Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 69


[Mr. Han, are you there? Mr. Han?]

Han was in a state of shock. One billion dollars? How did the gross average get so high!? The last time he saw it, it wasn’t even at five hundred million yet!

A hand touched Han from behind and he turned back to see Rina standing three. She came out to see how hews doing when she waited for him for too long. Once she saw Han’s face her eyes widened at the amount of anger in his eyes! He was fuming.

“H-Han…Han-Oppa, what’s wrong?”

Han closed his eyes and squeezed his hand before cutting the phone. He bowed his head so his hair covers his eyes and started walking away from the parking lot, but his sister stopped him and dragged his hand back.

“Wait, Han. Tell me what’s wrong! Don’t just leave me in the dark!”

“Can I get a hug?”

Han was not going to tell Rina what was wrong. He still didn’t want her being involved in the dirty politics of the upper part of society, but he was very angry right now. He just wanted to be around someone he loved.

Rina would’ve blushed if Han asked her that before, but right now she was too worried to even blush. She pulled him towards her and pressed him against her body. It didn’t matter if people were watching. Her brother was hurting and she just wanted to take care of him.

Han wrapped his hand around his sister and squeezed.

“Han… Are you okay?

Han didn’t respond to her and Rina became very worried. She has never seen her brother so angry before, not even when they were still poor! He always tried to smile for her. But now something happened that made him lose his smile? What dead person could do something like that to Han!?

Han enjoyed the feeling of his sister for a few more minutes before he spoke.

“I’ll be gone for a while, Rina,”


“I want you to know that I’m going to be okay. Will you trust your brother?”

Tears began to fall from Rina’s eyes. Why wouldn’t he just tell her what was wrong!?

“Han-Oppa! Please, just let me help you this time! Please! You’re always working for us so let me help you too!”

Han pushed himself away from the hug and cleaned Rina’s tears. He was no longer glaring but he now had a hard expression on his face.

“This isn’t something you can help me with Rina, but just trust that your brother will come back soon. Can you trust me?”

Rina held onto the hand Han put on her face and then nodded into it. If he wanted her to trust him then she definitely would. This wasn’t the time for her to be crying for him! She was going to do everything she could to help him!

Han smiled when Rina nodded and then turned to leave. If Hou Ren wanted his company then he should come and try his luck! Han didn’t give up when he was worth nothing but the shirt on his back and he wasn’t going to give up now!

He called his banker again and he spoke in a serious tone.

“Make sure there is enough space in my account, banker. By the end of this week, we will have a billion in there,”

[Y-Yes, Mr. Han Luo]

The next morning, Rin Woo woke up and got ready for work before making her way towards the new office building she would be working at. She was shocked when Mr. Gou Young, the vice president of AeroDynamicity, told her she would be working as the new secretary to the CEO of their parent company.

Apparently, the new CEO was someone she knew and Gou Young wanted to use this opportunity to build a better relationship between the two companies. Rin Woo didn’t know who the person was and she had been trying to remember if she knew any CEO’s for a long time now!

Maybe it was someone she went to school with? She hadn’t contacted many of her schoolmates in a long time and it wouldn’t be a surprise if one of them became a CEO and requested for her.

Well, she would deal that that later when she met the person. Rin Woo dropped from the cab she entered in front of the large HR investments building. She walked in and took the elevator to the top.

Once she reached the main floor she rose a brow when she saw so many people standing around. They were moving from cubicle to cubicle and carrying papers and documents at the speed of light. What was going on here!

“Is he here yet!?”

“No! But I heard he’s on his way! What do you think he’ll tell us!?”

“I don’t know!”

The traders that were working under Han were trying their best to make their offices as presentable as possible. They got a call earlier today saying that their boss would be coming in to give a large announcement today. They didn’t know what it was about, but it was never hurtful to be ready.

Rin Woo tried to force her way through the crowd to make it to the office of the CEO. She wondered why the CEO made all the main traders to stay on the same floor. His office was right beside the offices of the other traders since he was also a trader. Most CEO’s would want to take their office to the very top floor, wouldn’t they?

The noise in the room suddenly died down and Rin Woo looked around to see everyone looking at something in front.

“The CEO is here! Oh, he’s so handsome! Look how young he is!”

“I didn’t know our CEO was like this! He doesn’t look happy!”

Rin Woo quickly tried to make herself presentable and waited right beside the door of the CEO for him to arrive. The crowd parted for him and she saw two men walking towards the door. One was a man she didn’t recognize. But the other person was someone she did. Han Luo!!?

Han walked up to the door and looked towards her. He was surprised to see her there since he didn’t even know who his secretary would be. Gou Young just told him that it was someone he was already familiar with. He decided he didn’t have time to do anything about it and so he let it go.

He turned to Tao Long and told him to leave them be in the office for now. He needed to arrange some things before they began.

Tao Long nodded and Han entered with Rin Woo.

“So you’re my new secretary? I don’t think you would have agreed if you knew who it was so that means Gou Young didn’t tell you either”

Rin Woo was silent as she stood in front of Han’s table. She was stuck between being professional and trying her hardest not to blush in embarrassment. How could that vice president do something like this to her! This was so embarrassing!

“You can leave if you don’t think we can work well together. I don’t need anything holding me back right now and I won’t tolerate you bringing personal relationships into the office,”

Han was going to make sure there were no distractions for what he wanted to do. If she was going to make things difficult then she should just go.

Rin Woo felt insulted that Han would think she was that type of woman! Did he think she would just jeopardize the entire company for the sake of their personal relationships!?

“I don’t know what kind of person you think I am, but I won’t destroy our professional relationship because of something like that! I thought you were better than this!!”

Han narrowed his eyes at Rin Woo before he sighed and stood up. He took off his outer coat and Rin Woo took a step back in shock. What was he doing!?

Han hung his coat on his chair and rolled up his shirt.

“The next one week, do you have any important occasion?”


“I asked if you have any important occasion. Did you not hear me well?”

Rin Woo quickly shook her head when Han’s tone because harder and she realized he was not playing around. What made him become so serious.

Han nodded his head and then began walking out of the office. He gave Rin Woo a file and told her to follow him.

The traders outside his office all quieted down once Han walked out and he walked to the front of the office without a single glance at anyone. There was a small elevated platform where he stood with a large screen behind him.

“I am Han Luo. Your CEO and boss. Most of you have never met me till today, but I know all of you personally. I was the one that ensured you were hired here out of the thousands of people that applied for this job, so it is my job to know you. The largest challenge most of you ever faced was the screening process to enter the company, but now there is a new challenge,”

Han pressed a button and the screen lit up with the number ‘300,000,000’ on display. He waited for everyone to get a good look at it before he began talking again.

“This is the current net worth of our company today,”

Murmurs broke out among the traders once they saw the number and Han could tell they were all very happy! The number on the screen was something that most companies couldn’t achieve in their entire lifetimes and since they were already this rich they would be making even more in the future! The traders were all excited! But Han was not.

“And it will soon be the cause of our closure,”

The murmurs died down immediately!

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