Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 57

Once Han was done with the bath he came out with a new shirt and trousers on. Lily had already finished four plates of food by then and was on her fifth. She had no idea just how hungry she was. Once she started eating she couldn’t stop.

Han smiled at her and then moved to sit down on the chair opposite the bed. He waited for her to finish eating so they could talk but he suddenly got a call from Tao Long and he had to leave the hotel with her immediately. He just came here to make sure she was no longer dirty and hungry anyways, they now had to get back to city C as quickly as possible.

The receptionist at the door noticed how brightly Lily was smiling and she blushed while thinking of what the two of them did in there. She collected the key from Han and bowed while saying:

“I hope you enjoyed your stay sir,”

Han nodded.

“It was fine,”

He was talking about the bath. Lily smiled even brighter and waved to the receptionist.

“It was amazing!!”

She was talking about the food.

The receptionist blushed even deeper while watching them leave? What an energetic couple! But why was that girl still only wearing a shirt!?

Han and Lily drove to the airport and Han came down to see Tao Long waiting for him there. He asked him how things were going and Tao told him the dealer was already waiting for them on the plane. Han nodded and they all entered the plane.

The plane was just something he rented for this occasion and he would have to return it once his trip was done, but he was already planning to buy one of his own. His company was now up and running and he already had a large number of traders flocking to learn his trading methods and work for him. He was now worth 150 million dollars and he was sure he would have made more if he wasn’t so busy with the future. Getting a private plane seemed like a necessity.

Once they were on the plane, Lily immediately passed out on the bed in one of the rooms. She was exhausted and hadn’t gotten any sleep for close to five days. Ever since that dealer found her in the factory she was only chained to that room and experimented on and now she can finally get some sleep.

She forced Han to stay with her till she fell asleep and when she did, he moved away from the room and towards the passenger section of the plane to meet Tao Long and the dealer.

“Boss! I’m glad you’re here Boss!”

Tao Long shouted towards Han once he entered and Han just waved his hand to calm him down. This man was too intense! Just calm down, already!

He sat down on a seat and then Tao Long and the dealer sat as well. A hostess came and asked Han what he would be having and he ordered some of the strongest gin they had. He was fucking tired.

“Tell me what you did with the bodies in the glass tubes, Veena.”

Han looked towards the dealer while saying this and he saw slight anger flash across her eyes because he said her name. But she calmed herself down quickly when he narrowed his eyes at her. He wouldn’t have his lapdog rebelling against him.

“We shot them through the glass like you ordered and then disposed of the bodies when they stopped moving,”

“How did you dispose of the bodies?”

“We buried them under ten feet of snow. No one will find them there,”

Han nodded and then took the gin the hostess brought for him. He took it all in one shot and gave her back the bottle before dismissing her. He then looked towards the dealer once more.

“You know, I’m meant to kill you. I’m meant to take your body and tear it into shreds before feeding you to dogs. Your very existence in front of me is as disgusting as a disease and every minute I look at you irritates me even further,”

The dealer shivered and pressed herself back into her seat. The coldness in Han’s tone was like a knife to her heart. She just suddenly realized that she was on a plane alone with this man and his loyal supporter. They could literally do anything they wanted to her and no one would be able to save her!

Han wanted the dealer to know exactly where she stood with him so he could get exactly what he wanted out of her. This was the most important thing right now and he wouldn’t let her stupid pride get in the way of it!!

“Where did you keep the wisteria you already made? I know you didn’t just start making it today, you made a lot of it before and sold it in the market. Where are they?”

The dealer felt like lying. The person who had the drug was very scary and she didn’t know what would happen to her if she went against him. But then she looked into Han’s eyes and she realized she also didn’t know what would happen to her if she was caught lying to Han.

Han already showed her that he didn’t care for her life and would kill her without a second thought. What should she do!?

Han was starting to get annoyed at the dealer. He leaned back and waved at Tao long.


The dealer flinched as a gun pressed into the side of her head. Her breath came out in shallow puffs and she tightened her hands together. They weren’t going to kill her, right?! They needed her! They couldn’t find the drugs without her! All she had to do was stand strong and they would definitely not –

“I will fucking blow your brains into city C if you don’t answer me in the next five seconds,”

Han’s tone was cold as ice and the dealer could see in his eyes that he was definitely not joking. She swallowed nervously before bringing out a phone from her pocket and sliding it towards Han. This was the only device she could use to contact her benefactor. If Han wanted to get him then this was the only way.

She told this to Han and Han grabbed the phone and searched through it. He dialed the number and then handed it back to her to talk to her benefactor.

“Tell him to meet us in City C. Ten at night in the underground tunnels,”

The dealer’s eyes widened when she heard him say this. How did he know about the underground tunnels!? Only the highest people in the chain of commands knew about the tunnels they used to move their drugs across cities! Was this man a big man in the underground!?

She took the phone and put it to her ear once her benefactor picked it up.

[Dealer, there better be a good reason for calling me]

“Uhm yes, I would like to have a meeting”

The dealer tried to steady her voice as much as possible. If she suddenly stuttered or showed any sign of discomfort then Han would not let her live. The gun pressing into her head told her just how close she was to finding death!

[Why do you want another meeting? Is the money I gave you for the Wisteria not enough? Don’t disturb me if you cannot handle something small. I will not let you go easily if you waste my time]

“I will surely not waste your time! I want to talk about a new business deal. The Wisteria became purer and I think we need to discuss how much things will be from now on!”

The line went silent and the dealer waited patiently. The man on the other side was thinking about whether or not it was necessary to meet for something so small. Could they not just talk about it over the phone? But he also knew that it was dangerous to talk about anything in the underground over the phone. He finally sighed and answered.

[Where do you want to meet?]

“The underground. Club Badger. Ten tonight. Will you meet there?”

[I’ll be there]

The phone went dead and the dealer released a deep breath as the gun on her head finally dropped. She looked towards Han to see if he was pleased but she just saw him staring out from the window at the side with a blank look. He didn’t even care that she just put her life on the line!? What a dick!

“We’ll move to my banker to finalize some deals and then go to the meeting in the underground. If I find out that you contacted anyone else in these few hours just know that your life will end in the most gruesome way possible. Do you understand? The only reason you’re still alive is that I have some need for you, once you exhaust your usefulness then you are dead”

The dealer bowed her head and grit her teeth in anger. He was not even feeling bad about what he was doing to her. He took the most powerful woman in the underground and made her into his lapdog and he was feeling nothing!?

Han was actually a little bit worried. Was it because he already killed her once? Or because he knew what she would have done to Lily if he didn’t find them. Somewhere inside the dealer was a monster capable of holding an innocent girl hostage for five years and subjecting her to torture just to get a drug and this made his hatred for her very great.

Han sighed and turned back to the window. They would first meet with her benefactor.. Then he would deal with Veena.

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