Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 57: First Row

Chapter 57: First Row

Gilead Academy is currently having its annual week-long celebration of its Foundation Day, and today will be its second day of the week. 

All students from their respective sections are already cramming for each of their presentations of their events to the guests, including ours.

Surprisingly, after what had happened during the opening ceremonies, people from different places still went to visit the school to witness what we had in store for them. Of course, Alex's troops are all over the place to observe the people that are coming in and out of the magical institution to prevent that incident from happening again.

While everyone is enjoying their time outside to view the different colorful booths prepared by the students of different years and sections, the class of 1-A is still busy doing some finishing touches of the stage. 

Yup, that's our class.

Aside from that, there are also other things to consider except for the background, props, and tools that the actors and actresses will be needing. There is also the script to take care of. After the stage has been prepared, we have requested all of my classmates that have a role to put on their costumes and do a final dress rehearsal with the stage already prepared.

But wait, I think there is still one missing here

"Where is Ariella?" I asked. My brows snapped together as panic started to strike inside of me.

"Late, perhaps?" One classmate of mine answered. 

I tried to find my other friend Maggie, but she is also nowhere to be found! I wonder if everything is fine with them now.


Oh, speaking of her, I just saw Maggie running her way towards our location with a troubled expression plastered on her face. Well, I have a bad feeling about this.

"I went to Ariella's house so that we could, you know, arrive in here together as usual but her mother had asked me a favor for her that she couldn't make it today because of her skin allergies," she announced, making my other classmates turn to look at her and me to almost gasp in shock.

"Oh no too cliche'" I heard the class president mutter but I chose to ignore him.

"S-skin allergies?" I asked curiously. "What exactly happened to her?"

"Well, she ate crabs during their dinner only to find out that she ran out of medicines last night. That is why her skin allergies had grown this morning. She really doesn't look good today, I tell you." Maggie elaborated.

I can't help but lift my hand up and give myself a light smack on my forehead. Oh no, what should I do? Ariella is the female lead here.

But more importantly, I am more concerned with my friend's situation. I hope she is doing fine by now and she has already taken her medicine.

I felt the presence of the president stood by my side as he declared these words,

"No worries. Like any other cliche' movies and books that I have already read and watched, Krisella-- who mainly wrote the script-- could be our next Snow White." 

Some of my classmates chuckled at his suggestion but I snapped my head up and looked at him with my eyes in full circles. What is he even saying?!

"N-no! I can't act, for goodness' sake!" I exclaimed, immediately declining the president's request.

"Well, we actually don't have a choice here, do we?" the latter then arched his eyebrow at me. "Again, you made the script, remember? So somehow, you familiarize all of Snow White's scenes. You are our last hope to save this play."

I gazed nervously at my classmates, who also looked at me with their hopes up that I would accept this role that was suddenly bestowed upon me. 

As much as I hate to admit it, but William Wilson is right. I made the script, and I am indeed familiar with all of the female lead's scenes, as well as all of her dialogues. If anyone could replace the original actress, that would be me.

I heaved a long, dramatic sigh before responding to the class president's suggestion.

"Fine. I guess I really don't have a choice then but to accept this role." I said in a monotonous tone.

I also don't want to waste all of my classmate's efforts that they have poured out in our rehearsals and making the props, that would be my other reason why I finally decided to accept this role.

The class president is right. It is too cliche' indeed.

Our role-play would take place later in the afternoon, around 5 pm. So half of the day, instead of touring the booths like I originally planned after the final dress rehearsals, I was stuck in the gymnasium, rehearsing all of the female lead's dialogues all morning.

Bye-bye cotton candy that I so want to taste in my mouth right now.

After those long, stressful hours of practicing my script, I decided to call a short break for all of us to let us rest for the entire leisure time left for us, but of course, only after I reminded them to be back here at exactly four in the afternoon fully ready.

Maggie was still here with her apologetic expression still plastered on her pretty face as he looked at me.

"I really feel sorry for you, Kris, on behalf of our friend Ariella. You were forced to take the role even if you don't want to. Ariella is really sorry as well and bowed many times in front of me earlier while she instructs me to relay the message to you." she said.

I gave her a reassuring smile to let her know that I am doing well at the moment.

"No worries. I got this. The important thing here is Ariella was able to deliver the costumes in the set before this happened" I beamed. "Thanks for letting me know about Ariella's condition, by the way. I hope she gets well soon."

Our conversation immediately ended there when nature suddenly called in. I hastily excused myself and dashed my way towards the girls' restroom.

I was already inside the cubicle when I heard a flush sound from the other cubicle not far from me and the creaking of its door to let me know that a person has gone out from there. And when I thought I will be left here alone inside the restroom, I heard some familiar voices having their conversation while backstabbing someone which is none other than me.

"That hypocrite, all acting she was forced to take the lead role when we truly knew she may be the one who gave some potion, I believe, to her own dear friend." 

I clenched my fist as tight as I could when I heard that irritating voice of my classmate Jill talking to one of her disciples inside this restroom.

"Totally." was the only thing responded by her disciple.

"We did an excellent job of teaching her a lesson last week. I am sure she would never forget. Totally serves her right for acting so smart and friendly around the class president and to our teachers. What a hypocrite and social climber she is." Jill continued to backstab me.

It was then when I realized something

Ariella was right! Jill was the culprit behind my locking incident. That girl! What have I done for her to treat me that way?!

As much as I would like to go out there and slap that girl hard across her face, I think I have a better idea of how to expose her and take my revenge for what she did to me back then. For all I know, I wouldn't stoop down on her level.

I guess, taking the lead role isn't such a bad idea after all.

Later that day, our class started to get ready for the event that we have been preparing for almost a week now. We are now at the backstage while I was being pampered by our makeup artist, Maggie.

"Ooh There are so many people waiting outside for our play! Our tickets were actually sold out!" says one guy who was cast as an extra. That all made our class cheer in glee.

"Our efforts haven't been wasted after all!" says the other guy next to him.

I also can't help but feel delighted with that wonderful news brought to us by my classmate. Yet I also wonder how did that happen. Does the class president really have so many fans who are anticipating for him?

"Eh? The prince's confidants are here to watch our play?" I heard Jill's disciple blurted behind me. I still haven't forgotten about the plan I had in store for both of them.

"No wonder our tickets were sold out." I heard Maggie made her side comment.

But wait what did she say?

"I'm sure they are here because they have heard that I will be participating in this absurd play." Jill proudly declared. 

Ignoring her, I thank Maggie at once when she was done putting the final touches in my face. She had me turn to look at the vanity mirror in front of us, and so I did.

I can't believe I will be participating in this play as the female lead, not to mention all three of them are here. Well, I couldn't be so sure if Alex indeed came all the way here just to watch us. Pfftt, in my dreams.

Later on, when the curtains were finally opened with me, standing alone in the opening scene, my eyes almost widened when I indeed saw Alex, together with Lucas and Lancelot, seated in the first row that made it possible for me to spot them so easily.

Well, I am truly finished.

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