Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 117: The Royal Council Meeting (Two)

Chapter 117: The Royal Council Meeting (Two)

The seats in the royal assembly hall are all arranged in a circular manner as they all surround the throne of the prince and master wizard of Gilead. All except the throne are joined together with a woolen cloth weaved for the comfort of the invited guests for this afternoon.

All leaders present at the current royal council meeting refrained from talking as soon as I entered the scene. Some cleared their throats before looking in my direction while I was walking towards the prince's throne.

"Your majesty, " said the man earlier with a black mustache that also said something about the prince not being a suitable leader of this country once I was settled in my seat. "I trust that there is something urgent that is why you showed up very late at today's assembly?"

"Yes, there is," I immediately replied, looking at him in the same intensity as his prying look at me. "An errand that I should attend to that doesn't truly concern you, Minister Roland."

That statement I just gave caused my mentors to look at me with almost wide eyes since I just answered back to one of the important leaders here in Gilead. The minister, on the other hand, only nodded his head and forced a smile across his face.

And how did I know of his name? Surprisingly, that is still a mystery to me yet.

"Then you may now begin the royal council meeting, your majesty." was all he said before he went silent into his seat.

"Very well," 

I paused for a moment and tried to channel every courage that I could muster for this particular event. Earlier at Alex's residence, I was really pondering to myself if I should go to this meeting or not as the fake prince knowing that Alex, Lucas and Lancelot could handle this on their own.

However, at the same time I was really having a strong urge to go here without actually knowing for the reason behind it. It's not that I don't trust my mentors, but it is actually because I felt that there is someone who pushes me to attend here.

And so here I am now, really unsure of what to say next. But I just need to trust my own instincts and my abilities, and I know I could pull this one through.

"We are all gathered here since we have all become concerned about the recent attacks of these so-called dark wizards who are trying their best to spread forth evil all throughout the continent. And unluckily, our country, our beloved Gilead, is one of their targets these past few days."

I saw some of the leaders nodding to every word I am saying, in which I don't have any idea where it came from. But what I do know now is that I am just following what are the words that my heart wishes to impart to these gentlemen sitting in front of me.

"Two days ago, Albania- to which we all know is one of the remote areas of Gilead- has just been reported to me by my most trusted knight to be the newest town invaded by these dark wizards. Also, not long ago, me and my trusted counselors have also traveled to Citrus Town to hopefully stop this invasion caused by the same people. And from that instance, we have experienced a totally surprising encounter"

I paused for a moment and looked at every leader that I could reach with my strong gaze before proceeding to what I am about to say.

"I have encountered Raven myself, the current leader of the dark wizards that were originally organized by his brother Salazar who was slayed at the epic battle during the dark ages, a hundred years ago."

It seems that the news I brought caused a fuss towards other leaders of every allied nation of our country. One man wearing a crown above his dark brown curly hair raised his hand and I immediately called out his attention.

"Like you mentioned, your majesty, the epic battle took place one hundred years ago. This Raven what does he want from us now?"

"Isn't it obvious King Albert?" I retorted. "Salazar wants revenge for his brother. And he can only achieve this thing by gathering his army and kill every living master wizard across the land until he accomplishes his goal."

"And what goal is that?" asked one of the town chiefs of Gilead.

"I was told not long ago that the blood of every master wizard will be the key for Raven to revive his brother Salazar, the known ruthless ruler of all nations during the dark ages of the world." I replied.

Political leaders have been exchanging their own opinions across their seats as soon as they heard it. It took long before another leader raised his hand.

"But this Salazar is long gone. How could Raven revive his brother in that manner?" 

I rubbed my chin. "That information is still a mystery to all of us, that is why I am mostly away to search for the answer."

That man nodded curtly after being satisfied with the answer that I have provided to him.

"I have been trying to trace all the attacks that recently occurred in Gilead, and it seems that these dark wizards have been attacking all the remote areas of the country first before they will finally be able to attack all the major cities of the country. And for this matter, I will send more men as possible to guard every remote area that was left untouched by these people."

All leaders of the said remote areas have smiled at that particular announcement.

"In addition to that, me and my counselors will be visiting these areas from time to time to ensure everyone's safety and to see for ourselves the welfare of my people. If not me, then my trusted entourage will take care of the work on my behalf if I happen to be busy at that time."

"As what you have mentioned," said Minister Roland, the one I just answered back a while ago. "Raven is targeting every master wizard to carry on with his plan. Wouldn't it be best for you to stay here in the capital city where it is safe for you? We'll never know when this guy would attack us again."

"I am deeply touched by your concern towards me, Minister Roland," I crooned. "But I believe it is not part of my job to live in hiding while the rest of my people are suffering. Therefore, it is a must that I will attend to their needs first before mine."

The minister went silent after that.

"If the leader of the dark wizards wants me really badly," I continued. "I am sure I am already capable of facing him alone, if that would stop all these inhumane acts in our society."

Lancelot immediately opposed that, and so are my other mentors.

"What are you saying, your majesty? Of course we wouldn't allow you to face the adversary alone!" they all said in chorus.

"Every night, I will double the number of my knights that would patrol all areas of Citadel to also ensure the safety of every person here." I said, ignoring their pleas earlier.

"And as we speak, we have already sent our best men to trace down the location of these dark wizards to give us a window of opportunity to end them right here and there before they would even have the chance to attack us here."

The meeting went on and on until dusk. Leaders have then been exchanging their own opinions that represent their best interest for the areas they are assigned to serve. When the meeting was finally adjourned and some of the leaders had already returned to their territories, the king of Cordova suddenly approached me and gave me a tap on the shoulder.

"I assure you that everything's gonna be alright. Though you may have a heavy burden weighed on your shoulders, I am sure that there are no things that you cannot resolve," he then smiled at me, a not-so-heartfelt-one. 

"You are, after all, my daughter's fiance'."

And after that, he, too, left the hall without letting me give my response. The doors soon were closed the moment we all left the venue.

In the prince's office, Alex didn't let the day pass by without giving me one of his lectures. 

"We told you to stay in the house, am I right?" he said, somehow furious for disobeying his orders. "And you didn't listen."

"I know that, but"

"You always tend to break rules" he continued. "But for that, I admit I was glad when you suddenly entered the scene. You kind of saved us from explaining ourselves for your absence."

"Yeah, he's right," Lucas chimes in. "And Krisella looks really cool earlier, I must admit. Like I almost believed that"

"That what?" I raised one eyebrow when the lad suddenly stopped.

"That you are a reincarnation of the prince Arthur himself."

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