Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 112: Hang On... Until The Very End

Chapter 112: Hang On... Until The Very End

"That face. I think I have seen that somewhere before"

I started feeling panic as I saw Princess Marionette intently examining every detail of my face. I was scanning the back of my head for possible alibis I could provide her that could explain everything.

As I tried to think hard for the words that I would say to her, the scene where we bump into each other during Foundation Day started flashing back inside my head.

Yes! That's it! I could definitely use that scene to my advantage.

"I already happen to have an encounter with you, princess," I finally found the courage to speak on my behalf. "Back when we are still celebrating Gilead Academy's Foundation Day, we bumped into each other near the school gates. You were with your friends that time."

A crease formed in between her well-shaved eyebrows as she tries to remember that particular event that I have mentioned to her just now. I was secretly praying to all available saints right now that she will somehow be convinced with the alibi I had given to her.

"Ah yes, I remember it now," After a few moments of silence, Princess Marionette finally responded, her face currently lit up as recognition reflects in those pair of olive green eyes of hers.

"You were that clumsy girl who doesn't know how to look where she was going."

Wait, what?

Ah, it doesn't matter. As long as she totally buys my excuse, I could immediately go out from here.

"Yes," A fake smile was plastered across my face. I just tried to ignore the part when she kind of insulted me. "I am that girl you are talking about,"

"So, it was you No wonder you really looked familiar to me," 

I wonder when this conversation will end. Should I make another attempt to escape? But if I will do that, she will probably foresee that I looked like a suspect who tries his best not to be caught by the investigators or something like that.

Instead, I extended my patience in waiting for her to call it a day.

"Anything else you need from me, your highness?" I asked when she fell silent for a bit.

She snapped her head, as if she was thinking of something but was only interrupted by me. 

"Nothing. That should do it, thanks," she said. "I better leave now."

Yes, it would really be best for both of us if you leave this place sooner.

However, as soon as I thought that she would indeed be on her merry way, it kind of surprised me to see her turning around once again and looking me straight in the eyes.

"But first, may I know your name?"

That shocked me. Why the hell would she even need my name in the first place? And what should I tell her?

"To what purpose may it serve why the princess needs to know my name?"I asked back. She was taken aback by the attitude I just showed her.

"Well," she clears her throat first. "You seem to be a fine lady, and a good friend to have. If I want you to be my friend, would you then accept my invitation?" 

O...kay. A princess asking a commoner to be her friend? Oh, come on! Give me a break!

"I see," I forced another smile in front of her before I proceeded. I am totally not buying her excuse, but for the sake of getting back at the castle as quickly as possible, maybe it is best to just give her my name. 

"Krisella," I said. "Krisella is my given name."

"Krisella, huh," she pronounces my name as if it has a significant value to her. "Okay, it was nice meeting you Krisella. I hope we'll be good friends in the near future."

That was her last statement to me before finally leaving the restroom and finally leaving me alone. I did not even realize until now that I was literally holding on to my breath for quite some time now, and just released it as soon as the tension completely fades away.

Being the good student that I am to my mentors, I told them everything about that school encounter that I had with Princess Marionette in the prince's office. I could also see that they were listening very attentively to everything that I am now saying to them and could also see in their faces the worry they had for me.

"I think it is best to take extra precautionary measures from now on." Alex chimes in after sharing my problem with them all. "We'll never know if that annoying fiancee' of the prince can be trusted in the first place." 

"But we are already doing everything that we can to keep Krisella's identity safe from everyone else," Lancelot opposes. 

"Yes, we are. But I think that is not enough," Alex counters, his eyes then shift in my direction.

"I just saw Krisella being followed by someone, and this time I have a strong feeling that this one is definitely one of our enemies' spies sent here to monitor our every movement."

The thought of having a spy following me around gave me the sudden chills. I can't help but worry sometimes for my safety, especially I know that the more I associate myself with the members of the royal council, the more I am getting myself near to potential danger that may threaten my life.

However, I already came to know that I may come to this point where I will face dangers in my current job because that is what I already signed up for. And there is no backing out now. To add it all up, I also know that my mentors would keep me safe, won't they?

"Do you think she might have already her suspicions towards me? That you know, I am the one impersonating the prince?" I curiously asked. 

All of them went silent afterward, as if thinking of the right words to respond to my question.

"I don't think so," Lucas was the first one to answer. "No one would really suspect that Prince Arthur is being impersonated by a girl in the first place, right?"

"Not if Krisella over here makes it a lot obvious to them," Alex opposes.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "So you're saying that it is all my fault, huh?"

He didn't say a word after.

"Yeah, you are definitely right," I scoffed. "If it weren't for my stupid mistakes back at the party, the princess wouldn't know that the prince is a fake. We wouldn't be having this problem in the first place if it didn't happen." 

I felt the corner of my eyes start to sting, and I started walking out of here just to not let them see me crying in front of them. But before going for the door, I turned around once more and said, "Screw me!". And then I made my awful exit away from the prince's office.

I was sobbing like an eight-year-old child to my most favorite place in this castle to hang out whenever I am feeling down, and that is on top of the castle towers on the right side. I sat down, placed my head on top of my knees, and covered my face with those while crying.

Sometimes I hate it when I am being this emotionally unstable. It's just that, I am already hating myself for making that stupid mistake at the party, but totally rubbing it in my face by the person I care about instead of encouraging me truly hurts the most.

How could he be so sweet, yet so cruel at the same time? I don't get it. Not at all.

"I'm sorry"

My sobs went to an abrupt stop as soon as I heard his voice, crooning in front of me. I lifted my head to see his apologetic face looking back at me.

"I was a total jerk back there, I know. And for that, I wanted to apologize." 

"You were always such a jerk to me a long time ago. How come you've only realized that until now?"

But really, one moment I was crying like an idiot. Now, I am smiling like an imbecile.

"You wound me," he replied, feigning hurt in his face. I stood up and swatted him on his shoulders.


"Lancelot was right, there is no use now to blame anyone. But instead, we should think of alternative ways to make extra precautionary measures to guard your identity and to protect you from potential danger against our enemies."

His look softens a bit.

Once more... I totally comprehend that you may have second thoughts now about continuing this kind of work, but I really hope that you will stay the course until the day has come when we finally see the real prince."

I smiled. "Of course. I'll always be here to help you carry out your plans."

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