Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 56: The Last Rehearsal

Chapter 56: The Last Rehearsal

My eyes widened upon seeing the thing that is in Alex's hands right now. 

W-wait is that an arrow? What's an arrow doing over here in the first place? I thought Alex assured me that the surroundings were heavily guarded by his troops?

"Sir, I'm afraid an enemy has sneaked its way around here to kill the prince." The captain declared to the dean as his response. That made everyone gasp, including me.

"That fool! After making sure I have my men guard this area" Alex then muttered more to himself than to me.

As a result of the unexpected assault, the long process was made short with the dean declaring that Foundation Day is officially open for visitors and students that will participate in the said event. 

I, on the other hand, had me evacuated by Alex as soon as possible to keep me from danger before dispatching his troops to locate the hidden enemy around the school. The speech was canceled and I was back on my carriage once again. The charioteer then set course to return to the castle.

I was still in a state of shock when all of these things happened. And now that I have recovered from it, I tried to sort out the matter.

"What was that just now?" I said after a long pause. 

"An assault, obviously," Alex responded as a matter of fact. I almost rolled my eyes at him. I wish he can be a little more elaborative sometimes.

"I know. But does the prince really have that many enemies that are after him?" I asked in a concerned tone. If that is true, then I am surely finished.

"I'm afraid, yes. As the leader of this nation, enemies from different countries that want to invade the territories of Gilead come naturally for the young prince." Lancelot was the one to elaborate on the answer for me.

I can't help but panic with that. How did I not think of this before? Of course, the prince has enemies from other nations! And I am so foolish to set my life at stake here just to fulfill his role in his absence.

"One of those, or maybe a few of them, is the reason why the prince is still missing until now," Lucas stated in a hushed voice, enough for us to hear.

"They are a fool to attack the prince now that there were several eyes watching earlier and with my troops present. Didn't they think of this for a while?" I heard Alex click his tongue for a while before he shook his head.

"I think their attention for now is really not to kill the prince"

All eyes are now on Lucas as he made that statement. The latter then looked at each one of us first before proceeding with what he is about to say.

"... but rather, it is more like a warning shot to me wanting to send a message that whoever they are they won't really stop until they have the prince killed." 

"T-that sounds creepy indeed," I commented, stuttering in the process.

There was a moment of silence after my last sentence when all of us refrained from talking. Yet I was also the first one to interrupt it when I asked another question.

"Then why invite the prince in the first place if he only brings danger to those around him?" I dared to ask.

"Because it is a tradition, dummy. Have you already forgotten that Prince Arthur is an alumnus of Gilead Academy?"

That made me finally roll my eyes at the spiteful Alex.

"Of course I remember, you jerk."

I really don't know what to feel right now, or do about this matter. Knowing that there are those people who want the prince dead, I am now having some second thoughts if I should still continue impersonating him or would just walk away, bringing all the money that I have already saved for the past few months of working in the castle.

However, I also know that there is really no turning back now. I already agreed with their terms in the first place in exchange for food to eat, a roof shelter over my head, clothes to wear, and monthly wage.

Oh I am so doomed.

Seeing the growing anxiety in my expression, Lucas chose to say about it by trying to comfort me and ease my troubled heart.

"If you are still worried about the incident earlier, be it known unto you that we will try our very best to keep you safe and sound all until we find the real prince." Lucas' genuine smile immediately warmed my heart and somehow reassured me that everything will be just fine.

"I know because I trust you guys." I smiled back at him all of them.

"Just look at the bright side. You don't have to undergo the hassle of giving your speech, right? Thanks to that anonymous intruder of yours." Lucas added, laughing a little that earned a light smack on his shoulder from Lancelot.

"What?" he asked at the archbishop who didn't respond to that even after we arrived at the castle.

Even after the assault, the school decided to carry on with the Foundation Day, but this time, with even more tight security than before. I was already dressed as a mere commoner with my collared pastel top and pleated skirt when I returned in front of the school gates.

I was just about to enter the gate when I saw a familiar figure going out of it.

"Dexter?" I called out the guy's name that made him turn his head to look at me.

"Kris!" he sounded so surprised to see me, or was it just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Have you just arrived here?" he already recovered from being startled and looked at me curiously.

"Y-yes, yes I have." I immediately responded, hoping I sounded normal and confident in front of him. Suspecting me by my childhood friend was the last thing I wanted to happen this day.

"You know, I am really a sleepyhead," I added to somehow support my statement.

I heard him chuckle afterward. 

"Kris, you have never been late to class and you are always being awarded for being punctual. What are you even saying?" 

Oh crap, I forgot that this guy has a sharp memory, as sharp as the tip of the newly-wielded sword. But I never thought he would be that observant towards me.

"Well, people change" I forced a smile. "Especially when we grow older, right?"

"Right: he agreed, slowly nodding his head while his eyes are glued on me. Then his eyes went round all of a sudden, like he just remembered something important.

"Oh! I better hurry. I actually forgot my costume for our cartoon-themed cafe. How foolish of me." 

That statement of his almost made my eyebrow arch at him.

"Dex, you haven't been forgetful since the time that I met you." I also declared.

"Well, as what you have said people change, Kris, especially when we get older." 

That was his last statement before he finally excused himself and went on his way. I was about to proceed inside the gate when it occurred to me to look at my childhood friend once more. 

It was then when I noticed the way he is walking he is kind of staggering as of the moment. I wonder what could be the reason behind it.

Oh well, it seems that my mind is at it again of overthinking things. I better get inside the gate because I am sure my classmates are already waiting for me.

Knowing that they are still busy designing the stage for tomorrow's event, I immediately proceeded to the school gymnasium where I indeed saw a few of my classmates helping each other in adding the finishing touches of the stage. My eyes almost sparkled at how brilliant it was done.

My friends, Ariella and Maggie, were the first one to notice my presence as I walked towards them. When I finally arrived, they greeted me with their questions, as expected of them.

"Where have you been during the opening ceremonies? I thought you will be absent for today!" Maggie was the first one to ask.

"Apologies for my tardiness, I had to help in the household chores first before going here." I tried to look as apologetic as I could to somehow convince them that I am telling the truth. My acting wasn't wasted when they immediately bought my excuse.

"Right. You only had you and your grandma living under the same roof." Ariella said. "That must be so hard for you." 

"No. Not at all." I forced a smile for the second time around. "It is always my pleasure to help my grandmother."

Later that day, we started doing our final rehearsal wherein I let my classmates only read the script on stage with feelings. By the end of the day, we finished being satisfied with the overall performance plus being excited for tomorrow.

We are wrapping up for now when I heard two of my classmates talking about other booths that were prepared by students of different years and sections. 

I wasn't really planning to eavesdrop to their conversation if it weren't for them mentioning the class 2-A which is where my friend Dexter belongs to.

"I tried to check if my prince Dexter was there in their cafe before we did this rehearsal, but I ended up not seeing him there." that girl said quite dramatically.

"Aww, you poor thing."

That got me into thinking I thought Dexter was gone for a while to get his costume or it may also be that by the time this classmate of mine went inside their cafe, it was also the moment when Dexter excused himself to get his costume.

Well. I know my friend won't lie to me like that or will he?

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