Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 67

In the outskirts of City A, a lone mansion stood on top of a snowy hill. It held ten people only and out of those ten people, four were the masters of the house.

One of the four was walking along the corridor and thinking to herself. She wore a simple shirt and trousers and the cold from outside did nothing to affect her. Why would it affect her when she herself held power greater than the cold?

She looked up from her thinkng and saw a man walking towards her from the other side. He wore a priest outfit in black and had a large chain cross hanging on his neck. His hands were held behind him and he had a disturbing smile on his face as he came towards her.

This was Priest Regulus. The follower of the lord.

He hated when people gave him titles, but he couldn’t deny that he earned this one. It was only right that he called himself a follower of the lord, after all, he had been chosen by the creator to spread his gospel and save his people. If the creator saw it fit to send him on this pilgrimage to atone for his lack of faith then it was only right that he didn’t disappoint.

He was one of the five with powers greater than any human.

The woman stopped in front of Regulus and looked up at him with a cold stare. She never liked the smile he held on his face and she always made sure he knew how disturbed she was by this. Why couldn’t he just be sad or angry like the rest of them that were discarded for the sake of another person? Why did he have to keep believing that he was some sort of chosen one on a mission from the creator?

“Ariel, you look as radiant as ever. You must have received quite the blessing from the lord if you can have such a terrible expression on your face and yet not ruin your beauty. It must be a blessing beyond the understanding of sinners,”

Priest Regulus’ tone was sweet and Ariel cursed that fact because the things that came out of his mouth were definitely not sweet!! How can a person both praise and insult her in the same sentence!?

She scoffed and walked past him.

“You have heard about the new development, haven’t you? It seems the lord our creator has chosen his final champion,”

Ariel stopped dead in her tracks once Regulus said this. Her entire body began to burn with an internal fire that stoked her anger and turned her eyes from red to yellow. What did he just say? The creator chose another champion? Even after discarding them all like trash!?

She turned around and walked back to Regulus expectantly.

“Who is it?”

Her voice was sweet and Priest Regulus felt his face burn with pleasure at the sound of it. How rare it was to hear the voice of such an angel. It truly was a blessing from the lord for him to be witness to such beauty!

But, alas, her desires are not to be fulfilled today.

“I do not know his name. Or even his identity. But our plans have been foiled for a long time now, do you think it is a coincidence that someone is able to get to all of our plans before we kick them off? It is surely a test from the lord to see if we can persevere.”

So there was someone who was going to the future now? How annoying!? Ariel grit her teeth in anger and turned around to walk away. She hated that she was treated like something less than. So she was not good enough!? What does the creator think she is!? A toy? Why wouldn’t she be good enough!?

As she walked away, Priest Regulus’ voice followed after her.

“I will surely help REACH to come to the glory it so desires and this person is an obstacle to such a dream. The creator must desire me to end him once and for all! I will not fail my mission! I will give onto him the pain and suffering required to serve the Lord. In fact, I shall give it into the whole world!!”

Ariel scoffed in annoyance but didn’t turn back to regard Regulus. She couldn’t believe she was thinking this, but she definitely agreed with the mad priest in one aspect. She would bring unto this man all the pain and suffering required to serve the creator!

Dori Ren’s car stopped in front of her father’s house in the higher section of City C. She came down in anger and stormed her way forward. The maid at the door greeted her politely but Dori didn’t even regard her. She was so angry that even a small thing now would cause her to lash out! How could Fen Ren treat her like that!? He just made he lose face in front of the entire school!

She walked into her father’s study and knocked. She might be angry but she knew that disrespecting her father would be the worst thing she could ever do. The door opened and Dori swallowed nervously when she saw Cipher’s cold and empty stare.

Her cheeks brightened in a blush and she unconsciously twirled a hair around her finger. The anger she was feeling before had completely evaporated in front of this man! He was just so handsome and stoic that Dori couldn’t help but fall for him!

“Dori, How may I help you today?”

“C-Cipher. How are you?”

“I’m fine. What can I do for you?”

Cipher’s tone was always so cold. It never failed to make her squirm in pleasure. This girl was definitely a masochist!

Cipher watched the daughter of his boss squirm uncomfortably and he wondered if she was here just to ruin his day. He had better things to do than to deal with her nonsense, but she was also his sister in a way, so it was important that he gave her attention. The family came first, after all.

“I-Is father inside? I wish to talk to him”

Dori referred to Hou Ren as father since he was also the adopted father of Cipher. He made it very clear that anyone who treated Cipher differently from the rest of the children would have to answer to him. And besides, they were all scared of Cipher’s strength! The man was a killing machine!

Cipher’s eyed her for a moment before he stepped back and allowed her to enter the room. Dori went in and saw her father sitting at his desk and signing a few documents

Hou Ren looked up once he saw Dori and he gave her a rare smile. He really loved his children so they were some of the only people he allowed to see him in his vulnerable states.

“Dori, what can I do for you?”

Dori frowned.

“Father, do you think I will only come when I need something!?”

Hou Ren laughed and dropped his pen. It seemed his daughter wanted something big this time! She only became defiant like this when she wanted to butter him up!

But that was what he loved about his daughter, if she went like this then with just a little more training she could become one of the best manipulators in the business!

Yes, he was definitely going to groom her properly.

“Okay, I don’t think you’re like that! But you definitely came here to tell me something important! You know it won’t be very wise to disturb my work if it wasn’t for something important!”

Dori smiled sheepishly and then blushed as Cipher passed beside her to drop something on her father’s desk. Hou Ren saw the blush and laughed internally. He was not against his daughter going after Cipher at all but was obvious the man held no love for her. He was like an unmoving rock against the water of her love.

Dori shook her head and then decided to focus on what she came here for. She had to get her father to restore her dignity in the school. Fen Ren came and ruined her fun and she won’t allow him to keep doing this to her!

“Father, brother is going against me again! I was at the fair and he dared to take someone else’s side in an argument! How can you let this pass father!? He is bringing shame on the Ren family!”

Hou Ren rose a brow and stopped looking at the document completely. Dori knew that the love her father had for Fen was the least out of all of them and if she played her cards right then she will definitely have her way!

Hou Ren became angry when he heard what Fen Ren did. If there was one thing he cherished more than anything, it was family. He hated it when people looked down on his family. Why would Fen make his sister lose face!?

“Who was this person that contacted Fen? Tell me,”

Behind Dori, Cipher began to prepare himself once Hou Ren said this. It seemed he would have another job to complete soon! This man wouldn’t see the light of tomorrow!

Dori smiled as she answered.

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