loomed over Fen Ren. He smiled in a bloodthirsty way.

“I want fifty-one percent of your company’s free stocks”

Fen Ren’s eyes widened in shock. Did this man know what he was talking about? Was he mad? The company’s free stocks were the direct stocks of the company, owning them would give a person an immediate seat on the board of directors. It wasn’t wrong to say that the person would become a pillar of the company!

But to ask for fifty-one percent!? Even Fen Ren only owned forty percent!!!

“You… You do not fear death, do you? You come into my company and think you can just do whatever you want? I am so angry right now. I cannot let this insult go”

Fen Ren’s teeth were clenched tightly. His anger was too great for him to even shout. It surged beneath his skin like a tsunami.

Han smiled again and he saw Fen Ren’s hand twitch? The man obviously wanted to punch him. Han knew this number was astronomical. It was the first time anybody would own more than fifty percent of any company in City C. But it was what he had to do. Owning fifty-one percent of the company would literally make him into the pseudo-owner of AeroDynamicity. There wouldn’t be a single decision they would be able to take without him there.

Any decision in a company required the vote of fifty percent of the board, and if Han owned fifty-one percent then he would become the company itself. It was cruel, but he had to do it.

“Your company is young, Fen. You are a smart man and I see you have some potential, but for you to fall for a trick like this? Even REACH can sneak into your company anytime and sabotage your contract! I am giving you a chance here. If news of your blunder gets to the press, what do you think the press would do to the company. You might lose your contract with the other real estate owners, isn’t it? What do you think the Park family would do to you…”

Han leaned in.

“…What do you think your father would do to you?”


Fen Ren bit his lip till he drew blood! He was not afraid of many things in this world, but his father terrified him more than anything. If his father ever heard what he did. Would he not be sent to an isolated place for the rest of his life!? He would never have face with his father again! It would be the end of him!

Fen Ren squeezed his hand and bowed his head down.

“You already bought the last thirty percent of our free stocks. We don’t have any more”

Han sat back down and crossed one leg over the other while fixing his tie.

“Oh, but you own forty percent, don’t you? I’m sure losing a measly twenty-one percent to me won’t do you any harm. Are you still worried about losing that much? You will still be the second-highest shareholder even if you lose it, so your voice will not be silenced. From today onwards, let’s be partners”

Han stretched his hand out to Fen Ren and the man reluctantly took it. The deal had been struck. Han insisted they draft a contract immediately and Fen Ren had his secretary make it. They both read through it, signed it, and then finalized the contract for the free appliances.

Han would provide a sum of two million dollars for the free appliances and twenty million for the extra stocks. His company logo would be on all the appliances and every step of the production would be recorded and sent to him before they send it out to the public.

Han walked out of the office as the owner of AeroDynamicity.


Later that night. Han decided to leave his house for a walk and get some fresh air. He had his phone in front of him and was talking with Ping about a fair their college would be having the next week.

[It’ll be fun Oppa! You’ll surely come right!?]

[Of course! How can I miss my cute sister’s fair!?]

[Ah, Oppa! You’re so embarrassing!!]

[Oh, but you’re definitely cute!!]


Han chuckled and put his phone back in his pocket, he needed to finalize the deal for his new company building before going for the fair. Maybe he should get a gift for her? It’s been a while since he saw her.

“Oof! Hey! Watch where you’re – !! Boss Han?”

Somebody suddenly ran into Han and Han turned around to see Tao Long standing beside him? The man was wearing a black shirt and trousers and had a black hoodie over it all. Han was immediately suspicious. Was he trying to rob someone? Don’t tell me he still hasn’t learned his lesson get?

“What are you doing here, Tao Long? You look suspicious going around like batman”

Tao Long looked down at his clothes and laughed nervously. He scratched his cheek and Han narrowed his eyes at him. It looked like something was worrying him. Should he ask? It wasn’t like he owed him anything, but he was very helpful to Miss Kim in the future. Maybe just a drink.

“Come with me, I’ll buy you a drink and you can tell me what’s wrong”

“Ah! Really, boss Han!?”

Han simply waved Tao Long forward as he began walking down the road. Before long the two of them arrived at a bar and Han ordered two drinks.

“So what’s wrong?”

Han asked Tao Long once their drinks arrived and Tao Long looked down into his drink and sighed. He did not want to tell Han anything.

“Just say it before I get mad. You’re not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong”

Han downed his glass of gin and grabbed a bottle to refill it.

“I have a brother. Ryu Long’


Han remembered Ryu Long from the future. The boy who always made up rules for people to follow. He was a little annoying but he was just a kid so Han could understand.

“My brother recently became a drug addict”

Han paused and turned to Tao Long in shock. What the fuck did he just say?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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