Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 42

Tao Long was an orphan. He and his brother lived alone in the slums of the city underground and were responsible for taking care of themselves. His brother was the only family he had left in this world so he would do anything for him. But one day he found his brother injecting something into his arm. Tao Long raged and beat his brother at that moment. How could he be so careless!! But his brother would not listen to him.

Ryu Long was an eighteen years old and he was at that point in his life when he thought he knew better than everyone else. He said he was just trying to love like his friends. Tao Long called it stupidity. He had seen what drugs did to people in the underground. How could his brother be so stupid!

Tao Long squeezed his hand around the bottle of whiskey in his hands. Han knew that if the glass was any thinner it would have broken by now.

"He is just a kid, but he likes to think he is an adult! I've tried everything to get him to stop but...!"

"You can't force people to stop something that they find pleasant"

Han understood the issue perfectly. Human beings were always the same. We're we all not just trying to find something that made us excited to wake up every day? But this was not how children should find excitement. This was evil!

"This drug... Which one is it? Cocaine? Cannabis?"

Tao Long shook his head. None of those drugs circulated in the underground anymore. They were too expensive for the poor folks to buy.

"It's a new one called Wisteria. I don't know where it came from but the bishop has been selling it to kids for a very cheap amount"

Han rose a brow.

"The bishop?"

Tao Long's mouth formed an o. He almost forgot that Han wasn't a part of the underground. He wouldn't know the bishop.

"He's the number one drug lord in the underground of City C and he's as shrewd as they come. They say he once killed a man because his son couldn't pay up the money for some drugs he bought. They were just a warning for the rest of the underground. But the thing is that you can't deny he has charm. He can make a man leave his family and never turn back in the same way he can charm any woman into doing his bidding. He's as dangerous as they come"

Han hummed and took another shot of gin. This might be a bit tricky. He didn't know anything about the underground and the people there. But if this bishop was the issue, then wouldn't it be okay to just get rid of him? He didn't have any respect for people that sold drugs to kids!

"Okay, let's go"

Han dropped some money on the table and stood up and Tao Long looked up in shock. Where were they going?

"You said this bishop is responsible for this, right? Let's pay him a visit,"

Tao Long felt a stone drop into his stomach. Did this man want him dead!? How can you even think of going against the bishop!!? It was suicide!!

"Boss Han, you do t need to go that far! Bishop isn't someone you can just knock on his door and enter! He is very dangerous "

Ha was already at the door and he just turned back to Tao Long with a smirk.

"He's not the only one that's dangerous"

Tao Long shivered before he finally nodded and got up.

The bishop was an untouchable entity. This wasn't because of his strength or his speed. It was because of his connections. Everybody and their mother owed the bishop something and every major power in the underground had been in business with him at least once. The bishop never had anything to fear in the underground because there wa# nobody that would dare to attack him unless they wanted death.

Currently, the bishop was in a nightclub. He leaned into the girl beside him and she giggled as he nibbled on her ear. He was a handsome man with black hair with red tips. He wore sunglasses and a sleek red suit.

A man came up to the bishop and whispered something in his ear.

"Someone is looking for you boss. Says his name is Han Luo"

The bishop looked up to the man with a glare. Could he not see he was ruining his night? Who the hell was this Han Luo!?

"Send him away, the bishop does not wish to see him"
The man nodded to the bishop and left, the bishop turned back to the girl at the side. Now, where were they?


The door to the nightclub suddenly burst open and everyone paused. The music stopped and only the sound of footsteps could be heard. Han stepped inside with his hands in his pocket and took a look around. Smoking, drinking, dancing. Seems like they were having fun.

"If you don't want to die, then leave,"

The normal people scrambled for the door like chickens. Han waited patiently for all of them to go, he wasn't afraid of the bishop escaping. Men like that would never follow someone else's orders, they were too blind to see death staring them in the face.

Once the club cleared up, Han looked around for the only man still seating down. He found him and he smirked at the bishop.

"You're a hard man to find in this city,"

Han walked over to the bishop and took a seat right opposite him. A man shouted at Han and pointed a gun at him, but Han grabbed his arm and pulled him forward sharply. His head slammed against the edge of the table and he slummed.

The other gunmen in the room all pulled out their guns, but the bishops rose his hand up and they calmed down. He leaned back in his seat while studying Han. This was not the first time people tried to attack him. But this man didn't seem hostile toward him at all, his eyes were so bored. Like he was taking an afternoon stroll.

"Why would you court death by attacking the bishop"

Han rose a brow. Third-person? Really? He shrugged and snapped his finger towards Tao Long behind him. Tao Long came and poured him a glass of whiskey. He could see the bishop now eyeing him with more interest. He needed this to turn into a power play and not just a negotiation.

Han didn't have a single idea of how things were done in the underground, but there would always be one constant no matter where he went in the world.

Power. Power to buy, power to sell, power to kill, power to heal. Power was the only thing respected in this world, and Han wanted the bishop to know he was talking to a man with power.

"I heard a wild rumor lately. That a certain bishop has been giving drugs for cheap to the youth"

The bishop scowled. Was this man just here to buy drugs? He did not have to storm in here like that!

"It is no mere rumor. The bishop indeed gives his blessings to all for a small price. Tell me, Han Luo, do you wish to partake in the blessings as well?"

Han took his glass of whiskey and drained it all in one go before he slammed it on the table.

"I'm only going to tell you this once since you seem like a sensible man. The Wisteria. Stop all sales and production at once"

There was a beat of silence in the room before the bishop began to laugh.

"Pft... Pwahahahahahha. This man thinks he can threaten the bishop!? Have you gone mad!? I've dealt with rats that had more spunk than you! If you think you can make the bishop stop making his goods then you are truly mad!!!"

Han narrowed his eyes before he fingered the glass of whiskey in his hands. At least no one can say he didn't warn them. He thought he would come in here and easily deal with things. After all, these men were nothing when compared with the upper part of society. But it seems force is their medicine.

The next few minutes would forever be engrained into Tao Long's mind, because he watched with wide eyes as Han beat up twenty armed men, with a glass of whiskey!

Han slammed his glass into the first man at his side and the act immediately drove the other men into action, they pulled out their guns, but Han ran towards the bishop and the bishop's eyes widened.

"Don't shoot you idiots! Are you trying to kill me!?"

Han vaulted over his head and kicked the one behind him. He slammed the bottle into the jaw of another one and then into the ear of a fourth one. This was how he just kept striking at vital points in their bodies, throat, balls, eyes, nose, everywhere!!!

In less than five minutes, only three men were still standing in the room.

Han turned back to the bishop.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Do you think we can start over?"

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