Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 68

“His name is Han Luo. His sister dared to insult me and he tried to stand up for her when he was obviously in the wrong!”

Cipher gripped the gun under his suit coat tightly as he felt anger surge in him. So that Han Luo was still causing problems for his family!? He hasn’t learned his lesson from the masquerade party!?

Hou Ren frowned and leaned back in his seat. This could be a tricky situation. His daughter didn’t know the truth about who the head of the new HR investments was yet and she probably thought this Han Luo was just small! He couldn’t treat Han like a commoner since he was a part of the upper part of society now! But this could actually serve his purpose as well.

Huo Ren had been looking for a way to get Han Luo under his thumb for a long time now. It didn’t look good if he didn’t have a reason for exerting his force, but now that he involved himself in his family then he had a reason – even though it wasn’t a very strong one.

It was not like Han could do anything against him with his small company. Hou Ren would seize this chance and use it to make Han owe him as well.

“Cipher. Get my banker on the phone and give it to me,”

Cipher released his hand from the gun in disappointment. It seemed Hiu Ren did not want to kill Han yet. He called the banker and gave the phone to his father.

“Hello, banker. Tell me what is the current worth of HR investments?”

Dori’s eyes widened when she heard her father talking about the new big company that just emerged recently. Was that Han a part of the company?

She was happy that her father was doing this for her, but she was also surprised that he was going so far. Her father never did anything in excess and if he was going this far then the reason was not just the argument she just had. Did Han Luo do something to him before?

The banker on the other side answers.

[It is just below three hundred million in total assets. Is there a problem, Mr. Ren?]

“Yes, I want us to buy HR investments. Do anything you need to but make sure I am the owner of that company by the end of this week! The man there dared to deal with my family, so let me show him that we still own this city!”

The banker on the other side swallowed nervously and then answered that he would get right in it? It wouldn’t be a difficult thing to force the CEO to sign over his company by force. All they needed was the right amount of money in the right number of hands.

The next day, the greatest financial war in the entire city began.

Han enjoyed the fair with his sister until late in the evening. The obstacle course and games were some of the best attractions and it showed how happy Rina was. She really put a lot of work into those two things!

Han was forced by Rina and Ping to take part in the obstacle course but he really didn’t want to because it would be like he was cheating. He was too strong and something like this wouldn’t even be a challenge for him.

Rina didn’t let him explain anything to her and she forced him to take part with a pout and birthday blackmail. He finally tried to hold back while taking it but still got the quickest time out of every single person in the festival. He was sure it would also be faster than anyone in the world if they tried, but he didn’t say anything about that!

After the fair, Rina finally took the car Han gave her for her first joy ride. She drove the three of them to the bar she used to work at and they enjoyed a few drinks alone. She was very happy throughout that day because even though she had to spend her birthday working, she was able to make her brother happy.

Han never stopped smiling throughout the day and this was more than she could ask for!

None of them knew that Han’s smile was about to disappear for a long time.

He got a call from his banker around midnight and he left the two of them at the bar to answer it outside. Han thought the banker wanted to tell him some good news about his company. Today was just full of good news and he didn’t expect it to change any time soon.

[The Ren family is poaching your company]

Han stilled in shock. The drink in his hand fell to the ground and his brow furrowed. He surely heard wrong. There is no way the banker just said the second richest family in the city is trying to poach his company.

“Banker. This is not a time to joke. Are you trying to play with me?”

[This is not a joke Mr. Han. This is as real as it gets. The Ren family just contacted the bureau of commerce and they have decided to make your company one of their child companies. This could be the end of your legacy Mr. Han. The Ren family always gets what they want because of the money and connections they have. In fact. As I’m speaking to you right now the bureau are having a meeting to decide if you can handle the company properly or not. If they find you wanting then they will surely take it away from you,]

“What gives them the right!!!”

Han shouted out in anger and some of the people around looked towards him in fear. He breathed out a deep breath to try calming down and leaned against Rina’s car.

“Banker, this news isn’t what I wanted to hear today. If you think I will just allow them to take what I built from the ground up then they have something else coming for them,”

The banker nodded. He knew Han wouldn’t give up so easily. But there was almost nothing they could do! The meeting they were having was only being held because it was a customary procedure. Everyone knew that everyone in that meeting owed Hou Ren something and he could easily force them to do whatever he wanted.

This was not a situation they could win easily.

The banker told Han all of this but he still refused to back down. There were many things that he hated in life, but being looked down on was definitely one of them!

Did Ren think he could swallow him up just because he was richer than him? What gave him to right to do this?

And what reason would make Hou Ren suddenly want to take control of his company? Han thought he had a good relationship with the man.

The masquerade ball was the first time they met but it was not like they left on bad terms. Was it happening because he took over AeroDynamicity? But Hou Ren didn’t even say a single thing about it. It was obvious that HoHou Ren didn’t have excess love for that company.

The only thing Han could assume was that Hou Ren had an ulterior motive behind this. If Hou Ren took over HR investments, then wouldn’t he also have control over AeroDynamicity? Han needed more information before he can find out the actual reason, but this didn’t look like a simple takeover.

“Banker. When will the meeting end?”

The banker checked the time in his office.

[It already ended!! It was supposed to end at midnight. Hold on…]

Han waited with baited breaths as the banker put another call through to one of the people who were in the meeting? As the banker listened to what the bureau decided on, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

[What the hell did they think they were doing!? This was not even a simple purchase anymore! It was now a hostile takeover!!]

Han put the phone away from his ear as the banker shouted before he put it back and asked the banker what happened.

The banker groaned before speaking.

[The bureau decided to implement Article 15 of the business contract every business owner signs. It states that….]

“Only the companies which surpass the gross average of all companies are free from purchase. Every company below can be subjected to purchase by a company that wishes to support them from the top,”

Han growled as he recited the article from memory. His hand squeezed around the phone in his hand and it cracked under the force. The gross average was an average gotten from the total addition of the gross worths of all the companies in the city.

[Han… Mr. Han. Are you still there?]

“I’m here, banker. But just tell me one thing. If I can pass the gross average before the week is over, then what will happen?”

[Ren Corp will have no right to purchase your company anymore. They will have to back down]

“And what is the gross average as of now?”

The banker was silent for a while and Han waited for him to speak. He knew it would be a high number. The three great powers of City C were so large that they took the gross average into the sky! More than ninty percent of the companies in the city were below the gross average because the great powers were too big!

After a while, the banker spoke up again.

[Mr. Han. I hope you will not take drastic measure -]

“Just tell me!”

The banker sighed.

[The gross average as of this morning, is one billion dollars]

Han felt his heart stop for a second.


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