Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 58

The meeting Han was to have was with his banker. The man who was handling his account as well a the account of his new company met him at the entrance to the bank and raised a curious brow at the person escorting him. Han already dropped Lily off at his apartment and left Tao Long to look after her while he was gone so only the dealer was with him.

His banker shook his hand and then when he tried to shake the dealer’s hand as well Han stopped him.

“No need for that, she’s just a lapdog. Let’s go,”

The banker balked in shock and the dealer seethed in anger. Why was he calling her a lapdog even in the open!? Did he not know she had her pride!!?

Han didn’t care about the dealer’s pride and he cared even less about what she thought of him. He followed his banker into the building and told the dealer to wait outside the office while he went inside to talk to him. Just like a good doggie.

Han and the banker took their seat and the banker started to tell Han what was wrong.

“There is a problem with your account that I thought you would want to look at personally. Do you know what you want to do with the real estate you possess?’

Han tilted his head to one side. What was this man talking about? Didn’t he already say he would put the real estate as a subsidiary to HR investments?

“Just suction the money for the real estate into HR investments. Isn’t that what we agreed on?”

The banker shook his head. It wasn’t possible for them to do that right now. Not with what he found out.

“Mr. Han Luo. I don’t think you have been taking a proper look at your real estate fund all this while. Let me give you a detailed report,”

The banker brought out a paper and handed it to Han. Han began reading through it and once his eye trailed to the bottom they bulged in shock.

“Three hundred million!?”

Everyone in the company turned towards the banker’s office once Han shot to his feet. He didn’t even care about that! What in the world was he looking at here!? How can his estate that wasn’t even worth ten million before now be worth three hundred million dollars!?

The banker told Han to calm down and then he began to explain. He knew this would be a shock to Han and that was why he called for a physical meeting. Things would not be easily resolved over the phone.

“The real estate you bought in the west side of City C was already a thriving area when you bought it, but there was something you did recently that made the publicity go beyond the roof. When the owner of one estate becomes the shared owner of a home appliance company it is obvious that people will flock towards the estate to reap the benefits. Your estate has received a three times increase in the number of tenants and people are willing to four times higher for rooms now. This also means you receive an even higher commission from then landlords there.”

Han was shocked by all this news. All of it happened just because he bought AeroDynamicity!? And if what the banker said was true then he now understood what the problem was. He was making too much money from one sector.

“A parent company cannot have less money than it’s child company, that is the problem isn’t it? If I don’t do something about this then I could lose the rights to my estate,”

The banker nodded his head with a solemn look. He was glad that Han was a smart man. Having to explain things like this to idiots was his greatest fear. Rich men hated it when they were told they couldn’t have so much money!

Han hummed and leaned back in his seat. His current parent company HR investments was only worth one hundred and fifty million dollars, that was just half the amount his estate was now worth. If he didn’t bring down the amount of money in the estate then he would lose it. He could just take money out of it and drop it into HR investment, but that would cause the government to start looking into his dealings more closely. He needed to make the trading money only through trading and the estate money only through real estate. He was too busy to deal with bureaucratic nonsense.

So how was he going to solve this issue!? He didn’t have any other real estate mergers or areas where he could put it. He was now worth four hundred and fifty million dollars in legal money and he finally understood what all those rich men were talking about when they said more money more problems!! This money was only bringing him problems!!

The banker realized that Han was having trouble with the problem and he decided to give him the suggestion he already had planned. He brought out a card and put it on the table and Han look towards it curiously.

Han already knew what the card was. It was a gold card that was a little different from the black card he already had. The black card was for extremely rich businessmen, but the gold card was just for rich people who didn’t have any businesses. What was the banker thinking now?

“This is a gold card that is completely untraceable by the government. it is protected by the bank and you will never have an issue using it. If you will be willing to let go of a substantial amount of money in the real estate and place it into this card then your problems would be solved,”

Han blinked down at the card before smacking himself in the head. Of course!! He had been a complete idiot all this time!! He was only thinking of how he would get to keep all the money in his account and he never once even thought of putting the money into a stagnant account! How can he become so greedy that he was now only thinking of making too much money!? He had to calm himself down or else he would surely make a mistake that would cost him in the future!

“So will you be willing to do it?”

The banker saw how relieved Han was now and smiled. He was happy as long as his clients were happy. Reducing the amount in the real estate wouldn’t affect him too much since he could possibly make it all back in a few months. He just had to make sure he made more from trading so his company doesn’t go under review from the government.

Han nodded to the banker’s question and handed him back the report from his real estate. He already knew how much he wanted to put inside the card as well as who’s name would be on it.

“The card should not be in my name. I want you to place two hundred million inside this card and then issue it to Rina Luo,”

The banker’s eyes widened. He was just giving the money away!? What kind of man just gives away that kind of money!?

“A-Are you sure you don’t want to hold onto the money yourself? The government will surely not suspect anything if you keep it inside this card”

Han shook his head. He had no use for that money and he would rather use it to do something good for his sister. He knew two hundred million was a lot of money, probably enough to take care of an entire generation in a big family without them ever getting hungry once. But Han would do anything for his sister. To him, this was something small.

He stood up and began walking out.

“Issue it to her and then sent it to my penthouse. I’ll give it to her myself,”

The banker nodded and then Han left the office. He turned towards the dealer and rose a brow when he saw her sitting on a couch at the far end of the office. Who told her to sit down?

The dealer saw Han looking at her and she quickly stood up. She swallowed and hoped he wouldn’t get angry at her. She had been standing for a long time and her feet hurt now. She just wanted to get some rest after everything that happened today.

Han motioned for her to get closer and she walked up to him stiffly. Once she was close to him, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

“The next time you do something without my permission, I’ll take a finger from you. Do you understand?”

The dealer stumbled back while nodding quickly. Han hummed and then told her to go start the car outside. They would be leaving soon.

The dealer basically ran out of the building and Han followed after her calmly. But just as he was about to leave someone caught his hand and stopped him.

Han turned around in surprise and his eyes widened when he saw who it was.

“Miss Kim…..”

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