Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 48

Once Rina was done with the tapes Han thanked her and moved to change his top to a t-shirt. As he was moving, the Wisteria he was given dropped out of his pocket and Rina’s eyes immediately trailed towards it.

“Ah! You… Haven’t taken it yet?”

Han looked down at the drug before shaking his head. He wasn’t going to take this shit.

“But how can you fight without it?”

Rina was shocked that Han won the last fight without needing the drug. She still remembered how Rin and Kim were always using the drug before going into the ring.

Han brought out a shirt and put it on before he shook his head to tell her that he didn’t want to talk about it. Instead, he asked her another question.

“What about you? Don’t you use it?”

Rina immediately shook her head. She knew that that drug was not good for her. Fighters were forced to use it but she was not going to use it if she didn’t have to.

“I don’t want to use it. Only the fighters are forced to use it whenever they are in the cage. Normal people have to buy it from the dealer.”

That was interesting. So the dealer was making sure the fighters were dependent on her no matter what. That would just make her stronger, wouldn’t it? If she had the loyalty of every fighter then there was no one she couldn’t control. No wonder she wanted him to take it as well.

Han picked up the drug and put it back in his pocket.

“I’ll be going now. You can go back, I’ll see you when I get back”

Rina nodded and watched Han walk out.


The dealer walked up to a door and knocked on it once before opening it to a dark room. She could feel her hands shaking as she entered it and she cursed. She could never come in here without being scared. Not even after he began using her drug, Cipher still scared the shit out of her.

“What do you want?”

A deep raspy voice spoke out from the darkness and the dealer swallowed and turned towards the bed on the other side of the room. Cipher was sitting shirtless with his back turned to her. His muscles rippled under his skin and she felt her body heat up traitorously.

“There is a man out there. One Han Luo. I want you to deal with him and I will pay you a hundred grams”

Cipher growled deep in his throat and turned his head to look at her. Did she say, Han Luo? His memories were fuzzy, but he could still remember somebody of that name from a long time ago.

“Why do you want him gone?”

“He is a threat to my rule. Is that not more than enough reason?”

“I don’t care about your rule. The underground is a playground for fools, and if you are happy to be their queen then so be it. Don’t involve me in your stupid autocracy”

The dealer grit her teeth and forced herself to remain calm. Cipher was another person who she never managed to get to follow her. He was on a leash because she was the only one who could provide the drug he used, but he already made it very clear he did not care about helping her with anything else. Even coercing him into bed did not work!

“Then do me a favor and I will owe you”


Cipher looked back with more interest. To get a favor from the dealer was probably the largest thing anyone could ask for now. In this world that had no more government, only those with power ruled. And Cipher could not deny the dealer had power. Maybe this would be worthwhile.

“Fine then, get out and let me get ready.”

The dealer narrowed her eyes at the insulting tone but still walked out stiffly. Once she was gone she breathed a sigh of relief. At least she could be sure of Han Luo dying now. No one has ever been in the cage with Cipher and survived. This fight could only end one way.


Han walked into the large arena for the second time in the same day and was immediately assaulted with the scream of the crowd. They were no longer booing him like before. After taking out Rin Woo and killing the viper he was now the second in their rankings. Now that they would be seeing a fight between their number one and two they were very excited.

Han just took it all in silently while making sure the tapes around his arm were properly tied. Once he was sure they were, he nodded happily.

Now, where was that Cipher? He was going to have to rush through the fight today and start investigating this virus.

The crowd around started screaming louder when Cipher showed up on the other side of the room. He wore only long pants and had no shirt on his body. His hands were also wrapped in tape, but there was no light in his eyes. Han could only say they were like bottomless wells.

He walked into the cage and stood opposite Cipher and they were locked inside.

The dealer watched from her seat above the cage and waited for a glorious fight to happen between them. It was going to be the best fight her cage ever sees and she was sure she would be hearing about it for the next ten years at least.

Five minutes later, the dealer’s smile died on her face, because Cipher was down on the ground, and Han Luo was standing victorious over him.


A lie. This man was a lie. Han couldn’t believe he thought this would be a fight. In his mind, Han imagined them trading massive blows that would break walls and throw the cage into chaos. But what he got was a man with more strength than a rhino and absolutely no way to use that strength.

Cipher couldn’t land a single punch on him! It was so unbelievable that Han almost thought about standing in one place and letting one punch hit just so he could make sure this wasn’t a dream! How can a man who was once the top assassin in his world become like this!? He didn’t even have any skills! All he did was move around and try to punch you as much as possible!

What in the world happened to this man!? Was it the apocalypse? Was it the drug!? Han grabbed his head in his hand and cursed. He had been so hyped for the fight!! He actually prepared an entire speech of what he would say in the middle of it! Some mad dirty talking shit, too! He couldn’t use his trash talk on a dead body!

Three punches! It only took Han three punches to kill Cipher.

One to the head, one to the chest, and one to the throat.

The punches were so intense that they immediately shattered any bine in the area around where Han punched. The amount of strength Han possessed far surpassed any defense the wisteria could produce. If Cipher still had his mind intact then he probably could’ve known to dodge, but with the drug in his system making him fight without worrying for his health, he has no chance.

Once Han was done he sighed and turned around to the stunned crowd. They were silent again? They really should stop being so surprised by this! And the worst thing was that Cipher was a human! An ordinary human that couldn’t give him any points with his system!


[H-Han Luo wins… Han Luo wins!!!! He actually fucking won!!!]

The crowd suddenly went crazy as Han walked out of the cage with a deadpan. Did these people take crack sometime earlier? Oh.. right, they did take some shit. No wonder their moods were swinging so much. One moment they’re dumbfounded and in the next moment, they are shouting like little children.

Han looked up at the dealer and saw her looking towards the motionless body of Cipher. Look at me dammit! I want to scare the shit out of you with my smile! Oh yeah, just like that~

Han gave her the most bloodthirsty smile he ever gave any soul and he could’ve sworn he saw her soul shiver. He chuckled and walked out of the room. Now all he had to do was wait for her to call him. With what he did to Cipher it was obvious she would want to get a new guard dog under her leash.. He wouldn’t miss this opportunity.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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