Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 49

True to Han’s prediction, he was called on immediately he reached his room. He was in the middle of taking off his tape and greeting Rina when a woman suddenly appeared at his door and told him to follow her. Han gave a surprised face. He was so shocked, before he obediently followed after her. He was led through a long tunnel and then into another one before they finally reached a metal door.

He turned around to the woman and suddenly felt her lips on his own. His eyes widened as he enjoyed the feeling before she leaned back and smiled at him. She then walked away with an extra sway in her hips. Well… That was new. Han didn’t even know what to say to that.

He knocked on the door and it opened by itself. It wasn’t even locked. He shrugged and walked into the dimly lit room . There was a candle stand to onE side which cast a low light over a bed in the middle of the room. The bed had purple linen drapes and Han could just make out the figure of a woman within the drapes.

Damn, Han couldn’t even believe it would be this easy. This woman just put herself in a room alone with him? Right at the time when he needed her to be in a room alone with him?

Han chuckled and walked inside.

“Close the door, champion,”

Han closed the door. He has to be a good little doggie sometimes, you know. Han entered deeper into the room but he was surprised to see she wasn’t alone on the bed. Two other girls were lying beside her. Those were the girls always sitting at her feet, right. They were probably twins because they looked exactly the same. Sexy body and plump delicious-looking chests. Damn, premium level for sure.

“Why don’t you join us? There’s more than enough room for one more,”

Don’t mind if I – Wait!!! Dammit!! Han couldn’t do it. He put his head in his hand and groaned in agony. He needed her to be alone!! He didn’t need the other two people here.

But what if he just had his fun first?

Wait? Really?

Yeah! Nobody ever said he had to find out about the drug right now. Three beautiful bisexual women are lying right in front of him. He probably wouldn’t find a situation like this anywhere else… Ever!!

Han put his hand to his chin and wondered if he was actually wondering about doing this. He could get some serious backlash from this if anyone ever found out! But!!! And it was a big but!! A very big butt!!

He probably wouldn’t get this sort of chance again!!

Han eyed the three women and swallowed as one of the twins grabbed the dealer’s chest and squeezed it sensually. His little buddy jumped to attention like a soldier and Han shrugged as he leaped into the lion’s den.

He would deal with backlash later!!

Later that night, after the three women had been sufficiently drained of every ounce of energy they possessed, Han did something he never thought he would do if it wasn’t during sex.

He choked a woman.

Well, two women actually. The twins’ eyes flew open at the same time as Han constricted the air from flowing into their bodies. Han twisted his mouth to one side and tightened his hands even more while blinking down at them. They weren’t strong by any means but choking someone to death was actually a little harder than the movies made it out to be.

Han sighed, it seemed like a waste to get rid of them. They were the best at giving double blows. But he had to get the dealer alone and he couldn’t risk them calling for help. If anyone were to see him now they would probably think he was a bad person, but Han wasn’t. He was just being careful, really! They could call him a black widow for all he cared…. Black widow? That was the female, wasn’t it? Maybe black widower?

Oh, they’re dead.

Han had been squeezing the necks of the twins for a while now and didn’t even notice when they died. He took his hand back and gently covered their faces with the blanket. He would never forget them. Maybe he could meet them again in the past for some more one-on-one time. That would be nice.

The only person left was the dealer and she was still sleeping to one side of the bed. She didn’t even wake up when the twins began shaking uncontrollably. She must have been really tired.

Well, it is to be expected. Han probably gave her twice what he gave the twins.

He grabbed the dealer and then got to work.

After a while, Han slapped the dealer’s face lightly while calling her name. In fact, Han wondered, was her real name the dealer? Because he hasn’t heard anyone call her anything but the dealer before. Even that bishop called her the dealer. It would be weird if she went to school with a name like that. Hey dealer! Want to go to karaoke with us?

Sounds like a childhood nightmare.

Oh well, it’s not like it was her real name anyway. She probably had some weird name she doesn’t want anybody knowing. Why else would she give it up and take some generic name like the dealer?


Oh, Han totally forgot he was still hitting her. He stepped back and allowed her to wiggle around in her bonds freely. She was hanging from the frame of the bed by her hands and her mouth had a cloth in it. She wiggled around like a worm and Han smiled at her.

“Pretty confused aren’t you? Well, if I woke up naked and tied up I would be surprised too…”

Either that or he would be in another one of his kinky dreams, but that was a topic for another day. Han walked around her to the table at the side where an assorted number of knives lay. He picked one up and fingered the blade and the dealer’s eyes widened.

“You keep quite a lot of knives in your room. Do you know how to use all this? It’s quite impressive!”


The dealer began wiggling even more and Han sighed. Did this woman think moving like that would solve anything? The movement was causing quite the reaction to his lower body though! Look at those jiggers juggling!

But he already went there and did that. They lost their mystery a while ago.

“Now let’s see here. I wonder what would happen if I stick one of these inside you. No not inside the lower part, you crazy woman! Your arm! I’ll stick it into your arm!”

Han sighed. He was trying to threaten this woman but she was just making it harder than it needed to be! Just widen your eyes, shake a few more times, and nod when he needed you to. Nothing too intense right?

“Look, I don’t want to kill you…”

That was a lie. Han wanted to kill her more than anybody else right now! She got his girls addicted to drugs. She needed to die.

“… But I will hurt you if you don’t answer my questions. Do you understand?”

The dealer nodded quickly while staying still. Han brought the knife forward and cut her gag and she screamed.

“Just wait till I get out of – Mmmmpphh!!!”

Han held his hand up to her mouth with a look of absolute disbelief. Okay. Maybe that was his fault. Leave it to him to believe her when she said she wouldn’t shout. He thought of using his bloodlust but he really didn’t want her to pass out before he could ask her any questions. His aura was so strong that she probably wouldn’t survive both her fear and his induced fear.

Alright. Plan B.

Han brought the knife up to her throat and the dealer gulped as it drew blood.

“I really don’t know how to use this. I’ve never even performed surgery before. But I do know that a hole in the throat would probably kill a person… I think. So let’s just not test it. Scream again and I won’t be so lenient.”

The dealer nodded even quicker this time and when Han released her mouth she stayed as still as possible. Even the slightest move and her neck would be skewered like a barbecue.

This was not what she wanted to happen today! She thought Han was just like all other men and she would be able to entice him to her side with her body. She had an inclination towards women but that didn’t mean she couldn’t desire men. This was supposed to be the time she would be coercing him into finally taking her drug! Not whatever this was!!

When Han finally managed to get the dealer to calm down he stepped closer to her.

“I’m only going to ask you these questions once.. You either answer me or I put the knife one centimeter deeper. What do you know about REACH?”

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