Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 70

The murmurs died down immediately and a sense of dread filled the room. What did he mean by closure!?

“And so I’ve decided to do something about it. For the next one week, cancel your plans. Tell your family you love them and tell your children you won’t be able to kiss them goodnight! Shut your phones away and make sure you don’t receive any calls, tell your wives and husbands you won’t be coming back home! Tell your girlfriends you won’t be able to be with them and tell your boyfriends they have to make do with their hands for the next one week!

“There won’t be any communication with the outside world and to everyone but the people in this room, you will be dead!

Food, drinks, sleep, air. Everything you want to do, you will do it with the people in this room! If there is any of you that do not agree to it. Leave now!”

The amount of shock that passed through the room was great. They were so silent that a pin would have dropped and echoed like a gong. Han waited patiently to see if anyone would leave. This was the best solution he came up with for the problem they had. To make such a great amount of money was almost impossible for him alone. He could easily make four hundred million or so, but a billion was out of his reach for now. He needed help. A lot of dedicated help.

Rin Woo tightened her hold on the files she was holding as she tried to understand what was going on! It was still her first day in the office and now he was saying she wasn’t going anywhere!? Did Han want to make them into slaves!?

After a minute a man rose his hand up and Han allowed him to speak.

“Uh… Mr. Han… What’s wrong with the company?”

The man was a little cowed by the sheer aura of someone like Han so he wasn’t able to speak very clearly, but Han still heard him. He wondered if it would be okay to tell them about what was wrong. The news could destroy morale before it even boosted it. But he needed only dedicated people. What was the point of doing this if the people involved were not willing to fight!? So he decided he would tell them. It would serve as more motivation for them if he did!

“We are about to be poached by Ren Corp,”

The traders all gasped and Han understood the shock they felt since it was the same thing he felt when he first heard the news! Being poached by a big company would not only change the chain of command, but it would also make a lot of people lose their jobs.

A lot of murmurs broke out amongst the traders there and some of them even started showing signs of being scared. Ren Corp was not a company you just went against and hoped to beat. If it was a big company like that that wanted to poach them then what chance did they have!?

Han waited patiently for anyone else to say something and he was not surprised when he saw someone stand up and leave the room with his head bowed. After this person did it, more and more people began standing up and leaving as well. It was like a blow to Hand pride because he chose all these people himself! He thought they were stronger than this! Were they afraid just because he called Ren Corp?

Rin Woo couldn’t deny that she also felt fear when Han called Ren Corp. That company was not a small one and Han wanted to go against them!? Did he have a death wish!?

But Han did not look like he was going to back down from this. The look in his eyes was not of someone that was trying to keep his head above water. It was like a warrior ready to go into battle. She couldn’t deny that it made him look very handsome!

Han waited for all the people who wanted to go to leave before he then looked to the rest of them left. There were only about a hundred people in the room now and Han smiled. This was perfect!

“If you have made your peace with your loved ones, then get ready. Because we are going to start today.”

The rest of the day passed by in a blur for the workers remaining in the office. Han brought his desk out of his office and started trading with the rest of them in the large worker space. He told Tao Long to lock them all inside and provide enough food and water for a hundred workers every day. They would get a thirty-minute break every three hours and a few hours break to sleep at night.

Throughout that day, Rin just watched as Han threw out orders and commands to the various traders while also handling his account at the same time! It was like a whirlwind of trading and exchanging information and then more trading! She was just standing to one side and answering anything Han asked her to do. She couldn’t believe that this man was the same one she met in that bankers office so long ago! He was like a completely different person when he was working on something important!

The numbers in the screen behind Han kept on rising and rising and Rin Woo had to look away from it because it started making her dizzy after a while.




The numbers were rising like this and Rin Woo wondered at the end of the first day if they would be able to do it. There were times when she saw the numbers slow down because the market was not producing as many opportunities, but even then, only Han would still be making money at that time!

It was like he didn’t take any of the trends into consideration. The market was going up? Han already traded it! The market was going down? Han already sold! His decisions were precise and they made every other person in the room look to him in shock. They all had to stop and get their bearings back sometimes but he would still be at it at all times!

This was how the first and second day went and Han hardly had any sleep throughout this time. It wasn’t until ten at night on the second day that Han finally stopped trading and dropped his head to the table of his desk. He groaned tiredly and tried to relax his mind.


This was the number on their screen now and more than half of it came from Han’s account alone. He told the other people in the room that they did a good job, but they knew that he was the one carrying most of the work. He gave them leave to go and sleep and relax and he then moved back into his office.

Rin Woo entered after him and saw him staring out his window at the city below. There were large bags under her eyes because she also didn’t sleep very well through the last two days but she could see that Han was mentally drained! He looked back at her and told her to pass him a bottle of water.

Rin Woo looked like shit, in Han’s honest opinion. The bags under her eyes were not small and she was moving around like a ghost.

“Maybe you should get some sleep? You don’t look so well”

Han said this with a hidden smile and Rin Woo frowned at him. So this man was now making fun of her too! He was the one that needs the sleep because she could see just how much he had been working! How can she sleep when her boss hasn’t even slept in two days!?

Rin Woo grabbed the bottle silently and gave it to Han. She then told him that his sister left something at his penthouse that Tao Long picked up for him. Han immediately went to take it and saw that Rina made an entire feast of food for him.

“Do you want to join me?”

Han raised the food to indicate that he wanted to eat it with her and Rin Woo shyly nodded. The food smelt amazing and she was not going to skip on good food just because she was mad at Han.

Han and Rin Woo started eating and Han suddenly spoke up.

“You never told me about yourself. The other day when we were talking in my house, you told me you wanted to tell me about yourself but you never did,”

Rin Woo remembered very well that the reason she never told him was that they ended up having sex instead. She blushed slightly as she remembered this and shoved a dumpling in her mouth.

Should she tell him about herself? It was not like she had anything to hide from him since they would be working very closely from now on. But would she be comfortable with him knowing more about her? She didn’t want to ruin their professional relationship.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you uncomfortable in the office,”

Rin Woo saw Han shove his own dumpling into his mouth before smiling cheekily and she blushed again. He was mocking her!

Fine! She would just tell him a little so they can have conversations in the office. It wasn’t like he would use it against her or anything.

“My family is a small one in City C. I have a brother and sister in the university and my parents live close to the country region. I studied marketing and got a job at AeroDynamicity just a few months ago,”

Han rose a brow.

“You studied marketing? Then why are you my secretary? Shouldn’t you be a marketer instead?”

Rin Woo shrugged. She was also confused about this entire thing. The vice president was the one that made her his secretary and she was going to do her best no matter where she found herself.

It wasn’t like she didn’t already know how to be a secretary.

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