Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 118: Culinary Lessons

Chapter 118: Culinary Lessons

I know I have always been a terrible cook, that is why my mom seldom lets me use the kitchen back when I was still staying with our family. And my brother would always make sure I know how terrible of a cook I am. (He does all the cooking more often now than our mom, that's why.)

But sometimes I don't get her too. She would usually chastise me for not being able to cook and would always associate it with how will I going to feed my future children someday but then she won't let me use the kitchen for fear that I might mess things around.

In school, we have this home economics class where it taught us different specializations under it that changes according to semester. In our second semester, it was now time for us to learn culinary.

For today, our home economics professor Ms. Springfield brought us to the culinary room where students are brought to harness their skills in cooking. As I see it, I think this is thrice the size of our kitchen back home. The only difference is that there would be no mother to scold me in case I will burn anything, but I have my professor do that in her stead.

"Gosh, why do we even have this subject anyway?" I heard one classmate of mine complains at the back when our teacher is still having their discussion. "It's not like it is related to magic, not even close at all."

"I heard that," Ms. Springfield snaps, and the student straightens up.

"Yes, home economics may not be related to magic" the teacher goes on, glaring at the student who complained earlier. "but it would surely teach you life skills that you may need someday."

Our teacher has definitely a point there.

For today, we were taught to cook for two meal courses: appetizer and main course. Ms. Springfield taught us first the basic skills we should need to know in cooking, which I already learned from my mother but have never had the chance to apply in real life.

"Cooks should be able to cut ingredients quickly and precisely," she instructs as she tried to demonstrate to us the proper way of cutting meat and vegetables that will be needed earlier for the meals we will be cooking.


And our teacher went on the things that we should remember in dealing with food. I had to bring up my mini notebook and my pen to jot down all the things that she has spoken for me to be reminded of it when the time comes that I will be using it later and for the rest of my life.

After the discussion, we were grouped into four. And the best part is that we were allowed to choose our members for the group, so of course we searched for everyone in our pact. When finally formed a group, we then went to the cooking station our teacher has assigned for us, and started doing all the work.


I was feeling proud and happy at the same time when the food we had prepared today had all be so perfect. All of us gave each other a triumphant grin, but when in reality, it was Cailin who contributed the most since she has to cook most of the time for her mom and her younger brother.

"I am so pleased your food turned out so well," our teacher says to the group stationed before us, which happens to be Jill's little entourage. I saw that smug look on that girl's face when Ms. Springfield complimented their presentation.

"It is as tasty as it looks," one friend of her suggests with a huge amount of confidence in it that it almost made me scoffed in my place but I fought the urge to do it.

"Oh? I can't wait to eat it then,"

"Is it just me or our home economics teacher has her own favorite student?" whispers Ariella, snickering right next to me.

Oh, I was actually surprised that it wasn't me alone who notices it. I have always have this feeling that Ms. Springfield is quite fond of Jill. To everyone else, she hardly acknowledges our works. But if it's Jill we are talking about, she always make sure to acknowledge even her presence.

"I think heard rumors from our classmates that Jill's mom and Ms. Springfield are high school friends in the past. They would have been so closed that our teacher would do anything she can to give Jill's grades a raise regardless of her performance." Maggie adds up,immediately catching our attention.

"Wow, that is quite unfair."

"Just let it be. Home economics is not that big deal anyway. It's one of our minor subjects, and the least of our problems.

We made it sure to keep our voices low and steady, but somehow Jill finds a way to hear it otherwise. I just caught her rolling her eyes in our direction.

So the home economics teacher started having a spoonful of the creamed mushroom soul they cooked, and we did not miss the chance to see her face turned from being happy to being sour in just a snap of a finger.

We threw in a giggle fit, but still in our low voices.

"It tastes. Okay," the teacher comments, and transferred to the main course we are taught to do today which is smoked salmon.

Again, her face stiffens. And again, we threw another rounds of giggles in her direction but not too loud. 

"Okay I think I have enough. Thank you, group 3," A forced smile was plastered on her face before she moved on to the next group, which happens to be ours.

In my peripheral vision, Jill tries the mushroom soup they have prepared and immediately swatted the girl next to her.

"This is too salty, gosh!" she groans.

Our group cooking performance turns out to be the highest scorer for this day. Thanks to my friends' efforts, all I have to do earlier was to cut the ingredients while they prepare everything.

But tomorrow's the real deal, because we will be cooking the assigned meal for the day individually. That alone made my palms sweat, and it is not even starting yet.

I came back to the castle later that day feeling pleased with myself for the scire I got from culinary. And the best part is that we all witness how Jill's group was humiliated by the sour face our teacher makes in front of them earlier.

"You look happy," A voice came right behind the moment I reached the gate leading to the rear portion of the castle. It's Lucas by the way, removing the invisible cap Alez let him borrow to pick me up in school and walk with me today.

I smiled at him, then replies, "I learned new dishes this morning in our home economics. I thought maybe I could give it a try to cook for you too."

"That subject again? I thought they have already crossed that out in the new academic year since it is not really contributing much to our magic progress?" he points out, looking surprised.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to protest. And so I did.

"What is with you protesting about home economics? I think it is very reasonable that it should be included in the subject list because" 

I cleared my throat first, and tries to mimic our teacher's voice as possible as I can.

"it teaches us important life lessons that we may need someday."

That made Lucas cracked a laugh.

"Hey, you almost sounded like Ms. Springfield. She was also my home economics teacher way back when I and Alex were still in school."

I swatted him in the arm to which he responded with an "Ow!"

"I don't sound that old, unlike her though."

"Alright, alright."

Lucas curtly nods as he now closes the gate behind us. Together, we walked towards the prince's chamber where my outfit for today was neatly placed by one of the servants.

Upon arriving at the prince's office, Lancelot and Alex must be having a very important and confidential discussion before I arrived. I can see it on the way their body stiffens upon my arrival.

"So? What are you guys talking about just now? May I know?" 

When the two decided to seal their mouths, I added "I see I am not allowed to know it whatever that is that you are discussing."

"It's about the matters of the state. That is why we can't tell you." Alex utters, but the way he looks away while saying it makes me believe it's some excuse he just made up. 

"Uhuh.." I said, looking at them knowingly.



(Earlier before Krisella arrives at the office.)

Lancelot and Alez were on standby as they both wait for Krisella and Lucas to show up for their daily training sessions. When everyone didn't talk, Lancelot decided to speak up all of a sudden.

"I can see it in your eyes all this time," 

"The what exactly are you seeing? Please elaborate," Alex demanded.

"The way your eyes light up whenever you see Krisella and your face glows. I can see that you like her."

Alex stiffens, being taken aback by what the priest said. Of all the people, he least expected to hear this from the archbishop himself!

"No, you're wrong. I don't like her, in a romantic way that is."

"Deny all you want, but the truth will set you free."

"I said I don't like her--"

The door swings open, making Alex's mouth instantly shut and him being frozen to his place, wondering if the girl has ever heard what they were discussing earlier.

But then she looked a bit clueless, and that made the lad somehow relieved.

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