Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 47

The next fight Han had was against a man called the viper. Why they called him that was anyone’s guess, but he was ranked at number three on the screen so Han knew he must be strong. He saw the man on the other side of the large hall where the cage was. He was looking at Han with a maniac look in his eyes and then he smiled. Han finally realized why they called him viper. He was a carnivore with large and pointed teeth.


[Welcome to the cage, you savages!!! Han Luo is coming once again, and this time he goes up against our number three, the viper!!!!]

The viper took a small bag out of his pocket and burst it over his nose. He inhaled it all madly and then sighed while falling to his knees. The crowd around the cage went wild as someone dragged the viper’s limp body into the cage. Han walked in and stood on the other side of the cage, wondering if the man was dead or not.

It took a few minutes, but he finally saw signs of movement from the viper. He convulsed and then shot to his feet like a bullet before charging toward Han.

Han dodged his blow and kneed him in the stomach hard enough to drive him back. The viper was a carnivore, but he was slow as fuck! He wasn’t even half as fast as Ping was!

[It looks like the viper can’t get past his defense! Is Han Luo even trying!? That was a weak-ass attempt by the viper!!]

The viper ran for him again and this time Han grabbed his head and swung his body into the cage. A loud crack resounded across the room and the crowd went wild as the viper fell to the ground with a broken arm. He stood up immediately and charged for Han again while completely ignoring the pain.

Han growled and dodged him again. So this was what that dealer wanted him to become? A mad man with a dependence on her drugs!? He saw red!

He grabbed the viper’s arm and bent it backward.


[Fuck!! Did you hear that!? He broke that shit like a toothpick!!]

The crowd winced in unison. The sound was so loud it drowned out their cheers. He dragged the viper to the center of the cage by his broken arm. Even with the drug in the viper’s system he still felt a substantial amount of pain from his arm being broken in two places.

Han knelt on the vipers back and bent his leg forward until he heard a crack from that too.



Oh, was the drug wearing off? That meant there was a pain threshold for it? Or perhaps it was just because of the fear? He should experiment more to see how far this drug dependence went.

Han grabbed the viper’s arm and bent it at the shoulder till…



Oh, come on now. Don’t shout like you wouldn’t have done the same thing to me. Han was already long gone in his anger. This was just a way of releasing his stress. He looked up towards the seats above the cage and saw the dealer looking down at him with a blank face. She had her head resting in her fist, but Han could clearly see the frustration in her eyes.

He grabbed the viper’s head with his two arms and kept his eyes on the dealer as he began bending it to one side.

“Arck! Arghhhhh!”


The viper’s head turned one-eighty degrees till he was looking at Han with glass eyes. Han climbed off him and walked out of the silent cage.

[H-Han Luo wins… Fuck! What was that!? Was that even a fight!?]

[You have killed 1 carnivore. You have gained +2 free points. You have gained +2 Agility]

Name – Han Luo

Level – 17

Strength – 70

Stamina – 45

Agility – 39

Intelligence – 51

Free Points – 12

Skills – [Critical Hit – 35] [Crowd Control – 25] [Critical thinking – 15] [Blood Lust – 25] [Eyes of Horos – 10] [Photographic Memory – 20] [Berserker – 1]

The show of complete dominance made everyone clear the way for Han as he walked away. They had never seen anybody completely destroy another fighter in a cage like this! Was this not their number three? Shouldn’t he have survived for more than five minutes!?

Up in the seats, the dealer snapped her finger and a microphone was handed to her.

“Han Luo won this time and has proven his worth to us! So we will be giving him a chance to go beyond!! In the next match today, Han Luo will be going up against the legend himself!! The number one fighter!! Cipher!!!”

Han stopped in his tracks and looked back in surprise. Did this woman just say Cipher? The screen on the opposite side of the screen cleared out before two names showed up at number one and number two on the rankings. Cipher and Han Luo.

So that man survived and came down here? Maybe he would finally manage to release the rest of his stress.

The dealer looked down from her seat and watched to see Han’s reaction. There was nobody who heard the name of Cipher that didn’t tremble in fear. The man was a beast even without her drug. With it, he was unstoppable. But instead of fear, all she saw on Han’s face was indifference. She grit her teeth in anger. What sort of man was this!? He wouldn’t take her drug and he was still this strong!? She needed him to show dispair and rage! She needed him under her feet just like everyone else!!

“Ma’am, should I tell the Cipher to prepare for the -”

The voice of the fat man made the dealer’s blood boil and she turned around and aimed her gun at him.


He dropped to the ground dead and she turned away in anger. She would tell Cipher herself to prepare. There was no way she would allow this Han to get the better of her in the underground!

Han walked into the room he was given to rest and sat down on the bench. This was the first time he ever showed that sort of brutality to anyone and he was surprised he didn’t feel any form of repulsion? All he could feel was a slight annoyance still directed at that dealer. Just the thought of her giving the drugs to Miss Kim or even Rin Woo made his blood boil like never before!

The drug she gave him was still in his pocket and as he brought it out to analyze it he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in,”

Rina walked into the room with her hands wrung together and looked towards Han with forlorn eyes. Han immediately stood up and put the drug in his pocket before turning towards her. Did she come to talk to him?

Rina was a little scared to even come here. She wanted to talk to Han before he went to the fight, she was tired of fighting with him already and just felt glad that her brother was back. But after seeing what he did to the viper she felt a little scared of him.

Han took a step towards her and she unconsciously flinched. He immediately stopped.

“Did you want to talk to me?”

Rina nodded while forcing herself to move forward. She couldn’t fear her brother that much!

“Do you have any injuries? I-I don’t know how to do much, but I can take care of the small injuries!”

Rina was not a fighter in the cage but she was used to taking care of Miss Kim’s and Rin Woo’s injuries whenever they come back from fights. It was the least she could do since she was just freeloading off them. Han shook his head in the negative and she hummed sadly. So he didn’t even get a single cut in that fight? That amount of brutality wasn’t something she was used to seeing in her brother!

“Well if you don’t have anything then I guess I’ll just leave. Maybe I’ll see you after your fight?”

She was about to leave but Han suddenly caught her hand and stopped her. She was proud of not flinching this time but she still felt a little bit of fear in her heart.

Han brought up a roll of tape and showed her.

“I don’t have any injuries. But can you help me tie this on my hands? I don’t know how,”

Rina smiled and moved back towards the bench. She pulled him down to his seat and then knelt between his legs as she began tying the tapes around his hands.

“You’re really good at this,”

Han decided to talk about something else to fill the silence. He was grateful that his sister was kind enough to come to see him even after he left her for five years. He didn’t know what he did to deserve her.

Rina looked up at him with a faint smile before looking back down.

“When you disappeared five years ago, I thought about going out to look for you again. But Kim-Noona and Rin Woo stopped me before I could do something stupid. I would have probably died out there. They allowed me to stay with them and they gave me the money I needed to stay in exchange for doing small tasks for them every now and then. I help with their laundry, cook sometimes, and help them with their tape and injuries. I’m useless in the cage but I can do this much”

Han couldn’t even look Rina in the eye.. He felt so ashamed of himself! He shouldn’t be feeling this way! There was nothing he could have done about it! But that didn’t stop the shame from consuming him.

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