Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 110: Work in Progress~

Chapter 110: Work in Progress~

[Hello guys! There will be no update for today because, sad to say, I had a mild fever earlier when I woke up this morning. I actually had 2 weeks (or more, I'm not really sure) of sleepless nights recently because of itchy throat which have just been cured (hallelujah!) and so my body is now suffering the consequences for those long sleepless nights that I had. 

In that particulat reason, I will have to stop writing in the meantime and add a repeated chapter. I will resume work tomorrow. ]


I was able to exhale a sigh of relief when classes for today have already ended.

However, before our last period class dismissed us, our professor had given us a long quiz on the things he discussed regarding culture and such, and my small, almost empty brain was not prepared for his surprise quiz.

My head and arms rested on my table in defeat while everyone exchange responses on what score they got from the long quiz. Ariella, as usual, did not miss the chance to ask me what score I got earlier.

"I only got thirty correct answers out of forty." I almost weep in front of her, to which she only responded with a sympathetic smile.

"Aww, I know you'll work it out next time, Krisella," Ariella said while gently patting me in the head.

As we all stood up and prepared to leave the classroom, I coincidentally averted my gaze to my right and saw our air-headed class president boasts his score once again.

Yeah typical of him to do so. I'm not even more surprised.

"I am trying my best to follow in the footsteps of the most skilled and smartest student that Gilead Academy ever had, known to be the youngest student to ever graduate in this magic institution."

With this statement, I did not know why but I ended up stopping in my tracks and waited for the class president's continuation.

I wonder who is that genius student he is referring to right now.

"And that is none other than Mr. Alexander Crimson himself, current captain of the Magic Army!" he proudly declared.

Alexander Crimson? Does he mean Alex?! As in that heartless, cold jerk, I am so pissed with?!

My friends must have noticed the surprised look written all over my face when Maggie suddenly asks, "What's the matter Krisella?" that immediately snapped me out of my thoughts.

"N-nothing," I said, scratching the back of my head. And with that, we continued to move out of the classroom.

Well, I guess Alex has an avid fan huh?


Upon leaving the school's premises, I immediately bid my goodbye to my friends and headed straight to the castle.

Being aware of what time it is now, I am pretty sure that Alex would kill me when I turned out to be late in our training sessions. Then I'm doomed!

When I walked past the marketplace of Citadel, I immediately turned to my right, where I will be taking the shortcut towards the castle.

However, I instantly halted in my tracks when I felt this familiar feeling that someone was following me from behind.

Waah! Who might that be?! What should I do from here?

Feeling anxious, I did not take the shortcut immediately and went back to the marketplace to somehow seek for company.

If this is a bad person who is now trailing from behind, then the first thing I should do is to blend in with the crowd where I can feel safe.

Darn it. I'm sure I will be late for today's training sessions!

My mind went blank as I continue to walk my way to and fro to this place when someone grabbed my hand all of a sudden that I almost let out a high-pitch shriek.

When I looked up to see who it was, I was somehow relieved to see that it was none other than Lucas himself.

"I was sent by Lancelot to know if you are alright and to pick you up as well." said the lad, tilting his head down to avoid being noticed and his voice is almost in a whisper.

"Thank goodness. I think someone is following me right now." I stated, panicking in the process.

I saw his eyes shifted behind me for a while before he responded, "I know. We will make sure to lose him before we arrive at the castle. This person must be a spy sent by the enemy kingdom."

With that being said, we started walking together and purposely went to crowded places to somehow lose him.

After passing by a bar, where we know some group of sexy ladies in burlesque is waiting for a man to pass by, we turned around for a split second and saw that the girls indeed were entertaining someone yet we can't clearly see who it was.

Nonetheless, we couldn't care less and continued to move forward towards the shortcut.

When we finally arrived in front of the mini door, Lucas and I heaved out a fair amount of breath that we didn't know we've been holding on for so long with all that walking and running we did earlier. We paused for a moment and laughed at that together a few seconds after remembering what just happened.

"After you," Lucas said upon opening the mini door towards the castle's premises to which I gladly walked in.

He was also about to follow me after I went inside when I noticed him stopping in his place and his playful expression suddenly changed into a serious one.

"What's the matter, Lucas?" I dared to ask.

He extends an arm and told me to standby while he's doing something.

Feeling hesitant for a bit, I did as what he told me to do while the lad, on the other hand, suddenly disappeared in my sight the moment I turned my head to look at him once again. Just when did he teleport away from here?!

When I decided to take a peek at where he is right now, that's when I saw him standing beside a nearby oak tree, that I haven't noticed in the first place until now. I heard him ask "What are you doing here?" in his usual gentle voice.

From him, my gaze shifted to the lad standing next to him who's looking dumbfounded right now, making my eyes almost popping out of its sockets.

Why... it was none other than the air-headed class president himself!


The class president was asked to sit in an empty chair in the prince's office with the four of us, including me, Lucas, Lancelot, and Alex now standing in front of him looked at the lad with suspicion as our arms are crossed over our chests.

"Who sent you here?" Alex was the first one to break this heavy silence and interrogate the intruder with his annoyed tone.

However, instead of answering him directly, the class president's eyes literally sparkled the moment he saw Alex right in front of him like he can't believe what he is seeing right now.

Oh! I suddenly remembered the thing he said that he wants to follow in Alex's footsteps back in our school. So he really is his avid fan huh?

Alex, in turn, made a disgustful look on his face before he stretched forth one hand in front of my classmate and a faint white light emerged from it. Uh-oh! He is losing his patience already!

But instead of being intimidated by it, the class president finds it being superb in his eyes.

Talk about being a weirdo!

"Alex!" Lancelot reprimanded, acting like a father to him as usual, making Alex clicked his tongue in annoyance and disperses his magic right away before returning it to his side.

Lancelot replaced Alex's place and asked my classmate once again, "Why are you here, young man?" in his usual, friendly tone.

The lad, in turn, snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at the archbishop.

"I am here because I was only curious about my classmate's true identity." Then his head shifted to face me with his inquiring look. "Who is she? And why is she here in the first place?"

"I will tell you the answers to your questions, but first promised us that you won't tell this to everyone. I'm afraid that Krisella's life will be in danger if everyone finds out who she really is. Understood?" the archbishop said to which my classmate replied with a nod.

After that, Lancelot was able to create an on-the-spot story about me being his niece who is secretly living here in the castle because my parents both died in a terrible illness making him responsible to take care of me as my only living relative.

Woah... wait a minute! The archbishop... lying to a poor, innocent lad... just for me?

Looking at the class president, it seems that he is buying the story that the archbishop is telling him right now, making me think that Lancelot could be a great story writer if he wanted to.

After that quick interrogation, Alex escorted my classmate out of the castle and went back as soon as possible.

With an annoyed face, he turned to look at me and said, "Next time, be more careful with your surroundings when going here. We never know who might be watching over us."

"Now, shushed it, Alex. It's not Krisella's fault in the first place. " Lancelot defended me. Wahh, thank you very much!

"Lancelot's right." Lucas also agreed.

"Yeah right. Defend the girl more, you two." Alex said in annoyance.

"It's a good thing that guy is only a harmless commoner. If it's really a spy, we'll never know what might happen to all of us after that."

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