Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 111: A School Encounter With The Princess

Chapter 111: A School Encounter With The Princess

The students of Gilead Academy have been talking about their holiday plans in preparation of our upcoming Christmas break. November is rapidly approaching, so that may explain why they are already getting excited. 

When I arrived at the classroom where our first-period class will take place, all of my classmates were talking about the same thing. Ariella and Maggie were already seated when I entered mine.

"So, people are getting excited about the Christmas break huh?" I pointed it out to my friends. "It is not even November yet, for goodness' sake."

"Why? Don't you get excited about the holiday season?" Maggie asked curiously. I only shrugged.

Thinking about how I left my family, that I only ran away from home just to get here plus stole my mom's savings Nah, I don't think I should be excited for the holiday season knowing that I can't go back in there anymore, not unless I already became a master wizard.

My friends have no idea what I have done just to get here, and there is no way I will be speaking to them about that either.

"Nah, not really," I shrugged and placed my bag on my chair before settling down in my seat.

"Won't you go home in your village?" It was Ariella's turn to ask.

"Nope. I think I should stay here and get myself a part-time job to earn an extra income and also take care of my grandma,"

"How nice of you," 

Now, it should be my turn to ask them.

"You guys, what are your plans for the holiday season?"

Ariella's face lit up upon hearing me asking about her holiday plans.

I am always looking forward to this huge family gathering every year. I will have a chance to see my cousins, my aunts, and uncles, and also eat delicious foods that are only available during the holiday season.

My mind drifts away from the time when I spent my last Christmas in Ziv, our home village. My parents used to be affluent because of the huge income that my father receives as the master wizard.

But since he passed, our family had suffered financially big time. That was the first Christmas that I had not spent with my father, and that truly made us sad to the point that my mother decided we wouldn't have our usual meal.

So yeah, I'm not that thrilled about my last Christmas.


When Ariella's voice interrupted my train of thought, I snapped back to reality. I turned my head to look once more at her.


"It looks like there is something that bothered you just now," Ariella pointed out. "Are you alright?"

I briefly nodded. "Yes, I am fine."

Both Maggie and Ariella looked at me with a hint of concern, and that pushed me to explain further.

"Well, compared to what you guys have experienced, my last Christmas isn't that great," I said reluctantly. "It was the first Christmas that I haven't spent with my father. Since then, I've never looked forward to the festive season."

This was the first time I have ever mentioned this fact to my friends, so that even in this way I could become honest to them just a bit.

Upon hearing what I said, Ariella and Maggie looked at each other as if telling each other that they shouldn't have asked me that question. But I don't mind, really.

"I am really sorry to hear that Kris," Maggie empathized. "We shouldn't have asked that sensitive question,"

"No, it's okay."

Our conversation had briefly ended there when Mr. Pumpkin had entered and begun discussing our topic for today.

Classes this day have been quite different than what I am usually experiencing. I've got high marks in our short quizzes, performed well in our magic execution practice, and even scored perfectly on the subject that I am having a hard time, (which is Math, by the way.) All those nights I've spent studying haven't been wasted, thank goodness.

It was my turn today to clean the room, along with my five classmates. We began cleaning and rearranging the chairs as soon as today's classes were over.

Jill is in the same group as me, and I have seen her rolling her eyes at me whenever our gazes happen to meet. I am just ignoring her and proceeding with our cleaning task.

All six of us immediately left the room and headed towards the school gates. On my way there, nature started to call, so I quickly hurried to the nearest facility as soon as I reached the ground floor of the student building.

The restroom was just a quick stop. I immediately washed my hands and was about to approach the door when a group of four students including three girls walked toward me.

"Out of our way, loser," says the largest of them, a girl with a 6-foot height, has well-toned biceps and an athletic build. 

My head snapped the moment I heard what she said. I know my life has been a pathetic mess ever since I left my family and lost my dad, but no one has the right to call me that.

That's fine, but it's terrible to call people names when you don't have the right to call them names in the first place," I retorted. I don't even know where I got that much courage to speak against him.

When I was a kid, I would only cry whenever I am targeted by bullies. I would never speak up or fight back. Dexter, my childhood friend, is the one who protects me from those people.

"Hey, I know you" said the other girl behind the bulky girl who spoke earlier. She even stretched her hand and pointed her right index finger at me, and I indeed saw the recognition in those pairs of gray eyes.

"You are that girl who is stalking our precious prince Dexter!" she accused. 

"Excuse me, what?" I raised one eyebrow at her. "I don't stalk him,  since we are actually childhood friends. "

And who are these girls anyway? I never even know them and here they are, accusing me of something I haven't done.

"You're lying," the girl standing on the left side of the bulky girl said, crossing her arms on her chest. "Prince Dexter hasn't mentioned you before."

I almost laughed out loud when they called my childhood friend a real prince. For me, Dexter will always remain that boy who saw me sobbing in the park after I got separated from my parents. 

However, she said that Dexter has never mentioned me in the past. Is he really embarrassed every time I approach him? I never imagined he would feel that way around my company.

"Maybe you haven't asked him, that's why," I replied, "Try asking him and I know he would spill you the truth," 

I tried to press forward, but this huge girl who is responsible for blocking the door prevented me from doing so. Instead, I was pushed back inside the restroom.

Oh no it seems that I got myself into trouble.

"We are Dexter's classmates, and he didn't mention you, not even once. If you are so important in his life, then he would eventually mention you." the girl insisted.

"Fine, I give up. You win. Can I go home now?" 

I tried to talk to them about it, but they refused to move, hence making me feel the need to use my magic against them.

I know violence wouldn't resolve anything, but at least it would send me straight home.

I was preparing myself to fight them if needed, but then someone called out their attention from the outside.

"Hey, you!" 

That voice Why is it that I'll still be able to see her here in this school?

All four heads have turned around, and their expressions have suddenly changed upon seeing who it was.

"Princess Marionette," they said in unison.

"What are you doing with my friend over there, huh?" she said. Huh? Since when did we become friends?


Soon, all of them dashed their way out of here, making me curious about what just happened here.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" 

Princess Marionette approached me with a hint of concern all over his face that I was taken aback. How is she concerned when she didn't even know me in the first place?

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Don't mention it,"

I am having this expression that the princess is secretly observing me right now, so it is best to make an exit as soon as possible.

" I guess I should go now. My grandma is probably waiting for me back in the house,"

Without waiting for her response, I hurriedly went for the door, but only to be stopped seconds after when Princess Marionette decided to talk once again.

"You seem a bit familiar to me," she said, her eyes looking at me. Still, I didn't turn around.

"That face. I think I have seen that somewhere before"

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