Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 47: The Results

Chapter 47: The Results

The blasting sound coming from my alarm is what reminded me that I have school the following day. 

Getting up in my sluggish movement, I stretched one hand and tapped the alarm clock to stop it from further ringing. It's starting to get on my nerves now. Then I forced myself out of my bed, fixed it, and went to shower and prepare for my classes.



"I believe the prince has been kidnapped." Alex declared all of a sudden after a moment of silence.

My eyes widened upon hearing this sudden declaration from him.

"What?" I said in disbelief. "But who could possibly kidnap the prince? And I think he is too powerful to protect himself from danger."

"Yes, he is indeed powerful. But his power couldn't possibly handle all the enemies that await to kill him and bring him down from his throne to finally conquer this nation and include it into their kingdom." Alex said as a matter of fact.

"As to who kidnaps the prince, that is the thing that I will soon find out," he added. His facial expression now says that he is willing to slay anytime who landed their fingers onto the prince.

"Then, let me help in the investigation." I offered. "Maybe I could somehow help you in any way, right?" 

It was then that the lad turned to face me once more as I said those words.

"No. I want you to keep playing the prince's role in the meantime while I go and try to find him. And it is also safe for you to not leave the castle's premises." He looked straight in the eyes with a serious expression plastered on his face.

"I don't want you to be in danger." 

Upon hearing his last statement, it was the moment when I felt my heart throbbed so fast that it made my cheeks flushed in an instant.

"O-okay" I responded, trying to be as calm as possible despite my current situation. "If you say so."



The memory of yesterday's conversation started to flashback in my subconscious mind as soon as the water started to pour into my body, giving that tingling sensation inside. 

Geez that jerk. He really wants himself to be in danger instead.

Classes from Mr. Pumpkin's subject hadn't started yet when I arrived at the classroom. As usual, I would see my other classmates chit chatting with their friends while the teacher is not here, and there are the loners in this classroom where they prefer to be on the very least side where no one could notice them.

Well, thank goodness I have friends in this class. And speaking of them, I can see the two of them having their own chitchats while I slowly approach my seat.

"Hi there Krisella!" Ariella greeted me with her usual cheerful tone, Maggie greeted me as well.

"Hi, guys." I greeted back while setting my bag aside and took my seat next to Ariella.

"So, what is all this fuss about going on around in this room?" I curiously asked once I was already settled in my seat.

"Well, you know, they are talking about the upcoming results of our magic skills test," Ariella responded.

"But wait, there's more." Maggie merrily added, which heightened my curiosity. "Several days from now, the annual Foundation Day will be held here. Isn't it amazing?"

"Yes! I can't wait to experience it with you!" I said in delight and excitement.

Oh that great news somehow made me happy for today as well. This would be our first year in this institution, so I can definitely understand why these two are so hyped for the upcoming event. 

"The good thing about this event is that we would finally have the chance to see the prince in this school during the opening ceremonies! I bet he would be as handsome as everyone says here!" Ariella happily added.

The moment I heard those words from my friend, it suddenly hit me about Lancelot's announcement the other day that I almost forgot about it.



"The prince needs to make his traditional appearance during the opening of the Foundation Day and gives his speech, as usual," Lancelot said during our dinner.



My face instantly went pale after remembering Lancelot's words back then. What should I do now? I surely can't miss this school event with my friends, or they would definitely grow suspicious of me if I did that!

"Krisella? Is everything alright?" Ariella, the ever-observant friend of mine, curiously asked as soon as she saw my pale expression just now.

I tried my best to act normal despite the growing anxiety within me. 

"Yes," I said, forcing a smile. "Everything's fine."

"Is your grandma wouldn't let you participate in the school event?" Ariella continued to interrogate which made me nervous all of a sudden. She had never been this pushy these past few months that I have been with her.

"Do you want us to talk to her in letting you go on Foundation Day?" she added. Maggie nodded behind her while looking at me.

"No no, it is really nothing like that." I immediately responded. "She surely would want me to go to the school event for me to have some fun. It's just that you know, I would be concerned about her welfare while I'm gone for a little longer." 

"Aww, how thoughtful of you, Kris," Maggie said in awe. "We wouldn't hold you off that long, don't worry."

I was somehow mentally able to heave a sigh of relief when they finally bought my excuse. Geez, maybe I should be extra careful with my facial expressions, especially I have highly observant friends.

"So let's go see the prince during the opening ceremonies!" Maggie continued. "Don't be late."

"Yehey, can't wait," I said, trying to sound as cheerful as she is just to match her happy pace.

Everyone immediately settled in their seats as soon as our class adviser made his entrance in the room, bringing with him a folder with some papers neatly piled inside, and a textbook containing all of our topics to discuss.

"Good morning everyone." Mr. Pumpkin started. "Today, I would like to inform you of the results of your recent magic skills test."

Surely, my classmates made a fuss about it, exchanging their own opinions without letting the teacher finish what he is about to say. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Mr. Pumpkin cleared his throat first, clearly to silence my noisy classmates, before proceeding with his announcement.

"And I am so sorry to announce that two students of this batch haven't made it and will need to be expelled from this institution."

I can hear some of my classmates gasped at what we just heard. After I performed during the day of the magic skills test, I chose to exit myself backstage to get myself out of the growing anxiety that I was feeling that time for the mistake I did, to which Mr. Pumpkin let me.

So I wasn't able to witness if there are others who did the execution wrong, or was I part of these two students who did not pass the test?

"These two names that I will be calling out would need to go to the admissions office to sign some papers." Mr. Pumpkin said which added to the tension that starts to fill inside the room.

"The first student who needs to go with me is... " The teacher's eyes roamed around the room, and made a stop on the left side on the second row where a boy of my age is currently seated.

"Greg Harrison. I'm sorry, but you need to go here in front and proceed to the admissions office." 

That announcement brought devastation towards the guy's face as he heard his name called out. I could definitely see the disappointment in those pairs of jet black eyes as he picked up his bag and walked in front of the class.

As much as I wanted to feel sorry for him, I know it wouldn't help him feel any better now.

The whole class immediately moved on with that and looked again at our adviser as we anticipated the second name that he is about to call out.

"The second name that I will need to go to in the admissions office is"

I could feel my breath stopped for a while when I saw Mr. Pumpkins's eyes made a halt towards my direction. Did I. fail as well?

"Kelly Chestnut." Mr. Pumpkin announced, looking over my shoulder and was pertaining to the girl who is sitting behind me. "I'm sorry, but you need to go to the admissions office now to sign some papers." 

The one who was just called shoved her chair, picked up her bag, and went straight for the door without uttering any other word like she was somehow expecting it to happen. Everyone did not dare to speak for a while as those two students made their way out of the classroom.

So much for starting this day, huh.

"As for you who are still here in this room" Mr. Pumpkin said, now looking at each one of us in our seats. "I would like to congratulate all of you for passing the test and for gaining your new wizard rank. Starting today, you will move two ranks From rank E, you will receive a badge later this day for moving into rank C."

Everyone exclaimed in joy as we all heard that wonderful announcement coming from the teacher and suddenly forgetting that sad moment earlier with those two students.

Yet, as much as I am feeling guilty about this I am so happy and relieved to know that I was not among those students who failed the last magics skills test.

I am now in rank C!

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