Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 63

Lily was very eager to tell Han anything he wanted, but she was very surprised when he asked her what he wanted to know.

“How did you get your powers, Lily?”

Lily stilled and her eyes widened in shock. She wasn’t expecting him to suddenly ask this. She wasn’t ready to talk about it yet, but she already promised that she would tell him the truth! What should she do?? Should she lie to him? No, she would never lie to Han!! She would kill anybody that tried to cheat him, including herself! But then what should she do?

This power already brought so many bad things to her! If Han got involved as well then he would be in trouble. He couldn’t fight the dangers that would come for them!

Han saw the conflict going on inside Lily and he decided to push her even further. She did not know he had powers so it must be hard for her to tell him about this. She was just trying to protect him, yes. But he didn’t need her protection.

He pointed to a spot in front of him, where the screen that was constantly floating was.

“There is something here, right Lily? A screen that turned black?”

Lily was shocked and it showed on her face. She looked at Han like he grew two heads. He knew about the screen!? How did he know about it!? Wait… Did he have one too? Was Han also a failed experiment? Lily hung her hand and nodded to Han. If he already knows about the screen then there was no need to hide from him. She should just tell him everything.

“I was living in City A the first time I saw the screen. It was scary because I saw numbers counting down and I thought there was a bomb attached to my body. But then when it reached zero I was suddenly transported to this empty space, like a void…”

So she went to the void as well, Han thought. And here he thought he was the first person to go there. How foolish of him.

“…. A woman there told me I was chosen to save the world and then I was taken five years into the future. The thing I saw there was not ordinary! They were scary and dangerous, I thought I would die in the first second! But then I got my powers and I managed to freeze them.”

Lily stopped speaking here and Han noticed she was finding it hard to say anything more. He reached forward and took her hand and she looked up at him with red eyes. She was crying and Han felt his heart stab in pain. What happened to her?

“You can trust me, Lily. I won’t leave you no matter what. But you must tell me what happened,”

Lily saw the sincerity in Han’s eyes and she felt she could trust him so she continued.

“After I froze the first wave of those monsters, something showed up in front of me, another screen that showed me my powers and their abilities…”

Han rose a brow. No exp? No levels?

“… Then I suddenly felt a pull again and I landed in the void for the second time. The woman there told me that the creators were not happy and they were pulling me back to my world. I asked her what was wrong and she just told me that I didn’t have the capacity to ‘grow’. I was so angry that I almost froze her there! How dare she tell me something like that after pulling me from my own world! What sort of monsters would do that to me!!?”

Han leaned back as frost began to gather around Lily again. She was really angry at the woman! In fact, Han was also very angry. It was like she was played and dumped like trash. It was bullshit.

But what did they mean by she didn’t have the capacity to grow? It couldn’t possibly be that hey were looking for something like him, were they? Would they really throw away semeone ike Lily just so they could try again?

“Lily, have you manifested any new abilities or gotten stronger since that jump? Or are the powers you have now the same ones you saw on the screen then?”

“They’re the same… Why?”

Ah, Han finally understood. Han had been thinking that the reason she was discarded was that she was weak, but the opposite was true. She wasn’t weak, but Han knew she couldn’t get any stronger either.

She was forever stuck at this level of strength and wouldn’t be able to improve.

In a way, was this not a mercy as well. Han could tell from the amount of strength he felt that Lily would have a hard time if she ever went up against a carnivore. Even the future Jin Tam would give her one hell of a fight.

The creators didn’t just dump her. They might have actually saved Lily’s life!

But now that Han was sure Lily knew about jumping through time, could he trust her with his own powers? It would probably be better if he had someone in the future who already knew he was coming. She should tell her –

[Host will face severe punishment if he discloses more about his powers. Punishment includes 50% reduction in strength and Agility points gained in the future. 50% reduction in exp gained from future.]


So they didn’t want him telling anyone he was still going to the future? Why would they want him to keep this a secret? He sighed and stood from the couch.

“I’m happy you told me, Lily. You really helped me here. I need to take a bath so we’ll talk when I get out,”

Han went to take a bath and left Lily alone in the room. She was a bit surprised by the sudden exit but she understood that he was still processing everything, he would surely talk to her about it later.

The room service came and dropped some food before fixing up and kitchen and leaving. Han came out of the bathroom and they ate together. Unlike what Lily thought, Han was not stiff or distant when talking with her. He seemed so relaxed that she was scared he was a psychopath? How could he hear everything that happened and not even want to ask where any more questions!

And what about his own story!? She wanted to know too!

But maybe he was just trying to make her feel comfortable? If he was also one of the failed tests for those ‘creators’ then he would also feel the anger she felt! He was probably just making sure she calmed down!

Lily looked toward Han from her side-eye and he smiled when he caught her eyes. She blushed and looked away quickly. He really was trying to make er feel better!! What a nice person! He was doing all this for her!? Lily wanted to drink his blood so badly.

“Han… I-I’m tired and you look tired as well. I think we should go to bed,”

Han nodded while dropping his spoon. He really was tired. Han hadn’t gotten any sleep since last night and today was been very hectic for him. He was still waiting for the benefactors to gather all the Wisteria and he needed to rest if he was going to meet with him again.

Han started talking as he walked away from the dining table.

“I prepared a room for you on the other side of the house. You already have some clothes there and the bath is also big.”

Han entered his room and yawned.


Hold on… Who closed his door? Han turned around sharply and saw Lily, right behind him? What in the world was she doing?

Lily walked up to Han and wrapped her hand around his neck before licking along his jaw. She had to stand on her tiptoe to get up there and she was happy when Han took a hold of her waist and held her close.

Han knew that Lily was in love with him, just like he knew about Rina and Rin Woo. But he just wasn’t interested in a relationship right now. A relationship would be a distraction for what he really wanted to do in this world, and he wasn’t sure the kind of danger the person he decided to go out with would face.

Should he do this? It was nice the first time, but if he did it again then Lily would think it was now something normal between them. He slowly pushed Lily away and she frowned in confusion.

She didn’t plan to sleep alone tonight but Han wasn’t going to allow her do whatever she wanted with him. Not yet.

“I’m sorry Lily.”

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