Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 48: Event Plans

Chapter 48: Event Plans

Winter usually starts around the month of October here in Gilead, that is according to my friends Ariella and Maggie. But as I noticed, the moment I woke up at the start of the month of September, it was already freezing cold here in the prince's chamber.

"Good morning Krisella." 

Lancelot was the one who first greeted me as soon as I was able to show up at the dining table just in time for breakfast-- in the prince's clothes as usual. Meals were served by a few selected handmaidens on top of the table and immediately exited themselves once they were done serving us.

"Good morning Lancelot, Alex, and Lucas." I greeted each of my three mentors once I was already settled in my seat. 

I almost slipped my tongue when I was about to call them my mentors, but surely it would create confusion for the servants to hear their prince calling his confidants his mentors, right?

I suddenly remembered The last time when I took for a walk above the castle towers to get some fresh air to calm my nerves, I was able to hear the selected handmaidens that could still stay in this castle and can still keep their jobs while I was on my way there. They were talking about the sudden decision of the prince's confidants to lessen the working force inside the castle, and they find it really odd about it.

Well, personally, I can't blame them for feeling suspicious about it. This whole 'impersonating' thing was only decided in just a spur of a moment, and Lancelot needs to do everything that he can to protect me and my image from people so it is only necessary to lessen the servants inside this castle.

I chose to remain silent about it and refrained myself from telling my three mentors about the servants' suspicion about us.

Once the servants left the dining area, Alex activated a sound barrier to prevent others from hearing what we will be discussing during breakfast before Lucas was able to ask his question to me.

"So, have you already prepared for your speech?" 

I was halfway stuffing the food from the spoon when I suddenly stopped midway and looked at the lad, who is also looking at me.

"Speech for what, exactly?" I asked, feeling shy about my obliviousness at this moment.

I eventually saw all of them stopped eating and looked at me as if I was an alien from another planet.

"How on earth did you forget to make your speech for the upcoming opening ceremony at the Gilead Academy's Foundation Day?" Alex asked in a pissed tone. 

Boy, as masochist as I may sound, I sure did miss that tone of his when speaking to me in front of my other two mentors.

But holy crap! I almost forgot about making my speech for the opening ceremony! I was too preoccupied with things lately. Things such as what we discovered lately from the prince's disappearance, how I could make it through that school event without my friends finding out that I was actually the prince they are seeing, and how I could still enjoy the event with them at the end of the day.

"Oh boy, it must have slipped in my mind I guess?" I said, sounding and looking as apologetic as I can.

Alex only rolled his eyes at me. "Unbelievable."

"Well, Kris here still has until two weeks for her to make it, so no need to fret." Lancelot, the ever-positive guy in this group, chimed in while smiling at me.

"Just make sure to make it several days before the event so that we can check it out right away. We still can't trust your grammar." Alex muttered in his annoyed tone

Trying not to sound offended by his remark, I plastered a forced smile across my lips before responding to him with a hint of sarcasm.

"Alright, I will, Mr. Know it all."

The other two were tempted to laugh at that, but chose to suppress it when this heartless, cold, jerk eyed them with contempt.


At school, it was indeed announced that Gilead Academy's Annual Foundation Day or technically Foundation Week since it will be held the whole week will start next week, Monday. Everyone was feeling excited about it as soon it was announced by our class adviser Mr. Pumpkin.

Well, everyone except me.

"Each section should prepare something for our visitors from other schools or even from other cities or towns, a booth, or anything that they could enjoy." Mr. Pumpkin continued as soon as his students fell silent. Then, I was a bit surprised when he turned to look at me and someone sitting behind me after that.

"So, therefore, I want Mr. Wilson and Ms. Lancaster-- as our class president and vice president-- to participate in later's student council meeting at 5 pm to discuss some things such as the room or school ground that you will be occupying, and of course, the event that you will be organizing. With that being said, I would also leave it to you right now to discuss your plans with your classmates at this hour while I have a faculty meeting with my fellow school staff."

Oh geez, I almost forgot that I was elected as the vice president of this class for particularly no reason at all! Now, I have to attend the meeting later this afternoon, and would surely be late for my afternoon training sessions.

I mentally whacked my forehead for that.

"Yes, Mr. Pumpkin." That air headed class president of ours responded with what the teacher instructed.

"Alright then. The floor is yours while I take my leave. Please prepare something entertaining to boost the morale of our section. I heard there would be a cash prize for the best-organized event." I saw Mr. Pumpkin winked at us for a split second before leaving the room for their faculty meeting.

Oh I was somehow intrigued by hearing that there would be a cash prize for that. So this is like a contest between student year levels and sections huh?

Once the teacher left the room, the class president immediately stood up from his seat and took over the whole class for the next couple of minutes. With me by his side, and with the class secretary ready to jot down some notes of the things that we are about to discuss, the suggestions for our event was opened.

"How about we open a mini themed cafe? Then all the girls would be required to wear a maid's uniform?" One guy suggested. It must have been my imagination, but I definitely see his eyes formed into two hearts when suggesting that.

That pervert

"Nope, too cliche' and too boring. Plus, it would cost us more than the budget that will be allocated for this section, I presume, if we will take into consideration the supplies that will be needed, the materials that we will be using, and other things in between." 

The class president immediately rejected the suggestion as he pressed his lips together at the end of his statement, which immediately relieved all girls here-- including me-- and brought sad faces to all the boys present except him.

At least someone in this class has no perverted mind, unlike the rest of the guys here.

"Well, how about we do a wrestling match?" One guy with a well-toned body build seated on the right suggested.

"Rejected." The class president said in a monotonous tone and a bored expression.

"A fashion show event!" A girl seated on the far end corner suggested. That brought smiles at the girls and frowns at the boys which immediately changed when the class president rejected the suggestion.


"A cooking event?"


"A cosplay event?"


Eventually, my classmates gave up on suggesting their ideas when it was all rejected by the class president. I'm sure they are annoyed in their seats, but chose not to speak about it.

Suddenly, I have an idea, but I was also anxious to speak it out loud, in fear that our demonic class president would only reject it on the spot.

"Guys? Any more suggestions?" he asked, but was only ignored by our classmates.

"How about a role-playing event?" 

When everyone remained silent, I did not have a choice but to share my thoughts with the class. That made the class president turn his head to look at me.

"Excuse me?" 

"I'm suggesting a role-playing event," I repeated, assuming my voice was too soft earlier for him to hear.

He did not say something about it immediately, which is kind of weird, but remained silent as if he was waiting for me to go on with my idea.

"Well, I believe having a role-playing event would only cost us a little and would be enough for the school budget, considering we would only do a short skit. Regarding the script, I would be the one to take care of it, since I also like writing stories previously." I thoroughly elaborated.

"Alright then, sounds like we already have an event for the class." 

I was somehow surprised when the class president immediately approved my suggestion without having second thoughts, which made my classmates' jaws almost drop from their seats.

"But we only have a week left!! How could we possibly make it in time?" That dude who suggested the wrestling match earlier asked.

"As I've said, this would only be a skit, so no need to panic. I would have everything ready for the next two days. Ariella here is talented in making clothes, for her family owns a tailor shop, so we don't need to worry about the costumes. Maggie is a talented make-up artist, I'm sure she could groom us well for the event." I suggested and shared the talent of my friends that I just recently discovered as well.


"Quit your yapping, Windsor, and go along with the plan." The class president cut in, calling that guy by his last name.

"I have trust in Ms. Lancaster's capability to handle this matter, so let her be," he added. Since when did he have trust in me?!

Later on that day, school was officially over before we knew it and I was required to attend the meeting with the class president at 5 pm. Seeing that we still have a couple of minutes to spare before the said meeting, I can't think of anything else to do from here.

When everyone already left the room, I was quite surprised when I saw a pair of feet stopping in front of me as I stuffed my things inside my bag. When I looked up, I was even more surprised to see the class president standing in front of me.

"If you don't have anything else to do at the moment while waiting for the meeting, care to go to the cafeteria with me?" he asked which surprised me for the third time in a row-- if that is even possible.

I wonder what is up with him though

Seeing no other reasons to reject him, I gladly took his invitation. And with that, we went to the cafeteria together.

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