Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 46

The world was once again a wasteland. Miss Kim told Han all about how zombies suddenly appeared out of the blue one day and began attacking people in the city. The city authorities tried to evacuate people by sea and air but they were easily repelled by the zombies and killed. The only place where refuge remained was the underground. It was a large labyrinth built under City C a long time ago. People once used it to transport drugs and food without being caught by the authorities, but now it was used as a refuge for survivors.

Down here, the only law was money and power. In the darkest moments, the head of the underground came and declared that they would be starting a tournament with the greatest fighters they had. People who were not going to fight in it would have to pay a large sum monthly to keep out of the cage, but if you didn’t pay then you would have to fight.

Miss Kim, Rin Woo, and Rina were all stuck down here without anything after the apocalypse happened. Rina could not fight, she never had the strength or ability to, but Miss Kim and Rin Woo definitely could. They decided to fight in the cage and gave Rina a small amount of their winnings each month to pay for her monthly expenses. Surprisingly, they formed a bond from their shared familiarity with Han. They were all waiting for him in one way or the other and for the first two years they kept on hoping he would show up.

After those two years, they thought he died and decided they would try to move on as much as they could alone, but then they saw his name show up in the cage and the first thought was that he abandoned them all those years ago.

How would he stay out there for five years without even contacting them? It was not new news that all survivors were coming to the underground to band together, so why wouldn’t he just come down here to look for them. Rin Woo was hurt the most because she didn’t know what to feel for him anymore. Her emotions of hate and love mixed and made her lash out in confusion.

Rina was resigned to the fact that her brother was better off not knowing how she was doing up there. He would rather stay on the surface than come to see her and Miss Kim was just indifferent. She didn’t have any right to accuse Han of anything personal. After all, she abandoned him first after he asked for her hand in marriage.

Han took all of this in silently with his hands crossed. So he had just disappeared? He had to talk to that vixen in the void and ask her more about how this time-traveling thing worked. It was nice that he came to the future, but the possibilities of what he would find here were too much for him to accept!

How in the world would he ever abandon his sister! He loved that girl more than he loved even himself! He was sure he tried his best to make sure she didn’t lack anything in all her years of being with him, there shouldn’t ever be a reason for her to think he would just leave her. The most obvious one he hurt was Rin Woo. The night with her was still fresh in his mind, and if he just disappeared after that then she probably had a good reason to be angry with him.

Han sighed and stood up.

“Do any of you know why this suddenly happened? Anything at all would be useful”

They were all silent and Han accepted that they wouldn’t say anything. He was about to leave when he suddenly heard Miss Kim grunt and hold onto her arm. Her fingers shook as she quickly grabbed a bit of the Wisteria and snuffed it. The shaking subsided and she quickly calmed down.

What the hell was that thing doing to them? Han wanted to ask, but Miss Kim wasn’t even looking at him, she just stared towards the Tv with a faraway look in her eyes.

Han growled in frustration and stepped out of the room. He needed to find out the cause of this virus quickly! This is probably his worst future yet! Drug addicts! They were all reduced to drug addicts! What sort of fucked up future was this! No matter what, Han swore he would find whoever sold these drugs in the past and smash their skill in!

“Han Luo, the dealer wishes to see you,”

Han turned around in anger to see a woman standing behind him. She had on a short pair of shorts and a crop top. The woman took a step back when Han turned to her. His glare was intense and she could almost feel the anger rolling off him. But Han finally took a breath and relaxed.

“What did you say? Who wants to see me?”

“The dealer. Please come with me”

The dealer? Wasn’t that the woman who the bishop said sold the Wisteria to him? That was the boss of the underground, wasn’t it? She was the woman responsible for all this! Well, it seemed his luck was looking up. He didn’t have to go looking for her to kill her. He was being led straight to her.

He walked with the woman towards a room at the end of a long hall and it opened up to loud music and multiple people hanging around. The dealer was sitting on a couch in the middle of the room with a cigar in her mouth. She had a woman sitting sideways in her lap and Han watched as she blew the smoke from her cigar into the other woman’s mouth before kissing her.

It was hot. Really, it was a very hot scene. But Han’s anger wouldn’t let him appreciate it for anything more than irritating. He could only see his hand going through this woman’s chest and killing her.

The dealer looked up from her lip lock and towards Han, she smiled at him and Han scowled right back.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet the man making waves in my cage. I heard you only came here two days ago and now you’re already on the rankings. That’s quite impressive!”

Han did not share her enthusiasm. He moved towards the couch opposite her and sat down. The dealer scowled and Han relaxed back.

“What do you want?” He asked

The dealer was annoyed that he would just seat down. There was already a gun pointed at his head from behind but she wouldn’t kill him because he was a valuable asset. Anyone who could climb the ranks that quickly would be of great use to her and it seemed like he knew it.

She pushed the woman on her lap away and leaned forward.

“You are treading on dangerous waters, Han. Do you not know who I am? I could kill you without even raising a single finger”

Han almost let out the full brunt of his [Blood Lust] right there but he breathed deeply to calm himself. He wouldn’t do anything rash yet. He needed to get more from her before he murdered her.

“Don’t make promises you won’t keep. I know you need me, but the real question here is if I need you. What can you do for me? Why did you call me here?”

The dealer was actually impressed. It seemed Han was not a simple man. She took a small bag from behind her and tossed it to him and Han caught it easily.

“I think you might be needing that”

Han looked at the bag and he immediately surged to his feet. Wisteria! She was giving him wisteria! Was she tired of living!?

Ten guns immediately pointed at him from around the room but Han did not even care. He glared at the dealer.

“What is the meaning of this!?”

The dealer smiled.

“You’ll thank me after a while, trust me. No matter what you do in here, you need some of that to even function”

She waved a hand and a man came from the side. He put his hand on the table and then shot a bullet straight through it.


Han watched in shock as the man just rose his hand back up and walked away as nothing happened. Was this what Wisteria did?

The dealer stood up and walked towards Han.

“The cage isn’t a place you can just enter and leave. You’re now a part of it and there is nothing that can save you. If you want to survive to become my number one then you don’t have a choice but go to accept my gift,”

“You mean to become an addict” Han growled.

The dealer put her hand under Han’s chin and licked along his jaw.

“I mean become a champion. Win enough fights and you will never lack Wisteria. It will not even feel like you are addicted. It will just be… Second nature.”

Han stepped away from her and turned to leave.

“Prepare yourself, your next fight will be in ten minutes and you will definitely be needing the Wisteria. I wish you luck, future Champion,”

The dealer watched with a smile as Han walked out without even turning back. She knew he wouldn’t take it for the first fight, but just like everyone else he would still succumb to it. No one could survive for long in here without it. And then when he is completely dependent on it he will warm her bed just like the other champions.

Han growled as he walked out of the room. He is going to kill that woman with a toothpick!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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