Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 64

The next day, Han took his car alone to Rinas university for her fair. Lily had refused to come out of her room since last night and he decided he would deal with it later.

The card that he requested from the bank came just that morning and Han was glad he would finally be able to give it to Rina. Should he get some flowers too? It seemed like getting her only a card for her birthday would be too simple.

There was 200 million on the card but Han still thought it wasn’t enough. His sister deserved even more!

Yes, he would get the flowers.

But what else…?

The university Rina attended was the largest one in City C and their fairs were always used to boost the school’s image. All the students and their relatives would be present and it wasn’t something new for millions of dollars to be spent on various things throughout the day.

Rina and her class were setting up their own stall and getting everything ready for the day. They would be handling an obstacle course that would be one of the main attractions of the fair. It was extremely difficult because the people running it would have to dodge projectiles from the girls in her class and try to keep themselves from falling into the water below.

Rina and Ping were putting up the final part of rail guns that would be shooting the projectile when someone walked up to them from behind.

“I see you two are already used to such labor. It’s to be expected from poor people who don’t even have family,”

Rina’s hand squeezed the gun in anger. The person that spoke was the school ‘idol’, Dori Ren. She was the fourth daughter of the Ren family and one of the most beautiful girls in the school. They were all meant to be setting up the obstacle course together since they were in the same class but Dori Ren decided she wouldn’t do anything. She made Rina and Ping handle all her work.

Her family was rich and they owned the Ren Corp so it was impossible to go against her. Rina hated how Dori always spoke about her family while making sure Rina never forgot that her own family was dead. Rina felt like spitting blood in her eye!

“What do you want, Dori!? We’re almost finished so you don’t need to be here!”

Ping stood up for Rina but Doti Ren just sneered in her direction. Who did this trash think she was talking to!? Dori was the littlest daughter of the Ren family so there was nothing her father wouldn’t do for her! It wouldn’t take a single phone call for her to destroy Ping’s life!

“If you don’t want to help us then just leave!”

Dori scoffed and threw her hair backward. She didn’t have to deal with scum like this anyways. They were already doing her work as they should so at least they knew their place in the world. She could just go back and relax till the fair started.

“Well, I just came to make sure you didn’t ruin the fair with your peasant blood. Make sure you do it well!!”

Rina closed her eyes and hung her head as Dori walked away from them. She could never get a break from that girl in this school! What was her problem with her! Did she just take joy in causing Rina’s life to be hard!!?

Ping put her hand on Rina’s shoulder sadly and Rina just smiled at her. She was used to the insults to her family but she wouldn’t let that bring her down! She was going to make sure her brother enjoyed the fair with her today!!

“Ping, can you help me arrange those balloons? The darts for the throw are there in the ground so just put all of them to one side so the contestants can find them easily”

The obstacle race would involve many stages, including a balloon popping race. The contestants would have to struggle to blow up ten ballons from twenty meters away before they could move on to the next part.

Ping nodded and went to do as Rina told her. She didn’t like how Dori treated them at all, but Rina told her not to do anything against Dori since her family was very rich. Neither Rina nor Ping had enough money to compete against Dori’s billionaire father! They would disappear before they even filed a single lawsuit!

Rina finished off what she was doing and then decided to call Han. He called her earlier today to tell her then he would be arriving late because he had to pick up something. She hoped he was already on his way because the fair would be starting soon. What was he even planning to pick up!? She hoped it wasn’t another expensive thing! He has been spending so much on expensive things lately and she still didn’t know where he got all the money from! Trading couldn’t give a person so much money at once! She already went online to search for the income of the best traders in the world and the highest she saw was someone that made five million in ten years. How could Han make this much in only a few months!?

She didn’t like doubting her brother, but this was too much to believe!

“Oh my goodness. Look at that car!”

“Is that one of the CEO’s. I heard a lot of children from rich families go to our school! Is this one of them??”

“It’s the latest Lamborghini!! It only came to the market yesterday!”

“Who could that be!?”

Rina perked up as she heard people shouting so much. Did they say, Lamborghini!? That was Han, wasn’t it!? She thought he said he would come late!

Rina ran towards the school gate and saw Hans yellow Lamborghini parked to one side. The door opened and all the girls squeaked in delight as Han came out of the car with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He was wearing jeans and a simple white top with sunglasses that just made him look like a relaxed handsome CEO.

Rina blushed once she saw her brother! Did he get more handsome!? How did he keep doing this!? There was no way he was just exercising to get this handsome! There had to be a treatment he was not telling her about!

Han waved to Hina from a distance and all the female’s eyes narrowed at her immediately. Rina suddenly felt very self-conscious standing there. She was only wearing her work outfit so it was overwhelming for Han to be doing this in the middle of a crowd.

But she didn’t know he was about to embarrass her even more.

Han walked up to her with a smile and held out the bouquet to her.

“Happy birthday, Rina,”

Rina’s heart skipped a beat. Han-Oppa… Remembered her birthday? She didn’t know when a tear fell from her eye and ran down her face. She didn’t even remember her birthday herself! She was too busy handling the fair and she didn’t have any chance to think about it! But he remembered!

“Hey, Rina. Why is a girl as beautiful as you crying on your birthday? You should be having the most fun out of everyone here. I’ll make sure you have the best day of your life today, Rina. Your brother will look after you,”

Han put his hand on Rina’s face and wiped her tear away. She leaned into his hand and smiled brightly. She didn’t know what she did to deserve her brother! Was she an angel in her past life!? Was that why they gave her this amazing brother to look after her!? She was so grateful!

“I have something else for you. Do you want me to give it to you now?”

Rina blinked in surprise. Something else? Han already gave her this much and he still had more for her!? What could she still want!?

When Rina didn’t respond, Han brought out the card from his back pocket and handed it to Rina. It was hidden from everyone so only Rina could see it. Once she laid eyes on it her entire body froze.

“A-A gold… Card. Han-Oppa! Where did you get this!?”

Gold cards were extremely rare in the world. It was impossible to see a civilian carrying one of these because it usually held nothing less than one million dollars. There’s was no way she could accept this? It was too much!

Han closed her hand around it and smiled at her. He wasn’t going to tell her how much was on it because he knew she would never accept it if he did. She would just have to keep spending until she grew tired of swimming in money!

“It’s yours, Rina! Let this brother of yours take care of you from now on! If you ever need anything then you can just ask me!! But you know that wasn’t the only gift I was talking about. You didn’t check the flower I gave you,”

Rina’s hands were now shaking and everyone around was now looking at the two of them in anticipation. What was going on here? Did this rich man come to sweep this poor girl off her feet?

Some of the girls were very jealous of Rina! They also wanted a rich CEO to come and marry them! What did this large-breasted girl have that they didn’t have!?

Rina looked through the flower quickly and she saw a car key peeking through the petals. She brought it out and pressed it and another car beeped and unlocked.

“It’s a Mercedes?! He gave her a Mercedes-Benz!?”

“So that black Mercedes that came in was for her!? How can she be so lucky!?”

The boys in the crowd were crying tears of blood! How can this girl have their dream car given to her as a birthday gift?

Rina was stuck in a state of shock with her hands still stretched forward and Han became worried. He touched her and her entire body slacked and fell.

She fainted!


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