Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 66: Envious Stares

Chapter 66: Envious Stares

The night was indeed lovely for the students of Gilead Academy as they arrived either by themselves, by pairs, or with their friends such as myself this evening. Faint, melodious music can now be heard as soon as we approached the doors of the castle.

I complained for, I think the nth time already, of how itchy I felt particularly in my face as I am so tempted to scratch it-- hard. But then that wouldn't be so feminine of me, then there is a high risk of ruining my makeup if I did so. Poor Maggie, who worked so hard to make me look pleasant this evening, if that ever happens.

But other than that, I felt somewhat nervous and awkward at the same time the very moment we set foot inside the castle. It was truly awkward indeed to know that the very place I have been residing in for the past few months since I got here in Citadel is also the venue for tonight's event.

And for that accord, I must exhibit my acting skills in trying to look as if I have never been here, nor do I know any of the gentlemen that will be the hosts for the event. Just imagine how troublesome that would be on my part.

"The castle is truly fascinating to look at, wouldn't you agree with me Krisella?"

Ariella's question had me snapped back to reality that allowed my head to turn towards her direction.

"Why, yes. It is." I immediately answered, forcing a smile that looked as if I was indeed fascinated by the sight of my surroundings.

A castle servant then approached us and accompanied us towards the cultural hall, where I have seen half of the school already in here, dancing and talking and God knows what else they are up to.

I cast a curious gaze as I looked at my surroundings. Well, I must say the decorations that were put in here to add more color for the annual ball are pleasing to my eyes and suit my taste very well, for I really liked the color red. It adds a royalty effect in the air.

Soon enough, we found ourselves an empty table that is just enough to the three of us. Since we don't wish to share tables with others and prefer to only have each other's companies, then I believe this table would be perfect even if it's slightly far away from the other ones.

"Why are you all seated this far from the others? You look like a total outcast, I must say." 

All eyes shot towards the girl who has the audacity to show herself here and say such things after what I did to her during the last day's roleplay. Well, I must assume that you already figured out that I was actually referring to Jill, my ever ill-mannered and shameless classmate.

"The audacity of you to appear here and show yourself to us after what you did to our friend!' Maggie said quite outrageous. "Weren't you suspended? Or perhaps, expelled from the school?"

But the girl only smirked at us as she responded with much confidence, "If I was, then you wouldn't be seeing my very presence in this grand hall tonight."

And with that, she skidded away with her hips swaying side to side, but winking in the process before she totally spun around and left us in here.

"Ugh! I hate her and her guts!" Ariella rolled her eyes and tried her best to calm. "If not for this occasion and the people around, I would have grabbed her hair and smacked her head on this very table."

I only chuckled at her remark.

"That is rather sweet of you. But really, no need for that." My eyes wandered off to the direction of our subject for a while. "I believe in such a thing as karma."

"Yes. Karma would definitely have her at the right time." she agreed.

We all giggled at that.

Meanwhile, the live music provided by the orchestra tonight died down upon the appearance of tonight's hosts for this event, and I am sure you already know that I was talking about my three handsome but annoying mentors, assuming that the last description was intended only for one person.

Alex, Lancelot, and Lucas entered the room looking exquisitely attractive tonight in their set of tuxedos and black slacks with inner white garments, well except only for Lancelot in his draped garment paired with a tunic of green color. 

I am not certain that archbishops are eligible to attend such parties, but what I do know is that Lancelot could make an exception on the prince's behalf.

"I welcome you all to tonight's event." The archbishop started giving his welcoming remarks before the party officially began. "And, forgive me, if I will be informing this to you, that the prince is currently on a quest earlier and therefore cannot bless us with his presence this evening."

That created a small fuss, as what I expected. And here I am, pretending as if I am not affected by it when I truly am inside. How long do I have to bear this burden for tonight? I wish I could be in the prince's chamber this instance and sleep this off. But I simply can't.

"But allow me to open this event on his behalf. I am certain that he would be so delighted to see his former teachers in this very room, and the dean, of course, to whom I know he gave such a headache back in the days when he was still a student of the academy."

Most of the people present here, especially the school staff, gave a loud chuckle at what Lancelot said just now. The dean, in his most sleek look tonight, answered that remark with, "Oh please, not really." that even add up to people's amusement tonight.

"May you all have a wonderful evening tonight." Lancelot ended his short speech with a bow before taking his leave on the corners of the hall.

The orchestra had soon started playing their music once again, making the students slowly filling the dance floor and starting to waltz away their night. While the others, such as myself, have decided to spend the rest of the evening, on the buffet that was laid over a long table draped in a white, cotton cloth.

I was already munching a mango tart in my mouth when I heard someone called my name behind me.

"My goodness! Dexter, what are you doing over here? Should you be out on the dance floor, swaying with all the ladies who fancy over you?" Then I realized my last sentence was rather unnecessary, for I sound like a jealous girlfriend when I am clearly not.

"I believe I should be the one asking you that same question." A smile dawned on his face as he met my gaze.

"Which one? The part when I asked you what are you doing here or the one about not joining others on the dance floor?" I can't help but tease. That made him chuckle, a sound that is truly music to my ears.

"Both, I presume."

"Then my answer for that is I don't dance." I saw him playfully raise an eyebrow at me that required me to add more to my statement. "Or rather, I don't know how to dance."

There. I said it. How embarrassing of me.

"Allow me to teach you then." 

My lips slightly parted as soon as I saw his hand stretched forward as he bid my presence on the dance floor.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked gallantly.

I smiled. "It would be my pleasure."

The next thing I knew is that I am now swaying my body with the hands of my childhood friend planted on my hips, and my hands draped over his shoulders as our eyes never left each other.

"Have I already told you that you look stunning this evening?" Dexter made a compliment that instantly flattered me.

"Not yet, but thank you for the compliment. How very kind of you." I responded.

"I am rarely kind." he teased.

"Surely, you are."

As we continued to dance away this evening, I can't help but be aware of all the stares that I am gaining from all the fangirls of this gentleman. Surely, I do not forget how popular this man is to other girls, even when we are still kids, girls of our age would always flock around and hoping to be friends with him, treating me as their mortal enemy in the process knowing how close we are.

But what I do not expect at this moment is getting an icy stare from this one remarkable gentleman standing far away in the corners of the hall, holding a glass of champagne in his right hand as his brown eyes observed our every movement. Heaven knows what would be his reason for doing such action.

And that gentleman is none other than Alex himself.

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