Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 65: Preparations

Chapter 65: Preparations

'Krisella here has a point, I must say. It would truly create confusion if she didn't show up at tonight's ball."

I was already at the prince's office, secretly having this half-serious discussion with Lancelot, Alex, and Lucas. I smiled at the latter for agreeing with me after I made my point to the three of them.

"I see your point." Lancelot rubbed his chin while doing the thinking.

There was something that suddenly popped out of my head, and for that, I decided to ask this question to the three of them.

"Isn't the prince obliged to make his entrance at the said ball?"

That made the three of them pause for a moment as if they have temporarily forgotten about that matter. Have they gone really forgetful these past few years?

So, would that really mean I still have to show myself as the prince for, who knows what time his presence is needed at the mentioned event?

"Well, since he was actually the one who came up with this idea in the first place, then the answer to your question is yes, he always serves as the host for the event." Lucas was the one who did the talking.

"But since you said yourself that you would be making your appearance to this ball, then we could always make some amendments in order for that to happen. Am I right, Lancelot?" The curly-haired lad cocked his head towards the archbishop.

Sometimes, I also wonder why they don't call the archbishop using his title or any other prefixes. I am very much aware that Lancelot is a few years older than these two gentlemen on my right, maybe five to six years, perhaps? But quite young-looking, I must add. I am also guilty with that though, for I have adopted their ways. Yet the archbishop-- as kind-hearted as he is-- never made any objections to that for the past three months that I have lived in this castle.

Lancelot gave his reassuring smile.

"Yes. We could always tell that the prince is now on a quest or must go somewhere that highly needs his presence at the moment." he agreed to Lucas at last. That assured me instantly that everything that would happen tonight would go smoothly as I hoped it to be.

I can't help but feel elated with what he just said.

"Thank you, everyone!" I said, giving my most sincere and heartfelt smile that I could ever give to a person.

At that exact moment, I left the prince's office with the invisibility cap on my head (you know, the one that Alex gave me to me a while ago at school) and started preparing my things to go towards Ariella's tailor shop.



By the time Krisella left the room, Alex casted his somewhat icy gaze at the archbishop.

"Does this mean we need to play as hosts for tonight's event?" he asked with a slight hint of condescending tone in the manner of his speaking.

"I'm afraid we are," Lancelot wiggled his eyebrows quite playfully at the lad before making his exit out of here.

That leaves Alex to shift his gaze towards Lucas, who is now chuckling at his place. Upon noticing his friend's berated look, Lucas immediately stopped laughing.

"Oh! I hate to attend social events." Alex made a long, exasperated sigh. "Especially dealing with women who do nothing but bat their eyes at you like you are some sort of meat that they'd be devouring at any moment."

Lucas can't help but snort at the lad's remark, instantly forgetting the scolding look he received from him earlier.

"You make it look like women are a pack of cannibal beasts when in fact they are the most gentle creature I have ever met," he said, a playful smirk escaped on his thin, red lips.

"Because it's true! You only speak that way because you have your ways to swoon women at your feet, while I, on the other hand, am having such a hard time to even spark a conversation with all the women I've met."

"But not Krisella though, right?"

Lucas's last remarks made the captain paused for a moment, eyes widening, as he realizes that as well. That is somehow true, indeed.

"But still, I wouldn't count that girl like any other women in this society." Alex can't help but rolled his eyes to conceal the feelings that is starting to build inside of him.

"That's because Krisella is special" Lucas smiled more to himself than to his friend. "A woman with such rare, exquisite demeanor."

Just as he had said that, Lucas tried his best to be of his natural, poised self once more by clearing his throat and faking to smoothen his coat.

"Well, I need to be on my way now to run some errands for today before playing host for tonight's event."

Just before he makes his way towards the door, he did not miss this chance to tease his agitated friend once again.

"You also need to prepare yourself as well. A lot of women will be eyeing you for tonight, I am pretty sure of it.

And just like that, Lucas opened the door and take his leave, leaving Alex just by merely thinking about his words.



I stood by the door of Ariella's shop when it swung open in front of me, revealing my ever gorgeous friend smiling widely at me.

"Krisella! I'm glad you finally showed yourself!" she said, glad to see me at last after waiting for what seems for her like an eternity. I knew she doesn't like waiting in the first place.

"I'm sorry I was kind of late. You know, it took me at least half an hour to convince my grandma to let me join this event." I barked laughter, feigning humor in my tone. "You know, she is kind of conservative and detests such events.

"I see. Come in then so that we may start. Maggie is already in the studio room." 

I know Ariella had already mentioned their family shop somewhere in the part when all students from our class are doing the obligatory 'introduce yourself' day. But I must say that this would be my first time setting foot in this place, and seeing this had me thrilled about what would I look like for tonight's ball.

Yet I also don't know why. The last time I checked, I was the one who detests attending parties and balls, but now I am getting hyped as well.

Well, I am pretty sure this is, no doubt, because of my friends' influence on me. A good influence, indeed.

"Hi, Kris!" Maggie enthusiastically waved her hand and beamed. "Ready for your major makeover?"

I don't know what to say to that, so I only nodded quite reluctantly. I've already seen myself with my make up on for the first time during the play, so now I can't help but be excited to wear it again tonight.

"Alright. Then let's get started preparing for the ball!"

With that being said, we began doing all the work in regards to preparing for the social school event that would happen in more or less than three hours. It is currently four in the afternoon, as what I have seen on the shop's wall clock.

Because I don't have the skills of a makeup artist to fix myself, Maggie would need to do it for me first before she also prepares for herself, a thing that sends guilt right at me. But she said I need not worry for she is extremely fast when it comes to fixing herself.

I actually cannot comprehend the things that she is now starting to do on my face and hair, but it feels awkward, funny, and somehow ticklish on my part especially when a hand happens to run at my cheeks.

But not only that is my problem. On the part where I need to be measured by Ariella's dressmakers to know which dress would suit my body frame, I can't help but burst out laughing while they run their hands on my waist. 

My goodness, that is my weak spot.

After a long stretch of agony in my part, the dressmakers then showed me the dress that I will be wearing tonight and asked if it suits my taste. I cast my gaze on the off-shoulder lavender ruffled dress that I think would hug my body perfectly. Just by merely thinking of showing off my curves makes my face flushed in embarrassment.

I am not really used to wear this kind of outfit, really.

"Well? What do you say?" Ariella eagerly waited for my response.

"I like it actually. It is not too sexy nor too old-fashioned." Then I smiled at my generous friend. "Thank you."

"Don't me thank yet, not until we see you in this dress." 

Ariella now pulled me out of my seat once my makeup was done and lead me at the dressing room where some of the dressmakers assisted me to wear it.

And after another eternity of torment in that room, I decided to show myself in front of my friends, making them end their conversation and run their gazes at me from head to toe.

"Oh my goodness, Krisella." Both Maggie and Ariella squealed in joy.

"You are looking absolutely gorgeous right now!"

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