Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 67: Dancing With Someone Else?

Chapter 67: Dancing With Someone Else?

I spent all quarter of the evening dancing in the arms of my childhood friend that I forgot about my hunger for a while. Other couples joined us on the dance floor after that.

When I made my last turn, my eyes caught sight of yet another man, none other than our class president, William Wilson. Confused, I flashed a glance towards my childhood friend, who was now dancing with another lady for the evening.

One might think I appear to be some jealous friend over here, but the fact here is that... I do not. I feel nothing in particular... at all.

"I am surprised, you don't look bad right now," he said a bit arrogantly. I had thought he might change now and then, but hey, this is the arrogant, self-centered class president we are talking about.

I only rolled my eyes at him. "Thank you for that very unique way of complimenting a lady, William." 

He twirled me around again and clasped me in his arms when he said, "I... I didn't mean it that way." Then he sighed with a long, dramatic tone.

"Why is it so hard to converse with a lady like this?" he questioned to himself rather than to me.

"You know, you just need to be straightforward to a lady, the same way you are inside the classroom." I mused. It is kind of weird for me to enjoy the class president's distress right now. What could be more entertaining than this at the moment?

"You are beautiful" he said spontaneously without having some second thoughts. "... is what I mean to say earlier."

I smiled at him for the effort he made to clear out his intentions. "Why, thank you. You look so dashing tonight as well."

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" Then he went back to being snarky.

Later that night I had to pull myself away from the dancefloor for three precious minutes when I felt my stomach churn. I had just eaten mango tart earlier, so I might have to fill my stomach with something else.

I was already back at our table, and by that time my friends Ariella and Maggie have just finished dancing with their partners and also went back here with me.

"So? How was your dance? Did you already secure a lifetime partner, I believe?" I asked, throwing my gaze in their direction.

"Ah, that's not how the legend works." Ariella reprimanded to which made my eyebrows snapped together.

"I do not understand." 

"Well, my bad for missing to point out its mechanics. The last dance partner that you will ever have this evening before this day officially ends would be the person that you will end up with in the future." Maggie thoroughly explained for my oblivious mind to understand completely.

I made an ooh sound when I heard her words. We all know that this is merely a legend, but I can't help but notice that almost everyone here is hoping to secure a match that lasts a lifetime.

Almost everyone excluding me.

When I took a sip of the wine that had been served earlier on our table, I glanced around the hall. And then it was the moment when I saw Alex dance with the ladies for tonight that instantly struck me and had me choke from what I was drinking.

Wait did I just say Alex is dancing? I placed my cup in haste and looked again in his direction. Surely, my eyes are not playing tricks on me. And here I thought he is not the dancing and romantic type. 

Maybe I thought wrong.

It almost took my entire strength to peel my gaze away from the captain and from...who knows who is dancing--or flirting--with tonight. Blah, I'm not interested in that at all!

"Krisella? Why do you seem so upset in your seat?" I was snapped back to reality when Maggie asked me this question. "Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, no! There is none." I immediately shrugged and tried to focus my energy on slicing this steak in front of me without stabbing the meat in the process. Instead of thinking about that jerk who seems to enjoy his night at the moment.

And the most frustrating part here is I do not have a single idea as to why I am acting this way! I hate it!

Suddenly, I did not find the food so tasty now and decided to excuse myself to find some refuge away from this party and away from the crowd- maybe perhaps the balcony would be enough. 

Confused as they were, I am so much thankful when Maggie and Ariella did not say something about it and let me off so easily.

So there, I was initiating my escape plan towards the balcony not far away from where I stand when I accidentally bumped into someone (for the nth time, I believe)-- who turns out to be the royal counselor himself. Oh now, what great timing it is. Sarcasm intended.

I cleared my throat. "I-I'm sorry, my lord. But I believe I must be on my way now."

He seems quite amused by what I called him but chose to say anything. There's this crowd that we need to trick into making them believe that we don't know each other at all 

I have never been so formal in front of him, except only in our training sessions. But if I recalled it correctly, I did not ever call him "my lord."

"It is rather obvious that you're planning to go somewhere, young miss." I could notice the ends of his lips twitched, threatening to form a smile from there. "But the party is here, not on the outside."

"I just want to go away from here. If you must, can you spare me some time and let me be on my merry way?"

"I am afraid I can't do that. That would simply ruin your night."

My lips slightly parted when I saw his hands clutching mine while he was busy leading me on the dance floor once more. 

I gave him a serious look. 

"What are you doing? You would blow our covers." I stated within his earshot.

"That is nothing of my concern now. I could always find a way to avoid ourselves being involved the society's stares and gossips." And he has the audacity to show me his wink.

My eyes happened to have a glimpse of the silver wall clock that was placed high above for everyone to see, only to know it is now ten in the evening. 

"That is so easy for you to say because you hold a high position in the royal council. But you do forget that I am merely a commoner." I stated the obvious, in case his memory has already failed him.

I wasn't given the time to oppose when he already planted his hands on my hips, and directed my hands to his shoulders.

"Hush, and let me take care of everything."

His words seemed to have power in it since it managed to make me stop complaining and worrying about what other people might to say about what we are currently doing and instead made me focus on him and only him alone.

The music provided by the orchestra went slower as we started dancing this evening. His eyes so soulful never left my gaze as we moved according to the rhythm. I could feel the envious stares of others once again, no doubt about it. But it is his stare that made me solely focus on the man in front of me.

And that somehow helps me overcome the anxiety that is beginning to build inside of me.

"Thank you." I let out a sheepish smile.

"For what?"

"For saving my night, indeed. That is so very generous of you."

"Of course. Anything for the lovely young lady tonight."

I can't help but feel my cheeks burning as he complimented my looks for tonight, the third compliment that I happen to receive this day.

Like all other events, the annual Foundation Ball has come to an end when the awarding ceremonies have been announced regarding who won the best gown and suit, the darling of the crowd, something like that.

As expected, I did not win any of that title, thank goodness, and after the awarding ceremonies, Ariella, my ever-generous friend, offered to drop me off at my house. It is a good thing that I already foresee this one coming, for I already asked permission from the captain that I will be staying at his house temporarily for the night and then picked me up afterward.

Having peace of mind, this time I accepted her offer and let her drop me off towards 'my house'. It did not take long before her carriage disappeared, leaving me waving for a while in her direction before I decided to went inside the house.

"Good evening, madam." I immediately greeted Alex's grandma and curtsied.

"So, how was your evening?" she asked, giving me one of her warm smiles as if I was her own granddaughter.

"It went well, surprisingly." I chuckled.

"As much as I would love to hear all of it, my grandson Alex has instructed me to let you rest once you're here before he picks you up."

It was then when I felt the tiredness seeping through my bones now.

"Yes. I believe I shall rest in the meantime."

After that short exchange of conversation with her, she leads me straight to a bedroom and left me alone to rest afterward. Clearly, by the looks of the whole boyish interior design of this room, I could say that this is Alex's.

I am in Alex's room. For goodness' sake!

And speaking of the devil, I heard a soft thud on the floor before I felt his presence existing out of nowhere. Perhaps he used some teleportation spell just to go here unnoticed.

"Goodness, Alex. You nearly scared the hell out of me!" I burst out.

But he only ignored it, as always.

"Come, now. We must go back to the castle as soon as possible." He stretched his hand, as if motioning me to hold it. And I did.

The next thing I knew, I felt this surge of electricity all of the sudden, when my eyes found their way into his.

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